We had a Whisky Open House to go to last night. I'm a big single malt scotch fan (I belong to a club of afficianados), and the venue that we have our meetings at holds an open house twice a year to allow the general public to come and try the collection for bargain prices.
This is a prime opportunity to get dressed up! I felt like buying something new, so I stopped downtown and found this fab dress for only $50! The pattern is chrysanthemums, and I love the ruching across the waist and the asymetrical hem. The back of it comes up in sort of an inverted triangle to join to the front straps, so I cashed in my La Senza free bra (after filling up my frequent purchase card) for a nude strapless/convertible bra to wear with it.
I really wanted to do a pop of colour with my jewelry, but didn't make it to my favourite place last night to check out their selection. A big turquoise bangle/earrings combo would look great with this. I also have some brighter red shoes, turquoise shoes and fab black shoes that will go with this look.
Posing is not as easy as one would think. This shot makes my thighs look big. Grr. Another shot:
A better pose for my legs but the background isn't as good and my boobs look flat.
I had some odd looks from people for taking all these pictures.
A shot of my Fluevogs.

L and I make a pilgrimage to the nearest Fluevog store once a year and each buy a pair or two - the next trip is at the end of May. After shopping for a couple of hours in the Zara cut-out boots after work, the balls of my feet were killing me. These pumps were the only shoes I could find that went with the dress that didn't kill my feet.
We have a birthday party to go to tonight, so I'll have to figure out something funky to wear...
I also want to add, you look amazing, and the more I see the pictures the more I won't to steal lots of your clothes.