Thursday, December 28, 2023

Gothy Snakes, Phone and New Fluevogs

This week has mostly been a blur of movies, games and reading (a very pleasant blur, that is), but we did make it out one day. Better get dressed - I'm going out in public!
I clad myself in the best gothy armour I could find. 

  • Leather coat (illustrated by me) - Q2 Collection, vintage 90s, thrifted; last worn here in October 2022 
  • Sweater - Yest; layered under my Adidas dress here in February
  • Skirt - Twinset, consignment; last seen here in October with gold and PANK
  • Booties - Groovy Huysmans, Fluevog; last worn here (2nd outfit) less than a week ago

Why? Because we went to the MALL. 
And spent a goodly amount of time there, as L and I finally join the 21st century and bought personal phones for ourselves. 

We were stuck in the store for well over an hour. 
I was glad I'd armoured up in these old favourites. 

I popped out briefly to restock a couple of things at the MAC Cosmetics counter at the Bay. 
The clerk raved over my jacket. She was astounded that I freehanded all of it. 

I never took the jacket off. 
But here's a pic anyway. 

All ready to face the world! 
Downtown was not quite as mad as we thought it would be (I believe this was on Wednesday?). 

The stuff: 
And it wasn't even cold out! I ended up carrying my gloves all day. 

  • Gloves - Parkhurst
  • Purse - Rebecca Minkoff, consignment
  • Belt - Roxy, thrifted

Snaky bling: 
I do like my snakes. 
  • Gold fang bracelet/earrings - Alexis Bittar, consignment, gift from L
  • Silver/onyx ring - Tocara, vintage fair
  • Fang bangle - Alexis Bittar, consignment, Sidney
  • Silver snake ring - 1985, BC Museum Gift Shop
  • Glass snake pendant - Venice, gift from Mom

Here's my iPhone 14, not very interesting. It's pale purple with a sparkly protective case.
Because I tend to drop things. It took my a while to get the hang of it - I read the Tips section! 

Our reward for all the complicated account shenanigans and phone set-ups (seriously exhausting) was for us to both go spend our Fluevog gift cards - there's a sale on! 
These are the Powerhouse Jyoti in red (link here 'cause I love), which were marked down to $329.99. 
I love the Rockstar heel (it looks like a pile of stacked rocks), and the gatherings near the studs down the front. 

"Moving forward in the Powerhouse of Love."

I've been waiting for these flatforms to go on sale. 
Highlighter pink! 

These are called the Skyhigh F Razzle (link here
Marked down to $249.99. Many thanks to my VPs, Mom and L - I paid $49.58 myself after all the gift cards. 

How's your week going? 


  1. I'm not at all surprised that the clerk at MAC Cosmetics raved over your jacket!
    Welcome to the 21st century, Sheila. I absolutely hate setting up a new phone - or PC for that matter - which is a major source of stress for me.
    But what fabulous Fluevogs you got yourself as a reward! And you have chosen well, I'm loving both the red Rockstar heeled boots and highlighter pink flatforms! Can't wait to see them in action! xxx

  2. Oh setting up a new phone is horror. I always end up swearing. What a gorgeous boots you bought those heels are unbelievable! Gorgeous!

  3. Those flatforms are amazing! So is your jacket! So are you!!

  4. A phone! Those brilliant red boots! The pinkest “flat forms” (first time hearing that term)! And a viewing of your hand drawn leather jacket. :) Definitely a triple plus for the outing. Nice way to celebrate the end of one year and usher in the coming year. May it be as functional, colorful and comfortable as your hauls for the day. 🥳
    Cheers, Laurie

  5. Ooh, new shoes! Lovely choice. And your terrific jacket demonstrates, yet again, your creative talent.

    You're a role model for me even when you're not aware of it so why should today be any different: wearing my Fluevogs to parties over the holidays made me ponder getting another pair. The idea seems ridiculous 'cause my ability to socialize (and therefore wear new shoes) in the future is obviously diminished but... I like the shoes! They make me happy even just sitting on my shoe-rack (placed where I can see it every day). Candidly, this post just pushed me off the cliff to getting them. Thank you Sheila for that. Happy New Year!

  6. Popping in to wish you, L, Vizzini and your mum a very happy new year, Sheila!
    Cracking choice with the Fluevogs, I love a flatform. I'm not surprised the shop assistant raved over your jacket, it's amazing!
    If someone had told us in January that we'd both be mobile phone users by the time the year's out we'd have told them they were insane, wouldn't we? Now I love that I can take photos without carrying a camera with me, instantly message friends on the move, don't need to print off train and airline tickets and, of course, Vinted! xxx

  7. The jacket is a work of art!
    Fabulous outfit my dear. Have a lovely day!

  8. My eyes became big when I read the marked down price of your boots and sandals. That is still a lot of money. I wonder how much they originally were (don't tell me). But hey, they are your favourite shoes and make an outfit.
    Please mail me your new phone number and download WhatsApp from the Apple store. Then we can message each other for free.
    Does your protective case has a raised rim? So if your phone falls with the glass side down, the glass doesn't hit the floor but the rim? I let my phone fall so many times, I am an expert in this now. Always a case with a raised rim and I let one of these companies put a protective layer on the glass. Costs little, you don't see it and it protects even better. It isn't just glass you know, it has all sorts of technology in it. If you break it, it costs you quite a bit of money to have it repaired (EUR 350 in the Netherlands). I know because, despite all these measurements, I broke the glass by throwing a belt with a big buckle on top of the glass. That was before I had the protective glass.
    Well, that's me, ranting, giving unsolicited advice.


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