Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sub-Zero Weekend Wrap-Up: Stripes and Monster Vest; Bright Muppet Brunch and a 5-Minute Shop; Cat Pics

Welcome back, Gentle Reader! It's been sub-zero all weekend, so we've been laying low and trying not to go outside if we can.

Friday dipped down to -10 - "feels like -19" said the weather, helpfully. I dressed appropriately, in lots of warm things.
Nothing new, but never worn in this exact combination before. 

  • Dress - Karen Millen, consignment; last worn here in December 2022 for a Snow Day (some fun pics)
  • Monster Vest - Kensie, thrifted; last seen here in February 2023 on another Funky Friday
  • Boots - Original Sabado, Fluevog; last worn here in December 2023 for the last shop of the year
  • Mink coat (below) - vintage 60s, thrifted; last seen here in February 2023...with Monster Vest!

Monster Vest usually lives on the bed for Vizzini to sleep on, but it was very necessary to keep me warm in the office. 
The dress is a wool blend and this is its 10th wearing - a true Jammy Dress! 

I also wore fleece-lined tights and a vintage slip. 
And I walked to and from work in these blue boots. 

Without the vest, although I never took it off. 
The dress has a fine blue stripe in it, as well as cream, light grey, orange and tan - it lends itself well to a variety of accessorizing. 

I did warn you - it's Mink Weather. This vintage mink coat is by far the warmest thing that I own. 
While the hordes of Lululemon-clad people shivered, I was toasty and warm in this. 

I pulled the silk scarf up over my chin, and wore my purse under the coat on the way to work. 
I stopped at the grocery store on the way home and picked up a few things. No one says anything to me about wearing fur - it's vintage! 

A snuggly toque, fur-trimmed gloves and a thick silk scarf. 

  • Purse - Danier Leather, thrifted
  • Toque - thrifted
  • Gloves - vintage thrifted
  • Silk scarf - Forele, consignment

The stuff: 
Keeping my legs warm and my feet happy! These blue boots were very pricey, but they've been worth it. I wore them 8 times last year alone (a lot for me, considering I have over 100 pairs of shoes). 

Bold bling: 
I always wear this earring/necklace pair together, because they match so well...and I bought them at the same time, so I always think of them as a set.

  • Necklace - Monet, vintage 80s, vintage fair
  • Earrings - vintage 80s, vintage fair
  • Lapis lazuli ring - Wendy Brandes
  • Silver/onyx ring - Tocara, vintage fair

L and I cranked all the heat (electric baseboards, electric fireplace, heated throws) and played boardgames on Friday evening, while Vizzini huddled under the covers on the bed with George. Brrr! I'm glad we don't get temps like this very often! 

We awoke to a clear and sunny - and COLD - Saturday, temps around -5, practically balmy, har har. I fetched the Muppet Skirt from the library (which is unheated, great for storing clothes) and layered up. 
"Aren't you colourful?" said a gent at the grocery store. "Hey, why wear black if you don't have to?" I replied. 

  • Sweater - Ralph Lauren, consignment; last seen here (2nd outfit) for Boxing Day in December 2023
  • Skirt - Joy Nilsson, vintage 70s, thrifted; last worn here (2nd outfit) in February 2023 for Book Club
  • Boots - Slacker Vagabond, Fluevog; last seen here with this sweater in December 2023
  • Coat (below) - Stormtech, thrifted; last worn here earlier in the week

We joined Nick for brunch at John's Place, where everyone exclaimed over my skirt and wanted to touch it.
It's a very thick knit (as opposed to woven) mohair and is from the early 1970s. I can't imagine why an Australian designer (Joy Nilsson) would design something so warm! Does it even get this cold in Australia?

I can only wear it on the coldest days, myself. 
It was very welcome, as it's like wearing a very thick blanket. 

I love the bright colour and the fuzzy mohair, matching my mohair plaid sweater. 
I layered up underneath with a t-shirt, fleece-lined tights and a vintage slip. 

Showing my bright green boots. 
I love pink and green together. 

Shoving up my sleeves so we can see all my jewelry. 
No one really saw it, but I knew it was there! 

I planned on a rewear this chartreuse puffer coat, remembering how swelteringly warm it was on its first outing. 
A fun colour combo. It was toasty warm - nice to know I have another sub-zero coat I can wear.

Added my grey bits. 
We weren't outside very long, thank goodness for Vlad the Jag, but I had a lot of fans of my ensemble at the grocery store. 

Winter doesn't have to be boring! 
You can definitely see me coming! 

Our cashier admired my hat, and I told him about Vix's real sheepskin versions. 

  • Purse - Michael Kors, consignment
  • Fur scarf - thrifted
  • Hat - M&S, consignment, Powell River
  • Gloves - free trade

The stuff: 
I never thought this colour of boots would be so versatile, but I adore these. 

Brutalist bling: 
Note the knots near the necklace clasp - I like it a bit shorter. 

  • Necklace, bracelets - all Robert Larin, vintage 70s, vintage mall, gifts from L
  • Volcano ring - vintage 70s, Mom's
  • Square ring - thrifted
  • Earrings - vintage mall

I grabbed this novel about Coco Chanel and her sister from our condo free library. It's a proof edition (I hope there aren't too many typos!). 
I did a 5-minute shop at the Beacon Ave Thrift Store while we waited to be seated for breakfast, and found these pink leather gloves for $3.50. 

