Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Striped and Goldfish Bluefish (and a Lobster!)

Back to work...and where did those five days go?? Fortunately, nothing caught fire while I was off. 
I loaded up on Colour As Armour for facing the day (and lots of coffee!). 

  • Top - Marimekko, consignment; last worn here in May for a Mom-Day Adventure in nautical and Adidas
  • Skirt - Eva Franco, thrifted, Vancouver; last seen here in September 2023 with matchy blues and reds
  • Shoes - Modern Living Slant, Fluevog; last worn here (3rd outfit) with my android Hallowe'en costume at our "Space" party way back here in October 2022

I've worn this top and skirt together before, but not to work. And of course, I changed up the shoes. 
I never repeat an outfit exactly - something will always be different. 

Colleague Lesley called the background colour of this linen skirt "baby poo". Yup, can confirm from my old babysitting days, newly born human sh*t is this colour. 
Maybe it'll be the next new Fashion Thing? It's a greeny-goldy-brown colour, but I know you're all looking at the googly-eyed goldfish (bluefish?) and the red lily pads. 

I'd wear this skirt more if it had even a single pocket! Sure, you had enough fabric for the useless little pleated doohickey (best seen near my waist in the first two pics), but not for a pocket? 
I rage! 

Incognito and jauntily scarfed. 
Oui, oui! It's my nod to the Olympics, which L and I have been watching. The striped bateau neckline is also tres Francais

Accoutrements and stuff: 
The belt is aluminum, found for $5 at a vintage fair many years ago (at least 11 years - here I am wearing it in July 2013 - you'll recognize today's rings!).

  • Belt - vintage fair
  • Silk scarf - Halston, vintage 70s, thrifted

I didn't feature these shoes at all last year - they might have been in Limbo? can't recall - but I'm glad I wore them today, as I discovered they are not as high as I thought. I walked around the office once in them, but otherwise stayed at my desk. They are so cool...

Silver bling: 
The red square is a cut-up section of a jewelry bag that I use to anchor large pins onto delicate fabrics. I didn't want my lobster to put a hole in my Marimekko top. 

  • Red link bracelet - vintage mall
  • Silver/garnet bangle - consignment
  • Earrings - Tania Gleave, Vancouver
  • Fulvia Ring/lapis lazuli ring - Wendy Brandes
  • Lobster brooch - Bermuda, vintage 90s, Mom's

We've been enjoying hot (but not too hot) days, and Vizzini is soaking it up.
"I found the hot spot."

He's doing great at keeping his weight on, and is still full of beans, although he's much slower than he used to be. We're coming up on two years since he was diagnosed with kidney disease, and if I didn't know he was sick, I'd think he was just getting old. Aw, we treasure every day with our fuzzy boy. 


  1. That's such a jaunty outfit, and absolutely perfect for staying one step ahead of the going back to work blues! The skirt is perfect too, and surely it's too good not to wear it more often due to lack of pockets! Although I will never be able to un-think the "baby poo" name for its colour, the blue fish and red lily pads do make up for it :-)
    I'm glad to read Vizzini is doing so well. He's such a handsome boy! xxx

  2. Hello Vizzini! I'm so glad he's doing well. We've had a poorly cat this week, hopefully on the mend now!
    I love that skirt and it's perfect with the Breton top. I know absolutely nothing about babies (horrid wriggly things) so I have no idea what baby poo looks like - thank goodness! xxx

  3. I really like this outfit. The blue and the brown are a great colour combo. I love maxi skirts. They're fun..,and this one is a lot of fun. The colour leaf applications on this one make it stand out. I'll need to call the colour of that skirt something else- maybe kiwi skin? Kiwi as in the fruit...but now that I think of it, aren't the kiwi birds also of similar colour? Anyhow, kiwi and blue are a lovely combination, and the colourful red and blue leaves and flowers jazz up this look. Are those also blue fish applications? Or is that a blue flower? In some angles it looks like a fish, in others a flower.
    Vizzini is brave. Cats are often so resilient. They often don't show any symptoms, that's why it is hard to catch up on their issues. I read that it's an evolutionary mechanism, they've evolved not to show any weakness because this makes them vulnerable to predators.

    1. Yes, I need a new name for it! Olive? Khaki? The design is all printed - and yes, they are googly-eyed goldfish!

  4. Bonjour Madame, your outfit is pure delight! The dress receives minus .5 for lack of pockets but overall the outfit is a 9.5/10. I love the matching of the blues, your accessories and jewelry, and the style of the shoes - those double ankle straps!
    Glad Vizzini is humming along. The love he gets from you and L is the best homeopathic medicine!
    Cheers, Laurie

  5. Absolutely treasure every moment with Vizzini. Glad he's doing OK.
    The lobster brooch is amazing! x

  6. Daring but FAB outfit. The skirt is well styled with the striped top and the shoes with black 'stripes'. Clever girl.


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