Thursday, August 15, 2024

Mom-Day Adventure (Nearly) Arrives in the 21st Century - in Vintage and a Wee Shop

Hello, my friends, and welcome back to Mom-Day Adventures - we had a totally different adventure this time, as Mom needed a cell phone for some of the services she'll be using going forward (eg. taxis), so we went to the phone store and sat and let the helpful salesperson present Mom with options for joining the 21st century. 

As a recent phone adopter (only December 2023) I know change is scary, and this is a big leap for her. Mom, you can do it! We both armoured up in colour and pattern. 
Unfortunately, she needs to take in a recent bill for verification, so she'll revisit another time, but at least now she has a sense of familiarity and knows what she wants. 

Armouring up both for the mall and for the stress of Phone Things.
I was told, "You have the best vintage skirt ever!" by a lovely lady in the thrift store on my way home.

  • Blouse - Sure 1032, thrifted; last worn here in August 2023 for a Mom-Day at Beaver Lake
  • Skirt - Hooper, vintage 60s, thrifted; last seen here (2nd outfit) in July 2023 for brunch
  • Shoes - Sorel; last worn here in July with a Jammy Dress

I also have sleeeeeeeves! 
This is the first time I've worn this voluminous hemp blouse untucked. 

What the heck? I thought. 
Nothing new here, just playing around in my closet. So fun! 

This 1960s skirt is a treasure. 
Most of my vintage lives in my "non-work" mental space, so is saved for weekends and special events like Mom-Days.

No pockets! A functional purse is required. 
I layered a tank and a pair of wee shorts under it all. 

Mom wanted to reward herself for getting a cell phone with a clothing shop afterwards - we went to her favourite store, then had lunch after that.

I poked at my scarves but didn't find anything that looked right. 

  • Purse - Lodis, thrifted

The stuff: 
These sandalbooties are a comfy heel - I walked from town to the WIN Boutique and then home in them, plus our sauntering around Uptown Mall. 

Orange and green bling: 
I like to match - this comes as a shock to no one. 

  • Wood bead necklace - thrifted
  • Glass bangle - thrifted
  • Orange bangle - consignment, Sidney
  • Earrings - vintage, consignment
  • Poison ring - Karen's
  • Silver/green stone ring - consignment, Sidney

Vizzini hid from the cleaners in the morning. Wherever could he be?
"Heh, she will never find me."

I see your little bean toes, bud! 

There he is!
"Do you mind?"

Mom picked me up and we headed to Uptown, which is blocks of multi-level buildings with external entrances and parking here and there. I appreciate that they've made an attempt to make it pretty - this Art-Deco-ish tower is the elevator to get to each level. 
Nice hanging baskets and lots of plants and trees. This site used to be Town & Country Shopping Centre, a strip-mall with a giant parking lot. It had a Woolco and a bowling alley (10-pin) - Dad and I used to go for Cokes in the Red Grille diner in Woolco, and I bowled (poorly) on school trips. I had my very first pizza at the Pizza Pie-Man restaurant there too. 

This is the ground level courtyard. The grassy areas are fake turf, but people were lounging around and having lunch there. 
We headed for Rogers for our brief phone stop, then to Laura for some "carrot" reward shopping for Mom. 

We combed through the clearance racks, where Mom decisively picked out everything she liked. Do you like this green tee, Mom?
"Uh - YEAH!"

She loves jewel colours and black and white - me too! 

This white knit has interesting lace-like patterns, and a ruffle at the elbow. 
This was also a yes. 

I was not a fan of this one - this is not a colour that appeals to me. 
When has Mom ever listened to me? She liked it and that's all that matters. Another one in the "yes" pile. 

But guess which one she was her favourite? Go on, give 'em a hint, Mom.
"I have sleeeeves too!"

Yeah, you do! I LOVE this top on you! 

Flush from the spree, we strolled down to Brown's Social House and had the best quesadillas either of us has ever had. Yum, would eat again! 
You look lovely, Mom, especially that necklace that you should give to me love so much. I love you! 

As noted, I bussed to town, then walked up to the Quadra Street WIN Boutique. 
I found a pair of red fishnet tights for $2.95, a pair of socks and a necklace. 

The necklace is not high quality, but I like the torc, and the pendant is big and hefty. 
I'm pretty sure it's just plastic - $10.95 felt fine. 

The knee-high socks are by Sock It To Me and these are called "Booked for Meow". 
They retail for $15.00, but for me? $1.95. 

I fell in love with this dress. The background is forest green with blue-purple splotches and white/pale blue flecks. 
The wavy hem is deliberate and that is a generous amount of pleats. I hate it when pleats are stingy - they need to swirl! 

I see the Uniqlo logo. 
100% recycled polyester, that's not something you see very often. 

Uniqlo : C is the collaboration with Claire Waight Keller, who's worked with Chloe, Givenchy and designed Megan Markle's wedding dress. Link here to a Vogue profile - her Uniqlo line only started in 2023 so this dress is not that old. 

This dress is still being sold on their site (here, links 'cause I love, always) although not in this colour. It was originally 59.90 Euros, on sale for 24.90 Euros - that's $90 on sale for $38 Canadian bucks.
 I paid $19.95, and it's worth it. It has adjustable straps, and is fully lined (no pockets, but I'll let it slide). 

