Hello, I'm back! It's been a frantic week, and I'm anxious to just sit on the couch and chill out, so let's get this party started!
Here we are back at Thursday's outfit. I am doing triple duty with this outfit: wearing some of the last of my summer things, being super-visible, and looking put together when I know I'm going to be mentally exhausted.
Pretty good at faking it, aren't I?
This is my entry for "
Visible Monday" over at Patti's
Not Dead Yet Style - get yourself over there!
- Jacket - Jacob, thrifted; last seen here (4th outfit) in August
- Cashmere sweater - J. Crew, consignment; first worn here with striped Dries a few weeks ago
- Skirt - Vivienne Tam, consignment; last seen here with yellow and black in July
- Shoes - Miista; last worn here in May with jeans and shirt
I knew in advance I would need some kitty-lovin' to see me through.
"I love the food you give me, but I resist your cuddles, Woman!" |
My company does an annual walk where every office around the world goes out on the same day for 30 minutes. It's quite the production and guess who runs it? Me!
I do theme walks, and I spend most of the walk shouting at my gaggle of 50+ people and jogging up and down the pack as I lead them around the streets of Victoria, and try to keep them out of traffic.
"I'm just going to sit here." |
They have a good time, but it's a lot of work for me to be publicly "rah rah!" for an hour, and then go back to my usual busy work. I did need to be very visible on the walk, though, so the double yellow was a smart idea on my part. Go, me!
Lots of people commented on my brightness.
"You give yourself far too much credit." |
I know, it's the clothes; I was very easy to see. I am happy to get another wear of this wonderful chrysanthemum skirt in.
After my regular work, I had WW. More emotional labour.
"If you want to labour, you could open this door." |
I love what I do, but it takes a lot of out of me.
Following WW, I had Book Club - I didn't get home until after 10pm. And while Book Club isn't "work" like my jobs are, it's still being social.
"I'm all the social you need." |
I find being social very tiring. I'm good at it, but I get burned out by it.
The stuff:
I had many fans of the shoes. They were great for doing the walk too.
Bright bling:
I love this pretty necklace and earrings set. Another winner from L.
Note that, although all the pictures above include my new silicon bracelet, I ended up taking it off before I left the house. It didn't feel right with the outfit.
- Necklace earrings - Murano glass, Venice, Italy, birthday gift from L
- Bracelet - Lia Sophia, thrifted
- Amber ring - c. 1996
- Amethyst ring - Francis Jewelers, c. 1965, Dad's
One last hug from my bud Vizzini before I go!
I crashed into bed that night, completely wiped.
Friday! Time for more socializing. This outfit prompted Fiona to crack, "You just don't do Casual Friday, do you?"
No, I really don't. It's not my thing.
- Jacket - Smoking Lily; last worn here a couple of weeks ago with yellow and stripes
- Blouse - Karl Lagerfeld, thrifted; first worn here with pink in July
- Leather pants - Free People, Portland; last seen here with these same shoes in June
- Shoes - Seychelles; last worn here in July with long over long
I was even more visible this day! SHINY.
I called this outfit "Space Leopard" all day. My coworkers loved it.
This is a fine example of "Clothing As Armour". I was very, very tired all day, and no one really noticed.
After work, L and I went to the Victoria Vintage Expo, which I've attended every year, going way back.
Here's last year's expedition and loot, and that post links back previous years if you're interested.
It just wasn't as good as those years: many of the usual vendors that I see at every vintage fair, stores selling their sale stock (not vintage) and booths selling items that were new/crafty or regular retail. I go to a Vintage Expo to see
vintage!! Very disappointing.
We met up with Yvonne and Randall there briefly, then connected up with them, Nick and Karen at Bart's Pub afterward for drinks and dinner.
However, it was a hoot to wander around in this outfit, especially with my fine gent. The theme of the expo was "Fly Me To the Moon" and we ran with it.
I didn't get any pictures of L's outfit, but he did a long pewter satin jacket with grey jeans and a grey shirt with a hematite bolo tie - we were silver and gold! We posed in the photobooth, but the pics aren't up yet.
The stuff:
So much sparkle. These were really comfortable for a work day, but 2+ hours of standing and browsing just killed me. Tired feet!
Space bling:
Letting my geek flag proudly fly.
- Star Trek badge - MoPop gift shop, Seattle
- Amber ring - C. 1996
- Gold hoops - 5th anniversary gift from L
Compared to previous years, I did very poorly purchase-wise. Only this poor lonely 80s snake belt came home with me.
He was $20.00.
Nice details, like crystals for eyes.
It has very little wear.
Up bright and early on Saturday morning - I had to do some online training for WW - followed by lunch at Floyd's afterwards with L and Nick.
One more item I am getting in just under the wire!
- Dress - D'Allairds, vintage 60s, thrifted; last worn here in August 2017 (look how short and bright my hair is!)
- Shoes - Truths Makena, Fluevog; last seen here (4th outfit) in August for shopping
- Jacket (below) - Lord & Taylor, thrifted; last worn here a week ago
I like to have a few pieces that are just simple and easy to wear. This falls under the Jammie Dress category.
Dress, shoes. Done! It's an outfit!
Having felt like I still needed to have a wee shop (all that saved-up cash burning a hole in my pocket) following the previous evening's Expo, I wandered up to The Velvet Crease, a consignment store on Fort Street that I've found pieces at once in a while.
