Monday, October 11, 2010

Birthday Booty - and Happy Thanksgiving, Canada!

Whew! This lovely extra-long weekend is nearly over, sadly. But I packed as much into it (including the valued nap time) as I could.

Before I forget...I got a call-back from the phone interview! They were "so impressed" with my phone manner that they want to interview me in person for BOTH jobs that I applied for (hey, I give good phone, what can I say)! I will be doing multiple interviews AND a technology test all afternoon on Thursday. Woo hoo! I'm so excited!

Anyway, I was pretty much on cloud 9 for my actual birthday, as you can guess. I received $200 from my m-i-l (love her!), and L gave me his presents Saturday morning: How spoiled am I? Clockwise from top left: a handmade bracelet from India, a Tori Amos CD ("Little Earthquakes"), the next book in the "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" trilogy, and a new wallet (SwissGear) stuffed with $100.

We went out for lunch to our favourite diner, where the owner Peter treated us to lunch on the house. They also made me a card: Eggs, potatoes and bacon - it looks like a face! (I had an omelette, salad and toast).

We tidied up the house and I got ready for the party. Face:
I did gold eyeshadow and red, red lips. Fresh-dyed hair too! With my specs, and my little workhorse of a camera. I also did my nails - I rarely do them (I think I was channeling Hillary again). I got these new Sally Hansen nail pens, so I did both hands and toes, then drew designs on my left-hand nails:
Those are the boxes in the background - they were only $3.99 each at London Drugs. I did every nail different, just to play with designs.

And here's the whole package:
This is the second wearing of this dress (worn for New Year's Eve last year here). I found a tube-shaped body slimmer to take out some of lines (this fabric shows everything).

I felt like a disco queen!
The dress is a very bright true red - not the pinky or coral shade it looks like.

The stuff:
My classic gold sandals. I don't even know how long I've had these. The ring and earrings are new, both on sale (less than $10). I love the look of them.

A close-up:
The ring has no loose end - it's like a double set of springs.

Dress (Lori Ann Montreal, thrifted), shoes (Guess), earrings and ring (Aldo Accessories).

I got a couple of other gifts:
A very generous present of scotch from Spence and Kim.

And Mom gave me this awesome Marks & Spencers necklace she picked up while thrifting (way to go, Mom!), and this lovely brooch she found in London (you're so sneaky): She also gave me $100, so I think I'm going to have to go find that pair of over-the-knee boots that have been calling my name...

Happy Thanksgiving, my fellow Canadians! I hope you enjoy your turkey and pumpkin pie!


  1. Wow, looks like a great day! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  2. Looking fabulous Birthday girl!

    Great gifts too :-) My hubby went to the glenlivet place (I want to say brewery, but that's not right - and I know it's not a whiskery lol - oh, it'll come back to me in a moment!) when he took his motorbike up to Scotland last year, and he now loves it! (although he prefers the 18 to the 12 - very expensive tastes!)

  3. Thanks, Freeda!

    Thanks, Tat - it's a distillery. :) Yes, I prefer the older stuff (I already had a bottle of this, barely touched) too.

  4. Oohlala you look great!

    Congrats on the phone interview and the birthday gifts. Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. great news on the call back interview

    you look stunning in your long red dress with all the gold accents.

    sure you were thrilled with your gifts- money and liquor- always good!!

  6. Happy Birthday Sheila!!!
    You ARE a lucky gal. Great gifts, all well-deserved. Until a few days ago, I've been away from the blog world. All the best with the interviews (my 'new' hobby too - LOL!)

    You get a jump-start on us "southerners" with T-Day. Have a happy, delicious celebration.


  7. I think this is my favorite outfit of yours so far!

  8. Congrats on the call-back! That is awesome news.

    Love the birthday outfit. And can't wait to see the OTK boots you need to buy ;)

  9. HOLY HOT BATMAN wow that dress/gown? You look amazing! Happy birthday!!! (and thanksgiving!!) Ubercongrats/good luck on the job front that is really great.