See the funny symbol stitched into the thumb and pointer finger? 
That indicates you can use those fingers for doing haptics on your phone (haptics are the motions you trace on the phone screen). I tested them, and they work! The gloves are a little worn so I washed them - I used warm water, a bit of detergent, and then hung them try over night. They dried a little stiff and a bit tighter, so now they will stretch out and conform to the shape of my hands. 

I spent most of my 5 minutes looking through the CDs for L, to see if there was anything old/weird/interesting. These were all $1.00 each. 
We have: 
  • Miss Angie - 100 Million Eyeballs - a 1997 Christian rock-pop album (didn't know this when I bought it, so we'll see how long we last when we listen to it)
  • Blackfish - hilariously, this is a local Victoria band featuring one of my coworkers! No wonder the name seemed familiar! 
  • Red Rider - Neruda, 1983 - I know a ton of the songs off this album from back in the day [this was awesome, a keeper]
  • Bruce Hornsby and the Range - The Way It Is, 1986 - I think I used to have this on cassette. [this was okay - we'll upload a few songs only]

We've only listened to two of them (so far), I spent $4.00 and it went to a good cause (plus, the thrill of the hunt!). L reuses the cases for the albums he uploads direct from the artists - a dollar is cheaper than buying new, and why buy new if you can buy used? 

The rest of our weekend was spent watching football playoffs and playing boardgames and keeping warm! 
"Make this coldness stop."

Vizzini's enjoying the updraft from the baseboard heater while he surveys the neighbourhood.
"I'd prefer a lap..."

But we yell too much during football for him.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend - thanks again for dropping by! 


  1. Coming from an Australian summer, I would say it would rarely get cold enough here for your fabulous muppet skirt, not even in winter. Maybe it was intended for our alps (the snow season only lasts a short time) but there's a month or so of skiing, alas we are the only continent without permanent snow.

  2. What a fabulous outfit, that pink skirt is wonderful with the amazing boots and with colours like that there's no danger of you getting lost in a snow drift!
    Goodness me, those temperatures! It's -3° here this morning and snowing - I shall be wearing my hat (now famous in Canada) when I venture out and a sheepskin coat. I can only imagine what your locals look like in their Lululemon coats - giant black caterpillars if they're the style of coat I imagine (I shall Google shortly).
    I think I've already told you that those in the know are collecting CDs as they're going to be the next big thing. I only know Bruce Hornsby *That's just the Way it Is*. Fancy one of your co-workers being on that album and, even funnier accidentally buying Christian rock!
    Gorgeous Vizzini photos. I'm excited to see how William reacts to snow! xxx

  3. Minus 10°C is definitely COLD, but you were clearly ready for it! I'm loving both of your outfits here, but my favourite is Saturday's green and pink delight. How FAB is that pink - or is it PANK - Muppet skirt!
    I sniggered at you accidentally buying Christian rock and how amazing that Blackfish features one of your co-workers.
    Good to see I'm not the only one knotting necklaces to make them shorter ... xxx

  4. Thanks for the Doc Martens suggestion in your prior post! I will check them out. I love your work outfit - the perfect jammy dress with its flattering shape and variety of colorful stripes!

    Speaking of your prior post, both there and here you are wowing with the warm colorful long skirts and cozy tops! I shivered at the temps you had. Brrr. It is getting cold here this week but for us that means in the teens at night. The local water works utility made robo calls yesterday suggesting people turn on a tap and let it slowly drip to prevent freezing pipes in uninsulated or unheated areas of any buildings.

    Thankfully still managing to get out for walks wearing layers plus Aquaphor to protect my cheeks and, speaking of vintage fur, my Mom’s fur hat.
    Stay warm! Cheers, Laurie

  5. Truly there is nothing like a fur coat to keep warm in these freezing temperatures. My vintage fur jacket is very similar to your mink…not sure if it is though. Layers help too but just LuLu leggings? Yikes bring on frostbite!
    Think we have an ice storm coming early in the week…will need to proceed with caution.
    Stay safe!

    Hostess of the Humble Bungalow

  6. Well Christian Rock can be pretty surprising heavy metal, sometimes. Anyway, why wear black when you don't have too? Lol. I want to wear black every day. Love the dress and vest outfit. Never liked vests but lately I seem to appreciate them.

  7. That pink and green combo is my fav.. you look fabulous.

  8. Nice blanket... um, skirt. And that mink coat is a time-travel device: it transports you back to the 1950s. :)

  9. That pink skirt is crazy! I love it! You do winter brights very well!
    Hello Vizzini! :-)

  10. Love, love the outfits! The pink skirt is fab and I loved the plaid sweater with the green boots! Loving the midi sweater dress; it always looks so good on you!

    I can't imagine what minus 19 feels like; I find 0 degrees cold enough especially if it's windy!

    Loving the pink gloves; I've recently lost a pair and one of a pair so I''m always looking out for them when I go for a rummage. Haptic was a new one for me so thank you for that - everyday's a school day!

    Vizzini is just so bloody cute...


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