Monday, January 15, 2024

Sunrise to Sunset; Amber and Pattern; Cherished Crystals

Hello, my friends! Another Monday, and here is the sunset this morning from somewhere near Courtenay, courtesy of my brother, Dave. 
He's got an artistic eye, that one! 

And here's my outfit, which is nowhere near that vibrant.
It still impressed my new coworker, as I gave him a tour of the office this morning. 

  • Sweater - Prada, consignment; last worn here in December 2023, hidden under a tweed jacket
  • Dress - Hallhuber, consignment; last seen here in January 2023 with golden sleeves
  • Sneakers - Steve Madden, thrifted; last worn here (2nd outfit) in October 2023 for brunch in gold leather pants
  • Mink coat (below) - vintage 60s, thrifted; last seen here last Friday

I knew that it would be fairly dead at work, with temps in the low negatives (around -3).
I layered up with a camisole and this thin but warm cashmere sweater under my dress. 

Isn't the dress magnificent? 
This is its fourth wearing since I bought it for $38.00 at House of Savoy back in 2021, and I've layered different tops with it every time. 

And it's got pockets! 
I prefer it in my fall/winter wardrobe as it's very short - my thick fleece tights make me feel more secure (not to mention more warm). 

Outerwear - ta-dah! 
It's supposed to warm up to a tropical 2 degrees tomorrow, so I might be able to wear a different coat. Excitement! 

I matched the scarf to my dress' pattern, which has a peachy-brown in it that reads as gold or amber.

  • Purse - Rebecca Minkoff, consignment
  • Silk scarf - Pierre Cardin, vintage 80s, thrifted
  • Gloves - thrifted
  • Toque - thrifted

The stuff: 
I'd originally planned to wear tall caramel boots, but because I wore the mink coat I would have had to carry them in a tote (backpack + mink coat = much agitation), and I was already carrying a tote with my lunch fruit and veg for the week. Two totes was too much! 

Anyway, I love those sneakers and walked to and from work in them.

Amber bling: 
I'm growing my collection slowly. I started it in 1995!

  • Large amber/silver bracelet - consignment
  • Small amber/silver bracelet - consignment, Powell River
  • Silver/amber ring - Past Times, 1995, gift from L
  • Silver/smoky topaz ring - Anneli Neumann, Sweden, vintage mall
  • Amber/silver thumb ring - consignment
  • Silver/amber earrings - thrifted

That small ring on the right is the first gift L ever gave me, for Christmas the year we met. 

Speaking of cherished things, a friend of mine lost her mom just before Christmas, and while she's been clearing out some of her possessions, she wasn't sure what to do with the costume jewelry that she didn't want. I said I'd look at it and identify the good stuff - I also recommended a couple of places to take it for consignment. For my efforts, she insisted that I choose something for myself. 
Her mom had more delicate taste than me, but this lovely long crystal necklace and bracelet set really appealed. I gratefully accepted her generous gift. 

I noted the Swarovski swan on the clasp, and that the clasp was missing on the necklace (I clipped the extra crystal to the bracelet). Her mom probably just slipped the necklace on over her head. 
The blue crystals are a lovely deep aqua. The metal is "gold tone" so not super-expensive originally (it's likely from the early 00s' 1920s revival - remember when we all wore long necklaces?). I'll cherish this as a connection to my friend's mom - it's gone to a good home. Thank you, CAB. 

And now...Since we started with a sunrise, here's the bookend picture that I took at just after 5pm, from our deck. 
Glorious colours! 


  1. No comments! It's so rare and exciting to see a post on your blog with no comments YET. It's like fresh snow, waiting for a footprint. Speaking of which we just got our first snow in two years. Given the prominence of this comment I feel obligated to say something profound but... little ole me in a backwater town far away from civilization ain't always capable of that. Suffice it to express my respect and admiration for your blogging prowess and longevity. You offer us valuable, entertaining content at a price that can't be beat. :)

  2. Both yours and your brother's photos make beautiful bookends.
    I love your collection of amber jewellery, that ring L bought you has stood the test of time, it's gorgeous! Your friend's late mum's necklace & bracelet set is so pretty and a very kind gesture. I shared my mum's collection with her friends and mine after she died and I loved seeing them wearing it. xxx

  3. Adding to Shybiker’s comment, it’s been over 700 days since snow and now the record counting will have to start from 1 again!
    Your outfit is yummy. (Can an outfit be described as yummy? Yes, because I just did! ;)) It speaks of classic coziness and comfort, and I appreciate the matching of shoes, sweater and dress. Your amber jewelry collection is a delight and I always appreciate that your jewelry always has history and often a story behind any given piece. Sentimental stories are the sweetest such as with the blue crystal pieces from your friend that were her Mom’s. Sharing and keeping alive memories of people, events or places…

    Bookending the day with sunrise and a glorious sunset, here’s to your week being delightful!
    Cheers, Laurie

  4. Oh my goodness, the sunrise and sunset photos are incredible - stunning colours!
    Love the dress. Pockets are a bonus and it's very wearable. The amber bling is so pretty!

  5. Your brother's sunrise photo and your sunset one are both glorious!
    Your dress is indeed magnificent, and I'm not surprised your new co-worker was duly impressed.
    I'm loving that gorgeous amber bling, and indeed your friend's late Mum's Swarovski jewellery couldn't have gone to a better home! xxx

  6. I love this dress, it is indeed magnificent to echo Ann.


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