This caught my eye due to the colour. It was in with the dresses, and I examined it carefully to see if it was a wrap dress, but no. It appears to be a long robe with a sash.
Rather droopy on the hanger. 

I found a tag down the side - "Staples You Need Them Every Day." No, that's pockets, actually. I have plenty of staples. 
I guess this is the name of the brand? A search on that phrase got me a lot of pantry recommendations! 

And unfortunately Staples is the name of a ginormous office supply store in Canada - they sure don't sell 70% silk and 30% cotton lavender robes. However, that CA number down there comes to the rescue! 
Staples is Kathleen Staples, and I found an article (here) from the Globe & Mail newspaper in 2001 about her silk wraps. I think it might be a lounge robe? I can tell it's been washed a lot just from the wear on the tag.

It was only $14.95, which felt like a bargain. 
You can see the nice quality of the fine knit there. 

And now, a few random pictures from my phone...casting our minds back to Monday, I had dear pal Ali over for a shop after work. 
Her son is getting married next month, and as she is a healthcare worker, she works odd hours so it's tough for her to get out and find clothes. "I don't have a dress for the wedding!" she wailed when I saw her on the weekend. 

I kitted her out in this gorgeous floral gown from my Dress Archives, loaned her a purse, pashmina and my 80s pearls. I love helping my friends with special occasions. This dress is by Cachet (consignment) and I last wore it for New Year's Eve at the Aerie in January 2023 (here). It's a keeper, so Ali will be returning it after the wedding. 

She was thrilled, and I could feel the relief. She was also desperate for some new clothes and ideas how to style them, and bought a bunch of goodies from Limbo - yay, more shopping money for me! 

And here's a usual pose for Vizzini. I'm working on the computer (tappity-tap-tap), and he sits on the desk and stares at me until I feed him. 

It usually works! 

And this is Vizzini last night while we were watching TV. 
"I can't look away."

That's my Grandma J's aqua/gold glass and a vintage tankard (its cobalt glass liner broke ages ago) he's staring at. Maybe there's a spider or moth hiding up there, or he's just being odd. 

And now, my friends, I'm going to sign off for the weekend. I wish you all successful shopping, sunshine and cute cats - and thank you so much for stopping by! Please peek in on Sunday for tales of adventure! 


  1. That is a very pretty skirt! Looks heavy. And the green top on your mother looks damn good on her! Also think that the light blue doesn't, I think it makes her look older. But I agree that one should wear what one likes. Have a great weekend!

    1. Lol, Nancy, my mom's going to "Humph!" when she sees that about the blue sweater. Thank you!

  2. Love the pleated dress you thrifted and the cat socks! Lise

  3. I've got to confess that I too need armour - and possibly a light tranquillizer - for new tech things!
    Your 1960s skirt is a stunner indeed, and I love how you wore it with that voluminous blouse untucked. Making mental note to try this silhouette myself, but I'm sure it won't look half as good on me.
    Your Mom did really well, I particularly love the green top and of course that fabulous blue and white sleeved one. Oh and you got Vizzini socks!
    Well done for kitting out your friend Ali for her son's wedding! xxx

    1. Glad we're not the only ones, Ann! Thank you - I wasn't sure about the big blouse effect on top at first.

      I loved styling Ali up. <3

  4. I can see where you get your fashion flair from, your Mom is a snazzy dresser. I do agree with you about that blue sweater though, but hey, she may have it in mind to add a scarf that will lift it from old to sassy!

  5. Love that dress on Ali - I am so glad you could help her out! Those new book & kitty socks are too cute. I hope Vizzini approves. And your vintage is always amazing.

  6. I'd totally wear that outfit, Sheila, I love it! You Mum looks wonderful in that flared sleeve blue top., too.
    Is that William on your new socks?
    Ali looks wonderful in that dress although it's Vizzini who's stealing the show! xxx

  7. Helen welcome to your eventual cell phone! For what it's worth, Fred and I share one cell between us as he refuses to purchase one. :-) I LOVE the blue & white patterned top with the big bell sleeves that you purchased; definitely my favorite too for the color and style. It's very snappy and uplifting!

    Hi Sheila, I'm late to commenting as our days were contentedly consumed by the last week of family visits and then I wound up (and haven't shaken it yet) with vertigo that knocked the crystals in my right ear out of whack. Ah, the joys of the body. ;-) Anyway, for some reason afternoons are easier than mornings so I visit as possible.

    Your outfit is a stunner! As usual, I love how you successfully manage to wear "big" clothing. This combo looks made for your frame and proportions and is fabulous armor! Looking forward to seeing the Uniqlo dress on you. It is the direct opposite of today's outfit yet you manage both types of styles with panache. Maybe one of your secrets is you simply love clothing. :-)

    Congratulations to Ali on the upcoming marriage of her son, and yippee for your helping her resolve the "oy what will I wear" conundrum. She looks wonderful and comfortable, an excellent combo for the mother of the groom.

    Cheers, Laurie

  8. Hi Sheila! Nana here. Please tell your mum she is looking fantastic. You two both have the same wonderful smile.


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