Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Cake and Icing - First 'Fit of the Year

I can hardly believe it's another year already - and yet, here we are, in 2024! The future! And here it is, the first outfit (oh, wait, that's a 'fit now, isn't it?) of the new year, and my first day back at work. 
I knew it would be a dead day - I wore one new-to-me item, but I'm "saving" the more exciting items for when more people in the office can see them. 

  • Sweater - Nor, thrifted; last seen here in April 2023 for a Mom-Day Adventure
  • Orange print mesh top - AWear, vintage 90s, thrifted; last worn here in August 2023, layered under the most 80s blazer ever
  • Tube skirt - Lord & Taylor, thrifted; purchased here for $19.95
  • Shoes - Star Wars by Irregular Choice; last seen here in February 2022(!) with a stripey dress
  • Leather coat (below) - Banana Republic, consignment; last worn here in December 2023

This blue tube skirt is the creation pivot-point, although it's not all that exciting on its own. It's cake! 
Have you heard of "cake and icing" (or "frosting" if you're Classy) as applied to dressing/wardrobes? This article here (link 'cause I love) explains it well (neither of us created it), but I've used it for years to help people understand why their outfits are a mish-mash of things that don't go together, or why their closet feels boring. 

When your outfits are feeling off, you might have too much "cake" (the plainer, neutral wardrobe basics) or too much "icing" - that's the patterned, textured, shiny, colourful stuff. Just like with real cake and icing, you need a good balance. It won't come as a shock if you think I have a lot of icing in my wardrobe! 
This new-to-me skirt is cake (for me - for others, that cobalt blue might feel like icing). It goes with a million things and helps balance out my icing-filled closet. If you're feeling like your wardrobe isn't speaking to you, have a look - are you overloaded on cake or icing? 

Wait, I need to yawn....AGAIN...
Oh, that was a VERY early morning...

Outerwear - let's fake it, shall we? 
A very cake coat for me (again, my versions of these may differ from yours). I have to plan around my icing coats (think capes, patterns or unusual colours). 

It applies to everything! I spy two cakes and one icing. 

  • Beret - Parkhurst, consignment
  • Scarf - Marimekko X Uniqlo, consignment
  • Leather gloves - consignment

The stuff: 
I'm shocked that I haven't worn these shoes in nearly two years! They are really comfy, but they definitely fall into the icing category - I have to plan the outfit for them. 

In case you couldn't see the design. 
It's Yoda and Luke from "Return of the Jedi"! 

Brutalist bling: 
There is zero cake in my jewelry box! 

  • Necklace/ring - Raphael, vintage 70s, consignment, gifts from L
  • Brass/leather cuff - vintage 70s, Mom's
  • Brass/copper cuff - Karen's
  • Earrings - vintage mall
  • Brass ring - vintage mall


  1. I like the cobalt skirt- looks comfy and nice. I like that idea of cake and icing and can see how that would make a difference to how well an outfit works!x

  2. Fab first fit, Sheila, and I'm swooning over your Brutalist bling!
    I'd never heard of "cake and icing" in relation to dressing, will have a look at your link in a minute! xxx (It's Ann/Polyester Princess by the way, Blogger seems to be playing up)

  3. What an interesting analogy. Back in my management days we were taught that when addressing the issue of staff appraisals to deploy the MacDonald's theory, 80% bread (the positives) and 20% meat (the bits that needed improvement.)
    The skirt is a great fit and I love the jewellery. x

  4. That's an interesting way to look at clothes. Cake and icing. I think for me, my dresses are the icing! X

  5. I am like you (at least I think so), more icing than cake. I often end up with items that all shout "look at me, look at me" and compete for attention with each other. Hard to combine.


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