Thursday, August 8, 2024

Mom-Day Adventure: Dallas Road in Repeat Lacroix and Dots

Welcome back to Mom-Day! I missed you last week, Mom, while I was off galivanting about in Vancouver. 
We walked along Dallas Road between Clover Point and Beacon Hill Park, a new spot for us. You may recall we strolled along Dallas Road last September here, but that was a different section, closer to the breakwater and the cruise ship docks.

I am my mother's daughter - head-to-toe colour! 
And another repeat outfit - I've worn this skirt and jacket together four times! 

  • Jacket - Desigual by Christian Lacroix, consignment; last worn here with this skirt for a Mom-Day in September 2023
  • T-shirt - Karl Lagerfeld, consignment; last seen here (2nd outfit) for brunch in May with a bigass skirt
  • Skirt - Compania Fantastica, consignment, Vancouver; last worn here in July with red and citrus
  • Boots - Original Sabado, Fluevog; last seen here in a nautical Mom-Day ensemble in May

I have a great deal of fondness for this Desigual by Christian Lacroix jacket, which I bought at the old Velvet Crease location in 2015 - it's been with me nearly 10 years, and was probably 5+ years old when I bought it. 
I've worn it over 15 times, have re-sewn on a million buttons (they cut through thread easily), and have even moved the buttons in a flurry of productivity during the Pandemic.

Isn't it amazing? A woman admired it while Mom and I were walking. 
It's blue, cream/white, red, orange and pink. I often deploy a combination of those colours with it. 

However, I've never worn a t-shirt with it - my evolving style is skewing towards badass-ing up my old "pretty" clothes. I love this "creamsicle" orange polka dotted skirt - it has an elastic waist (yay) but no pockets (boo). 
Mom noted that my t-shirt is dedicated to Paris - no accident, I've been watching a ton of Olympic coverage. 

I expected it to be cooler beside the ocean - it's usually 5 degrees colder than inland. 
But I did not need to wear my coat done up like this, as I thought I might. 

Another forking button popped off while I was posing. That sealed it, it's not getting done up.
Coat as cape - I wore it like this for most of our time out. 

I layered my purse under the coat so I could slip it off when I started getting sweaty. 
We had some cool breezes but in general I was overly toasty. 

I was tickled at the snake pin on the purse. 

  • Scarf - Marc Rozier, consignment
  • Purse - no label, consignment
  • Zipper rose brooch - V&A Museum gift shop
  • Snake brooch - thrifted

Two of my accessories were from our (me, L and Mom) trip to London in 2010 (here, posts are new to old). The zipper rose is the first souvenir, picked up for 5 pounds in the gift shop of the V&A.

The stuff: 
Boots were maybe not the best idea on a warm day! I was happy to peel these off when I got home. I wore thin socks with them. 

  • Belt - Rohesia Belt, Fluevog; last worn here in March 

The belt is a work of art and weighs a ton.

Silver bling: 
The cuff is the second souvenir, bought at the underground gift shop after we all explored St. Paul's Cathedral - I found one on Etsy that called it vintage, but it was new in 2010. That's only 14 years ago! 

  • Filigree cuff - St. Paul's Cathedral gift shop
  • Steel cuff - thrifted
  • Silver earrings - Israeli, consignment
  • Silver/obsidian ring - consignment
  • Lapis lazuli ring - Wendy Brandes
  • Steel/Lucite ring - Calvin Klein, thrifted
  • Kyanite/silver ring - consignment

Okay, let's move on to our walk along Dallas Road. This is the view when we parked. 
We could faintly see the shape of the Olympic Mountains to the south in Washington State, US. 

There was a haze, either from forest fires or from a cold air system over the water (a coastal thing). It didn't smell smoky so it's probably that cold air.
Looking towards Clover Point. The tide was out a bit - we could smell it! 

We started here and walked all the way to Beacon Hill Park, near that red arrow, about 1.5 kilometers each way. 
All these split rail fences are new to me - they delineate "dogs off leash" areas. 

We walked closer to the cliff edges, sharing the path with other bipeds.
Everything grows at an angle away from the water - it's always windy here. 

A glimpse of Government House through the trees, looking back across the Fairfield neighbourhood. 
I lived in that area in the 90s. 

Back to the waterfront. 
The hills in the distance are still part of Vancouver Island - that's Sooke (rhymes with "kook") and the western communities. 

The straits are busy, full of tankers, pleasure boat, fishing vessels, ferries, cruise ships. 
Also kayakers, paddleboarders...and all the seaplanes and helicopters buzzing overhead. It's a busy port. 

These are a couple of the houses along Dallas Road - as you might guess, this is expensive real estate.
Mom's old dance teacher used to live in the house with the blue shutters on the left. They have a sauna on their deck! 

Everything looks tipped away from the water. 
This is a busy area - even on a Thursday afternoon, we rarely had the sidewalk to ourselves. 

As we got closer to Beacon Hill Park, I spotted the totem pole through the trees (about it here, links 'cause I love, as always).
Birds flitted around, insects buzzed in the air. 

Mom and I walk slowly and we really do see more. 
Like this Cooper's hawk that swooped overhead and landed in this fir. 

