Friday, October 8, 2010

A Touch of Punk (and Another Gift!)

How much do I love my Winesday Women?
Our traditional Winners gift card! We all get them for our birthdays - the gift of shopping from my lovely gals is the best! Thank you, guys! I had to include the picture (I have that on my fridge), because we all look so great.

Today's outfit is actually yesterday's outfit. Today should be Casual Friday, but I'm at home (I'm taking a sick day to clean my house, hee hee, shhhhhhh). This was much more last-minute than I usually do - I actually pulled the dress and underslip out and shoved this dress in my backpack right before I left for work:
Since I don't try on my outfits the night before, I felt the outfit I had originally planned wasn't going to work (it was this dress with this red slip underneath). The length of the dress is very short, and the slip is quite long, and I had hemline anxiety. I'll try it on at some point and test it, but not today.

Instead, I went with this dress. It was a little safer and I still think it worked for the contrast between girly and punk.
Dress worn previously here and here.

I also chose this dress because of the industrial zipper down the back:
I liked the little cowboy boots with this (they were sure a nice change from heels!). I've worn them before here and here.

The stuff:
The usual punk accoutrements.

The tights are new (I got them last spring and have been saving them). I keep my tights rolled up in balls in my dresser drawer (socks on one side). I can tell most of them apart by colour or pattern, but black ones are always tricky. With these, I realized halfway through the day that not only do these ones have a shadow stripe, they have a shadow cable doing down the back of the leg!
Who knew? Well, I guess I did when I bought them, but I'd totally forgotten. They were a lot straighter at work - I didn't care so much when I got home and changed back into this outfit.

No outfit today, as I'll be in my cleaning junker clothes - but it's my birthday party tomorrow! I have a great outfit planned.

It's also my birthday tomorrow! Woo! I love my birthday. I am going to be 43, for those of you who keep track of those things.

Dress (Mac & Jac), boots (Miz Mooz), belt (Jacob), cuff (90s), earrings (Aldo Accessories), tights (don't remember).


  1. Happy birthday, Sheila! Hope you have a lovely day :-)

  2. Happy Birthday tomorrow and have fun at your party! Birthday outfits are the best to plan too - it's the only day where it feels completely okay for me to be the center of attention.

    The red slip might be a touch long with the other dress, but I think color-wise it'd look great!

  3. Thanks, Secret Squirrel!

    Thank you, Anne! I always like being centre of attention (hey, I have a blog about me, no kidding), hee hee. Yeah, that was my concern too about the slip.

  4. That's a gorgeous dress, I love those industrial zippers they are strong and keep everything together plus it totally gives it a vintage feel.
    How very exciting... a birthday!
    Well, i can only say Feliz CumpleaƱos !
    I am sending good vibes your way, so you may have a kick ass job soon and lots of happiness.
    Most important, health so you can enjoy it all.
    Hugs from this side of the world.

  5. Happy birthday! What a sweet gift from your friends.

    You look awesome. I've seen those MM boots online and wondered how they looked in person - And may I say you are totally rocking them!

  6. Happy birthday to you,
    happy birthday to you!
    Happy birthday dear Sheila (for tomorrow!)
    Happy birthday to yooooouuuuuu :-)

    Have a fabulous day, and have a great party!

  7. Happy Birfday!! Whee!!! and on a weekend day - even sweeter. Have a great one!! steph

  8. Wishing you the happiest of birthdays! *raising a glass in your honour* Cheers!

  9. What a great "friends" birthday idea! And Happy, Happy birthday to you! If you want to hear a fun birthday song, go to my blog

    It really is a FUN, FUN song. (We've had a few family birthdays the past couple of weeks, so it comes on as soon as you get there.

  10. Happy Birthday, Sheila! Celebrate and enjoy.

    Those are really cool tights. And thanks for the thoughtful answers you gave on my blog. I *love* Hedwig!

  11. Happy Birthday, Sheila! Go all out and have a blast! I love birthday celebrations; we all deserve them every year.

    Love the girly/punk contrast. You do that look so well.

  12. Happy Birthday Sheila! Enjoy your party and have fun spending your Winner dollars. Sounds like your birth"day" is turning into a week long great is that?!! Enjoy!

  13. Wonderful - that dress with the short boots is just dynamite. I love the print and color of the dress with your natural coloring, too. This is one of my favorite outfits I've seen you in.


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