This jacket is new - I got it with my Dots gift card from my awesome Winesday Women for my birthday. Thank you, guys! You are the greatest!
Of course, I am a major sucker for any kind of brocade or costume-y looking clothing, and I already liked the Naughty brand that I've found at Dots before, so when this jacket fit, it was mine! Mine, I tell you!
I was thrilled to see how well it went with my skirt that I got at Plum's clear-out earlier this year:

Check out the back of the jacket:

The price on this was $162.00 marked down to $54.99, plus I had a 40% off coupon, so it was $32.99.
The purple parts are a silk/linen blend and the grey parts are a silk and cotton velvet. Mmmmm...velvet...Isn't it cool how well the purples match? It's like they were made for each other.
The stuff:
I had about a dozen people squeal (men and women, although not so much squealing from the men, hee hee) when they saw these shoes - I love having a new audience to appreciate my collection. These are my absolute favourite pair that I own, and I've had them since December 2008.

The stuff:

Jacket (Naughty), skirt (Plum), shoes (Poetic Licence), earrings (The Cobbler).
Can I squeal over that jacket? Because I am. It's gorgeous and it looks like it was made to go with that skirt! The shoes are also a perfect match. Sorry to hear it rained on you! We're due for some here on the East coat tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it.
ReplyDeleteWhat darling shoes! And I love your tights again! You have such a variety of colors and designs...quite jealous :)
ReplyDeleteWonderful jacket, the details are gorgeous-you have great friends!
ReplyDeleteHow dare the cats not be humbled in awe of your outfits! And to insult you with a toe lick!?! Don't they know how pointy some of your shoes can get?? But I'm sure you're too nice to use them that way!
ReplyDeleteYou always look great! I Love your jacket! Love your shoes!
ReplyDeleteEvery time I see these shoes I go green from envy! Even though the heels are a bit too high for me.
ReplyDeleteThe jacket isn't bad either *going still greener* Congratulations on such a wonderful piece!
I love that jacket! And it looks amazing on you :D
ReplyDeleteThat jacket is glorious, I'd squeal over it, too! I love the grey and purple combo.
ReplyDeleteWow, that jacket is just wow! Love the way it shapes and swoops and even matches! Cats don't appreciate fine fashion. Mine sleep on my cashmere : >
ReplyDeleteI love the jacket and how cool is it that you got it for such a great bargain? I totally love this whoile outfit and the shoes, oh the shoes are so cool. It is just perfect.
ReplyDeleteAmazing "suit" effect! Love the colors & fabrics.
ReplyDeleteThe shoes Sheila--those shoes!!!!! and the jacket is cool too. you are in your element~
ReplyDeleteHa, Megan, go ahead! I was rather chuffed with my shopping prowess. Eh, we get used to the rain, but it still sucks to be unprepared.
ReplyDeleteAnjali, thank you! I buy tights from the clearance bins in the off-season. You can find really good ones!
Lesa, thank you!
Cara, I know, little buggers!
zhine, thank you, and thanks for commenting.
Victoria, actually, with the platform, they are only a 3" heel. They only look high! Thank you!
Ki, thanks!
Beck, thank you - I fell in love with it. Thanks also for reading!
Patti, isn't it just the most awesome jacket? Ah, those bad kitties...but at least they know quality!
Debbi, thank you! I love bargains!
Trytan, thanks - I felt very Goth.
Paula, I know, aren't the the best? Thank you!
WANT. WANT THAT JACKET. WantthatjacketsomuchOMGAH!!!! Can I buy it off of you? PLEASE?!?!?! It is the perfect jacket of WIN. I am coveting so hard right now.
ReplyDeleteSheila hello! I like your shoe collection- the teal pumps are something I think I need and these spectators are awesome! I squealed!
ReplyDeleteErin, if I ever get tired of this jacket, you can have it, okay? But I'm warning you, it's not going to happen soon!
ReplyDeleteRosebud, thank you so much!