The store moved a few years ago, and I just don't have the same luck there I used to. It isn't my style, and despite trying on a ton of stuff, nothing came home with me.
I strolled through some of the shops along what used to be called "Antique Row" and poked around.
The stuff:
Good walking shoes.
Silver bling:
I didn't wear those earrings/bracelet or that cage cuff much this season.
- Cage cuff - Bauxo
- Cuff/earrings - Fossil, gift from L
- Crystal ring - Soul Flower
- Shield ring - Nine West
I ended up in the one antique shop left on the street, Vanity Fair Antique Mall - it's filled with cases which are each owned by different people. It's a wonderful browse - so many interesting things. I usually look for jewelry, but I've also found a purse and a few clothing items there over the years.
I lucked out with these fabulous silver earrings. I know, you are thinking, "Too heavy!" but they are actually hollowed out, and are very light.
They also have a clip-on backing to keep your earlobe/piercing hole from getting stretched out.
I always love seeing a stamp! These are by Brenda Schoenfeld, from 1992, and are handmade in Taxco, Mexico. They are sterling silver, and were $40.00. Link
here 'cause I love. I'm not sure what these would have sold for originally, but I feel like that was a good price.
And I wore them right away, to Winesday on Saturday night.
Playing around in my closet before catching a cab with some of my women. I originally was just going to wear this as is, but then remembered that it gets chilly at night now.
- Dress - Etro, thrifted; last seen here with shots of orange in July
- Cardigan (below) - Ports International, vintage, consignment; last seen here in August with a white shirt
- Coat (below) - Plum, thrifted; first worn here (4th outfit) for shopping in August
- Boots - Ishshoes Chatterbox, Fluevog; last seen here in May with the same cardigan
Giving that silicon bracelet another shot too!
"You're going out AGAIN?" |
I have a cotton tank on under this, plus I added a vintage slip for an extra layer of warmth before I left the house.
"I'm going to yark up a hairball on your pillow for this, Woman." |
I added my long blue wool cardigan over the whole thing as I waited. It was perfect for a night of chilling with my gals.
We hung out to the wee hours - I didn't get home until nearly 2am!
Coated up:
"Cab's here. Why don't you just GO?" |
This denim topper is lovely when there is just a hint of autumn in the air.
The stuff:
I nearly forgot to take these photos! I roll the sock part of my velvet boots so that they don't get smushed.
- Silicon cuff - Materia Design
- Steel cuff - thrifted
- F#@! rings - Wendy Brandes
- Lapis lazuli ring - Wendy Brandes
- Earrings - Brenda Shoenfeld, 1992, antique mall
Everyone was much amused by the rings.
Oh, there are the earrings.
I took them off on the way home and left them in my purse pocket.
Today/Sunday, I was up early again to get groceries before Mom arrived to go for brunch.
It was our first show of the Belfry Theatre's new season, the play "A Doll's House 2," a recent sequel to the classic Ibsen play.
- Blouse - White House|Black Market, consignment; last worn here in May with dots and leather
- Skirt - LA Hearts, thrifted; last seen here (2nd outfit) in August for an Ulti/brunch weekend
- Shoes - Prepare Guide, Fluevog; last worn here in July with a floofy underskirt
- Leather coat (below) - Danier Leather; last seen here in April
I haven't actually seen the original "A Doll's House" (summary
here), but it wasn't required to enjoy this intriguing play. We both enjoyed it.
And it's always fun to get dressed up for a Mom date!
Pieces I wanted to get one more wear out of.
This was loose, flowy and comfortable.
A coat because I am still a delicate flower.
Glorious colours.
The stuff:
These shoes and matching leather obi will be packed away.
Matchy bling:
I'd put the top bangle in the giveaway pile, but then thought of how well it would go with this new-top-me necklace, so I fished it out again.
- Obi - local, gift from L
- Green/brass bangle - thrifted
- Glass bangle - thrifted
- Turquoise ring - local
- Sparkly ring - consignment
- Earrings - Stella & Dot, consignment, Vancouver
- Necklace - Kiam Family, thrifted - first wearing; purchased here for $5.25.
While we were having brunch at the pub before the show, I noticed a shop in the corner with a big basket outside. I can smell a discount bin a mile away!
This fabulous 80s 100% silk shirt came home with me! Look at all that colour!
It's by Daniel Hechter, which I know was sold in Fairweather stores in Canada until they changed hands, then closed in the early 00s (I used to work there!).
Thank you, Luna Vintage + Goods. I will be back!
It was only $10.00.
Note the sideways buttonholes! No gaping open! Smart...wish they still did that.
On a hunch, I checked the shoulder seams.
Yup, I see two sections of green thread that's been snipped. Someone cut the shoulder pads out of this! I peg it at 1987.
So, all this socializing and being out has Vizzini pretty grumpy with me.
"I turn my back to you!" |
He didn't want anything to do with me.
"This post is more interesting than you." |
But after a few minutes of attention...
"I guess I still like you..." |
Much roly-polying around. He got a little bitey.
When he does "Super Kitty" pose, I know he's feeling more charitable towards me.
"It's a cat, it's a...cat! It's Super Kitty!" |
After some lovin' and attention, all is forgiven.
"If you sit down, I will let you cuddle me." |
And with that fuzzy, needy face, my friends, I am going to do just that! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!