More hideous scenery. 
A fancy little boat zooming past.

A long winding path. 
I liked the solo oldster taking the dirt path.

We rested at a bench in the sun for a while, then turned around and headed back. 
A glimpse of Clover Point through the wild roses. 

I've always loved this giant house. 
It's called Dashwood Manor, and is a B&B you can stay at (here). Looks fancy! 

I attempted a classy shot with my point & shoot camera, but it focused on the oak and grasses in the foreground. 
The blurry lighthouse in the distance is Trial Island Lighthouse, now designated with heritage status (here). 

The tide's gone out even more. 
This area is very dry from the hot summer we've been having. There were many signs around saying "A Fire Was Here" (there's on the bottom right), reminding people not to have fires or toss smokes. 

Phew, I needed this shade! 
A long flat stretch and all those lovely massive houses. 

This one used be owned by my ex's cousin's girlfriend's parents (hee!). The cousin and girlfriend lived upstairs - my ex and I used to hang out and drink beer and watch TV with them when I was in my 20s.
Ooh, it just sold! Any guesses on the price? If you said $1.8 million, you win! Enjoy the listing while it lasts here - click the main picture to see the slideshow - ooh, it's rather dated, but still charming. The pictures of the loft area take me back! 

Ahem, back to our walk.
You can see the white band of haze here. 

A little fishing boat coming in past Clover Point. 
Such a beautiful place - how lucky we are! 

A shot of Mom in her colourful outfit. 
I bought the top and pants for her in my shopping adventures - the top is Talbot's (thrifted) and the pants are from Dots (and have pockets!). 

A gaggle of cyclists at the end of the Clover Point loop - they're tourists on rental bikes. 
We counted four tankers in the strait at one point. 

We had lunch at the Fairfield Pub, and then I walked home. 
I peeked through this cedar fencing, and noticed a couple of intruders in the yard. Um, I don't think your deer fence is working...The doe kept a close eye on her fawn, though - she was watching me carefully. 

I popped into Pocket on the way home and found two accessories. 
The toque was marked down to $20 - I like the neon colour, it has no wear on it (and no label) and my pink cashmere beret finally succumbed to the moths, so I was in need of a new chapeau. 

The jelly belt is studded with little flowers. 
Again no label, but $23.00 seemed okay. The plastic is still supple, not hard. 

And now, my friends, I'm off for the weekend - I'll be back on Sunday with tales of adventure, so do check that out. Thank you so much for dropping by! 


  1. You and your Mum looked fabulously colourful for your Mumsday adventures.
    The weather looks like it was very kind. The home where your Mum's former dance teacher lived is lovely, I do like the roof, very Arts and Crafts.
    The hawk is a whopper and how cheeky are those baby deer?
    Have a fantastic weekend. Our tempps ave dropped to a feeble 18°C this morning but apparently it'll be reaching the giddy heights of 30°C by Sunday, perfect festival weather if it holds! xxx

  2. Sorry, I accidentally pushed publish but hadn't finished yet :-)
    You are your mother's daughter indeed, and I loved both of your colourful outfits! I'm not really "into" Desigual, but that coat is a stunner.
    I loved walking along Dallas Road with you. Those houses are really something else. I particularly loved the one your Mom's old dance teacher used to live in. Having a sauna on one's deck sounds quite posh! xxx

  3. Helen your outfit says ‘summer’ in bold bright color and I especially like the pants that speak of comfort with class. So often I comment on you and Sheila, while unplanned, wearing matching colors. This time it’s the two of you going for vivid and bright colors. The colors may be different yet the wow factor is the same!
    Sheila thanks, as always, for inviting us on this Mom Day Adventure. ❤️ I bookmarked the B&B because ya’ never know… (Ha, I checked out the breakfasts - yummy looking - but not the prices!)
    Great skirt (score for a comfy elastic waist) and filigree bracelet. Desigual always hits a high note or at least your pieces and my two do!

    The Coopers Hawk is big! Hungry deer, especially with young ones in tow, are resourceful and high jumpers, much to the frustration of those with gardens! For our garden we use a natural spray deterrent and have to respray plants after each rainfall.

    Here’s to a delightful weekend!
    Cheers, Laurie

  4. The coat is gorgeous. I'm not surprised you get complemented on this coat, for it's certainly an eye-catcher. Beautiful patterns and colours. I like how the orange polka dot dress matches wonderfully with the orange details on the coat. The printed France themed t-shirt is a nice tribute to Olympics, and I like how it looks belted with that lovely orange skirt. Even if the skirt doesn't have pockets, it can be forgiven because it's very cool. Fabulous blue boots as well. A perfect outfit.

    So nice you got to spend some time with your mom. Thank you for sharing the photos from the walk. The lakeside looks so lovely. I always find it interesting to see all the different houses. The 1.8 million house looks beautiful, too. So cool you used to hang out there.

  5. You and your mum are always dazzling! One thing that works for me with buttons that love to cut through their threads is to sew them on with thin monofilament fishing line.

  6. I love everything about that outfit! A perfect ensemble.
    After reading about your day out, I'm craving some sea air. Thankfully not too long to wait!


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