  10. Va-va-va-boom !
    You look fabulous !
    Amazing, gorgeous, I am running out of adjectives heres but you get the point.
    I am so happy that everyhting is going good for you.

  11. Happy Birthday fellow Libra- you look gorgeous in that dress. I would die for that bracelet. Hope you like the book, I did :)

  12. What a great look. Love the earrings and eyeshadow.

  13. Congratulations on the interview! I hope you are successful. Meanwhile that is one lovely collection of pressies - I hope you had a happy birthday. Your mails are fabulous- like a handful of little jewels!

  14. You do look fabulous! You're so lucky to have all those people in your life to spoil you.

    Good luck with the interviews.

    May I ask where you got the 'tubeular' body shaper? sounds like a handy item. I have tops and bottoms, but the top squishes my boobs, (and I want to make the best of my assets!) and the bottoms show on the legs under my new skinny jeans.

  15. Wow, that's a great birthday dress! I know it wasn't actually pink/coral, but that color looks amazing with your hair and skin tone in the pictures.

  16. Happy Birthday Sheila!!! You look like a zillion bucks!

    (Even though I've stopped blogging and don't comment much, I'm still here enjoying your blog :)

  17. that card from the diner is the sweetest! you must be a special person for them to go to that trouble for you.

    your hair looks especially wonderful....yum!i was red for a while in my twenties, it's a great color. fingers crossed for Thursday!! steph

  18. You lucky duck!! Look at all those great gifts. Oh, and tell me how the book is. It's been on my reading list for the longest time now. I'm hoping to get to it next month.

    Happy Tuesday Dear! xo

  19. Thanks, Megan!

    Alecia, yeah, I'm really excited. Thanks!

    Thank you, Jean! Good luck with your hobby, too! It's so stressful, isn't it?

    Wendy, of all? Wow, that's cool, thanks!

    Thanks, Jen, I'm totally excited/nervous. The Boot Quest will be this weekend, I think.

    Thanks, Hillary!

    Thanks, Lorena, ha ha, yes, I get the point.

    Iminozz, right back at you! Libras are the best. ;) Thanks very much!

    Thanks, Shybiker!

    Thanks, Baxter! I hope so too. It was fun having my nails done for a day.

    Thank you, Northmoon - yes, I'm very lucky for such great friends/family. I got the shaper at Le Chateau (of all places). It's in the prom dress section - it was $38.99, I believe. I bought a medium, but took it back and got a small instead. It has a built-in shelf bra, but otherwise completely seamless. It doesn't have legs, so wouldn't work with pants.

    Thanks, Anne! I love it too.

    Hey, Tanya, so glad to see you! Thank you, hon. :)

    Steph, yes, we've been regulars (once a week, at least) for about 4 years. They do love us. Thanks! I love my red hair.

    Thanks, Jen! I know, I'm totally lucky. I'll review the book when I read it.

    Thanks, Alison! Send me good vibes for Thursday!

  20. uh lala from where shall i start..
    good to know u had a great day.
    love those goldie eye shadow!
    the earrings is just suit u very well!
    ahahaha n i love wht u did with the left nails its cute!
    and that card! LOL
    the necklace (gift frm ur mom) is just SUPA COOL!

  21. AWESOME. I love you in gold!! You are absolutely glowing in it! I know you said it's red but it sure likes pink from here, and I am just dazzled by the pink and gold on you. I can't even look at the other great photos.

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving too!

  22. Thanks, Nilcha!

    Kristen, thanks! Yeah, some colours just don't photograph right.

  23. Happy belated birthday Sheila! You got some great loot, and you looked stunning!

  24. Oh wow - what a glam birthday!

    Happy belated birthday, Sheila. I'm glad that it was fabulous AND that you got such great professional news. Wishing you the best on the interview!

  25. You look fabulous! Getting all dolled up for your birthday is brilliant. Why not celebrate the awesomeness of you?

    Also, mmmmm Scotch.

  26. Thanks, Kari! I do love my glam! I appreciate your kind thoughts - so nervous!

    Thank you, Ms. Kelly! I always celebrate me! Oooh, are you a scotch fan?


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