Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Two-Fer! Monday Brunch Sequins and a Wee Shop; Tuesday Plaid and Taupe Tulle

Ahoy there! Is that a Two-Fer post I see? 

Yes, Gentle Reader you get two-fer the price of one - L and I went out for brunch on Monday and I couldn't muster the energy to blog for hours on my weekend. However, I do have time after work. 
I love being able to putter around in my closet and build new outfits at my leisure. This features two new-to-me things, and a second wearing of this silver sequined skirt. 

  • Sweater - Ralph Lauren, thrifted; purchased here for $19.95
  • Skirt - Artelier Nicole Miller, consignment; first seen here in July with leather
  • Sneakers - Ryka, consignment; purchased here for $25.00

I had to do a sewing repair on this knit top - the fine, almost floss-like thread had undone on one cuff. 
It was a bit grey and cool out, so a light knit was just right. I layered a beige cami underneath to bring out the texture of the top. 

My first outfit with this skirt was brief, as I was in the process of coming down with a blerg.
I only wore it for an hour to go to the office and put things right before going home and sleeping for days. 

I had oodles of compliments on it.
When the sun came out, it dazzled! 

We had a lovely lunch at John's Place, and then I had a quick peek in the thrift shop next door (no luck), then strolled over to Dots to have a good poke through (and scout for an upcoming Shop With Sheila), while L did some banking and indulged in some retail therapy at Ditch Records. We picked up groceries on the way home. 

Accoutrements and stuff: 
These were fabulous sneakers - I wore them barefoot (I have not learned from my earlier shoe-pidity!), but was lucky this time. So comfy! 

  • Purse - Rebecca Minkoff, consignment

Black bling: 
Old favourites.

  • Fang bangle - Alexis Bittar, consignment, Sidney
  • Lucite/silver bracelet - Alexis Bittar, consignment, Vancouver
  • Anneke & Lars ring - vintage mall
  • Silver/obsidian ring - consignment
  • Silver/onyx ring - Tocara, vintage fair
  • Earrings - thrifted

I had a bit of luck at Dots, finding this amazing pink tulle skirt. 
"I feel like Carrie in Sex and the City!" I said to the lovely person who helped me. 

It's by Papillon, which is a Vancouver-based company. 
A 2XX is fine with me - I'll just safety-pin the waist to pull it in. The more tulle, the poufier it will be! And I want it REALLY poufy! 

More cheap stuff. 
The black fishnets were only $1.00 a pair, and the two tiny rings on the card fit my pinkies (I have very thin fingers). 

The velvet shoes were cute, and were tagged at $4.99.
They are by Qupid, a brand I wore back in the early 2010s (check out these here and these here - very high!). Not great quality but the price was good. 

I waffled over this fake suede dress. 
I like the colour, and it feels soft (important).

And it has pockets.
I have become ruthless about putting things back that don't have pockets. 

It's by Kaffe, a good quality boutique brand. This would have sold for $112.00 new.
And it was not $44.99.

My final bill. As you can see, I paid cash from my Limbo earnings.
The shoes were on special for $3.00, the dress was $22.50 (half off!) and the rings were marked down to $2.99. Only the pink tulle skirt was full price, due to it being new stock. 

L and I spent the rest of our Monday, chilling out, watching movies, listening to music and playing board games (our favourite things to do!). It was a struggle to get ready in the morning, but back to work we went. 
I was inspired by the tulle and realized that this taupe would be a perfect match for the new-to-me linen blend vintage blazer. 

  • Blazer - Esprit, vintage 80s, consignment, Powell River; purchased here for $39.00
  • T-shirt - O-Gen, thrifted; last seen here in June, layered under stripes
  • Tulle skirt - no label, consignment; last worn here in April for a Mom-Day at Elk Lake
  • Shoes - Seychelles, consignment; last seen here in July with leather and sequins

Jamming my hands into pockets for 5 decades! 
I had a tumble on the way to work, stepped off the sidewalk and went down on my knee, elbow and palm. I'm fine, just a bit sore and lightly road-rashed. The clothes are all fine, and I didn't even spill a drop of coffee, but I'm sure I'll be a bit stiff and sore tomorrow. 

I loved wearing this blazer - it took me right back to the late 80s. 
I remember this Madras-style plaid being very trendy back then, but usually in rainbow colours. Mom had a top in bright hues that I was always ironing (I borrowed it frequently).

The neutral mix makes this much easier to style. 
Still swooning over the matched up plaids everywhere. Ah, vintage! 

Incognito. It was windy with a bit of a chill in the morning. 
And on the way home it was rain...and blazing sun. August is so fickle. 

Accoutrements and stuff: 
I wore my new-to-me vintage scarf knotted over my hair a la the late Queen on the way home.

  • Scarf - Vera, vintage 60s, consignment, Powell River; purchased here for $5.00
  • Belt - vintage, consignment

Gold and black bling: 
The pendant is black - it's just the light making it look blue. 

  • Necklace - thrifted
  • Gold bangle - thrifted
  • Brooch - gift from Cat
  • Eelskin/gold hinged bangle - vintage 80s, thrifted
  • Eelskin gold bangle - fake Gucci, vintage 80s, gift from Mom & Dad
  • Wooden ring - Dots
  • Earrings - thrifted, Seattle 
  • Sparkly ring (not shown, gave to Jessica) - vintage fair


  1. Oof on the fall; hoping the soreness you predicted is minor! Both outfits are eye-catching and I especially like the second one. The different lengths in the skirt coupled with the blazer plus the plaid of the blazer coupled with the top and skirt, Oo la la!
    Am looking forward to seeing the fake suede dress styled and will want to know if the softness makes it light weight or if it feels heavy. I usually think of suede as a heavy fabric, though I know there is plenty of softer suede that isn’t heavy.
    Take care on your morning walks! Is it darker out now when you head to work? Here it feels like all of a sudden sunrise has crept later and later from 5:30 (loved!) to 6:15 (too dark when I wake up!)
    Cheers, Laurie

    1. I'm a little stiff and sore today, but nothing major (phew!), thank you, Laurie!

      The faux suede dress is quite lightweight. Real suede can be very heavy (esp. 70s/vintage), or very thin, depending on how it's tanned.

      Not dark in the mornings yet, but I've noticed it's getting darker around 8pm now.

  2. What a dazzler that skirt is, and it's absolutely perfect with the sweater and the sneakers, which I recognized instantly from your Powell River post!
    The new-to-you blazer looks great with the tulle skirt too and thankfully didn't sustain any damages as a result of your tumble. But ouch, I'm hoping you're not too sore!
    Loving the tulle skirt and suede dress you found, and I'm so adopting your safety pin trick for XXL tights. Now why didn't I think of that before ... xxx

    1. Thanks so much, Ann! I'm a little stiff and sore, but only my pride was really bruised. :)

      I'll be using the safety-pin trick on the skirt's waistband, not on my tights.

  3. The sequin skirt is gorgeous - it just skims the body. Very flattering! I also love the tulle. Although I'm not brave enough to wear it, that's a good idea, teaming it with the blazer.
    Sending healing vibes!


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