Please make sure you go visit Patti. She is wearing my skirt and making it look far better than I ever did! I wore it here (3rd outfit) and here. You look amazing, Patti! I'm so glad you like it.
On Friday, I decided to go out after all, so I put on some shopping clothes:

My standard issue rock and roll look:

Added my fingerless gloves, my leather python jacket and my messenger bag.

Jacket (Bebe, vintage), mustard tee (Mexx), black tee (BCBGMaxAzria, consignment), skirt (Jones New York, thrifted), boots (Aldo, consignment), gloves (Parkhurst), bag (Licence).
Because it was such a nice day, I took the camera and snapped a few pictures of my neighbourhood. The post box always has good graffiti:

I had a tantalizing glimpse of the castle:

This is one of my favourite heritage houses in Victoria:

This house has always reminded me of the "The Munsters":

Walking home:

I found this when I uploaded my pictures:

I had a Very Big Event on Saturday morning: a pre-wedding tea for my friend Celia, at a tea room in the very twee Oak Bay. She'd requested that everyone wear a hat or a fascinator, so of course, I had to go to town on the outfit to match!

Here's a better picture so that you can see the top stem of feathers:

I was very pleased with this outfit. The only problem is how to top this for the actual wedding in two weeks!
I'm wearing my plaid Naughty dress, with my red jacket (3rd outfit down) over top. I also have my red vintage slip layered underneath for warmth.
I'm doing a two-tone red/burgundy mix with my accessories: dark red Miz Mooz boots with my dark burgundy clutch.
I added a vintage rhinestone necklace (red stones with a blue irridescent finish) and the lovely heart pin that Steph sent me.
I was far more dressed up than the other ladies there, but that's cool. They did wear some fun fascinators! I love that hats are coming back into style!

I added a vintage rhinestone necklace (red stones with a blue irridescent finish) and the lovely heart pin that Steph sent me.

Dress (Naughty), jacket (French Connection, thrifted), vintage slip (Suzette Lingerie, consignment), boots (Miz Mooz), hat (vintage), belt (Plum), necklace (vintage), pin (gift from Steph).
I walked home in the rain and tucked myself in for a nice nap. Tea rooms serve very rich food.
Refreshed, I readied myself for Tammy's 50th birthday:
I wore this dress last year for New Year's Eve. For this event I went a bit more classic - no good outshining the birthday girl! Tammy is very much a glamour girl, and she didn't disappoint, in a classic red gown. Happy Birthday, hon!
I was really glad for these low-ish heels, since I ended up walking home at 1:30am.

I was really glad for these low-ish heels, since I ended up walking home at 1:30am.
Not sure what I love more, the outfits or the kitties!!
ReplyDeleteBusy lady! That party outfit with the hat is so striking - could stop traffic! Then the switch to sleek and modern in the blue... be still my heart.
ReplyDeleteWhat does twee mean? I'm sure I could google it, but apparently am lazy tonight.
I get kind of jealous reading about all the walking you do. I assume you live in the city. We are out in the suburbs and often discuss moving to the city when we're done raising the young'un. It would be nice to be able to walk to a shop or restaurant. I can't even walk to buy milk!
Your tea party outfit is too cool. Just too cool. The plaid, the red, the hat... I love people who dress adventurously.
ReplyDeleteI love all three outfits! :)
ReplyDeleteLove the "family portrait!" And the kitties coordinate with your outfit.
ReplyDeleteSo many good looks! I love the tartan skirt and your hat is too fab. Python jacket too - it is TDF. The cats are so well-behaved and photogenic! Love those little furry faces.
ReplyDeleteI love it when you take your camera on your walk!
ReplyDeleteGreat outfits! Love the hat and python jacket in particular.
ReplyDeleteI love, love, love that Naughty dress. I tried Googling that company and I won't tell you what Google showed me. *blushes* I'm guessing that company is no longer operating?
ReplyDeletePatti looked great in your skirt! You really know how to pick pieces that work for people.
ReplyDeleteBoth of those houses are gorgeous. I miss the historical houses of Nashville. We lived a short drive a way from the area with big Southern style homes.
You looked uber fabulous in your tea outfit! I love how you take items you own and mix them into a whimsical outfit. The hat is just the cherry on top (literally!)
Love the bandage dress. Edgy and fun, and I can only imagine super cool with the gloves!
Love all the kitty photos. They look so sweet. That one of them cuddled on the chair reminds me of Spike and Annabelle. She crashes out super hard when she sleeps and she curled up with her head on Spike's tummy. He slept for awhile, but finally woke up and kept giving me this look like "If I move, she'll wake up!" Kitties are so great.
Lorinda, it's so hard to choose!
ReplyDeleteFreeda, yes, it's so exhausting being a social butterfly, ha ha! Thank you so much! "Twee" means oh so British and upper-crust, almost preciously so. I do live in the city (it's a small city, and I live on the fringes of it), and I'm lucky to be able to walk most places, as well as work downtown.
Rebekah, thank you! It was so fun to wear!
Ki, thanks!
Kasmira, that's my favourite picture too. Yes, cats are the best accessory!
Patti, thank you! The skirt is actually a full dress. "Well-behaved"? Ha! They are monsters.
Tina, thanks!
Wendy, thank you!
Megan, thanks so much! I adore that line (my local Dots has a bunch of it) - try and save yourself those embarassing searches! I think they are still around - my dress is about the 4th one in their slide show: the "Tartan Fling Dress."
Megan, didn't she look amazing? So much better than me! I love the old homes around here - my mom grew up in one. Thanks! I knew you would love the tea outfit!
I was checking your blog and wha...that looks like Victoria! I lived there about 8 years before we moved out to the boonies in the Kootenies. I love it here, but I miss walking around that beautiful city. One of my favorite things to do was go to Chintz, get ideas then go see if I could copy them with stuff from Value Village. And Opus, that was just an addiction waiting to happen. Argh, now I'm homesick for Victoria.
ReplyDeletePaula, yes, you're right! Chintz is such an amazing store - the fabrics just make me drool! I used to go to Opus for all my art supplies too. Let me know if you ever make it out here - we'll do coffee. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Gaby! I appreciate you following me - it takes a long time before I follow someone. I just don't have time to follow everyone who asks. I'm sure you understand.