Tuesday, October 10, 2023

First 'Fit of the Season - Boss Pants and Leopard

I always feel a bit of pressure on the First 'Fit* of the Season, like it has to be a stupendously awesome ensemble. 

*'Fit is short for "outfit" - new slang! Aren't we hep and with it? 
I'll take a bunch of old faves any day. 

  • Leather vest - Cabi, consignment; last worn here in January 2022
  • Blouse - The Korner; last seen here in December 2022 with orange and olive (business on top!)
  • Trousers - Long Tall Sally, consignment; last worn here in March with a striped frock coat
  • Shoes - Wonders Ayers, Fluevog; last seen here in March with an orange knit dress
  • Leather trenchcoat - vintage 70s, thrifted; last worn here in April with painty blobs

Looking at an entire closet full of "available" clothes is overwhelming, especially when you have a big wardrobe (I see all you fellow maximalists nodding!). 
These orange Boss Pants are one of my cold season secret weapons. That colour forces me to feel! 

I've been feeling a very 70s groove for a few years - this leopard pussy-bow blouse is slightly sheer (modern/trendy). 
But I remember my mom having a pink ribbon-weave blouse back then that was semi-sheer. Everything comes around. 

Like this leather vest! I'm happy to see vests making a return. 
They're a good "completer" piece for a top + bottom combo. I've had this one since 2011 - it's likely from the 90s. 

Incognito outerwear. Check out my new-to-me knit cap! I found it on the grassy verge along a sidewalk on the walk to Ye Olde Pandemic Park (here), but I forgot to photograph it as I washed it immediately. 
I love the groovy 70s look of it - it goes great with the 70s trenchcoat. 

I was entranced by the swirl shape and the rigid brim. It has no labels and that's a complicated pattern! It was in a pile of things that were obviously there to be given away (people love to leave stuff out for other folks to grab).

  • Knit cap - found
  • Silk scarf - Lanvin, vintage 70s, consignment
  • Gloves - Parkhurst

The cap had a small stain on the top of it, but I could tell by feel it was 100% wool and I knew it would come off. I soaked it in hot soapy water, pressed the water out of it with a towel, and dried it in the sun (which took days). When it was dry, I put it in the freezer for 24 hours. I'm not taking any chances! 

The stuff: 
Along with my love for vibrant colour, I am also very fond of muted colours like the rich olive green of these shoes. I love autumn shades! 

Brassy bling: 
I proudly mix my metals! 

  • Belt - Suzi Roher, thrifted
  • Brass/leather cuff - vintage 70s, Mom's
  • Copper/brass cuff - Karen's
  • Brass ring - vintage 70s, vintage mall
  • Silver/smoky topaz ring - Anneli Neumann, Sweden, vintage mall
  • Bronze ring - P. Sarpaneva, Finland, vintage 70s, vintage expo
  • Earrings - LA Express, c. 1994


  1. Fabulous First 'Fit, Sheila, and I'm definitely digging the 70s vibes!
    Big love for the found hat too ... I've got one very similar (not found though) which I need to dig out soon! The belt is a stunner! xxx

  2. Boss Lady! Like Ann, I'm loving those 1970s vibes and that cap was an most excellent street find! xxx

  3. That cap was such a good find and I'm glad you could get the stain out! I really like this outfit, particularly the pants. I hear you on my wardrobe needing a pair of wide legged pants like this, and I have tried on a few boss lady pants but haven't found the right ones yet. Pants are impossible for me being petite - jeans I tend to stick to just a couple brands and sizes and styles I know work and rarely vary because it's just depressing shopping otherwise, haha! But my eyes are peeled!


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