Thursday, August 1, 2024

Two-Fer: Double Snakes and PANK Pants X Two (and Cat-Bombed)

Head's up, Gentle Reader, my posting schedule is going to be a bit erratic over the next several days - I took a vacation day, plus it's a long weekend. Many shenanigans will be ensuing, so please pop in regularly. I have a busy life - keep up! *wink*

For my "Friday" (aka Wednesday) I fell back on that old formula - bookends! 
It started out overcast and cold in the morning, but was blazing hot (26!) by early evening. 

  • Blouse - Essentiel Antwerp, thrifted; first worn here in June with a Helmut Lang mini and boots
  • Pants - Joie, consignment; last seen here (2nd outfit) in April to see Katie Pruitt in concert
  • Sandals - Lucky Brand; last worn here (2nd outfit) in June for L's birthday lunch with Mom

And while I created another outfit with this recently-purchased long-sleeved top, I have noticed that now that is the category in my closet that I need to turn my Eye to. Expect lots of outfits featuring shirts and long-sleeved blouses, until I've worked through the backward hangers. 
"Ahem, what about me?"

Vizzini has been mischievous of late, and eager to dash into the hallway of our building. 

It is Not Allowed but I let him do it anyway - he's getting old, let's give him that, right? 
Once I decided on the snake bookend plan, what to wear in the middle?

I knew I'd be going up and down ladders filling the coffee machines, so trousers it shall be. 
"They're drool-worthy."

That means he would actually drool on them. They are not quite true PANK ( as in, so pink they're PANK) but still a very bright pink.

Incognito - oh, the Drama of getting ready to take a day off! 
It started with me barely remembering that I had Book Club that night. We've gone back to our mid-week after-work gatherings, following 3-4? years of Sundays during the pandemic. It seems so long ago that my social schedule was so empty! 

The stuff: 
I adore these sandals, a rare retail purchase for me a few years ago, on deep clearance at the Bay department store. That is a very comfy heel, and they have zero rubbing. 

Gold bling: 
The new-to-me necklace is very long, so I wrapped it once around my neck to make it look like a choker + pendant. It was comfortable to wear - it's very lightweight. 

  • Necklace - thrifted; purchased here for $4.00
  • Gold bangle - thrifted
  • Gold filigree bracelet - thrifted, Sidney
  • Silver/crystal ring - Uffizi Gallery gift shop, Florence
  • Gold/amethyst ring - Frances Jewelers, c. 1965, Dad's
  • Earrings - Kate Spade, consignment

Oh, right, the belt.
I still had my pants on when I took the Stuff picture!

  • Belt - Roxy, vintage 90s, thrifted

Having changed into my house-clothes, I suddenly realized that Cat would be picking me up in half an hour, I scrambled to put on a comfy yet stylish outfit (i.e. not my house-clothes!). 
This is a repeat of my Ice Cube concert outfit. Different tee, different sneakers. 

  • T-shirt - Blondie, thrifted; last worn here (2nd outfit) in June for a day trip to Sidney with L
  • Track pants - Adidas, consignment, Vancouver; first seen here to see Ice Cube in April
  • Sneakers - Converse; last worn here a couple of weeks ago with the Completely Impractical Raincoat
  • Windbreaker - Stella McCartney X Adidas, thrifted; first seen here with these track pants in April

Book Club was at Mindy's place, which is a log-cabin-ish inspired house out past the university - it's often chilly, even on a hot day.
I wore my gossamer-thin windbreaker the whole time. 

I'm still boggled that I found Stella McCartney for less than $15.00! 
I love that the jacket has four pockets - I stashed all my needful things in them. 

I like it knotted over the pants. 
PANK again! These nylon pants are a more fuchsia pink than the earlier trousers, and they also have big slash pockets. 

The strap across the back of the hems keeps them from dragging on the ground.
Ready to discuss "Remarkably Bright Creatures" - we agreed, it was...okay! Much thanks so Mindy for the lovely spread of nibblies, including homemade "sun tea" and a sourdough loaf. 

Feeling my swagger. 
"Did you say Feed the Cat? Because you should."

Reader, I did! My little cat-bomber knows how to send a message. 

The stuff: 
These squishy Converse are quickly becoming favourites. 

Minimal bling: 
A few old, a few new(er).

  • Purple/steel bracelet - Malta, vintage mall
  • Crystal bracelet - Juicy Couture, consignment
  • Silver/crystal ring - Uffizi Gallery gift shop, Florence
  • Silver/amethyst ring - vintage mall
  • White gold earrings - 10th anniversary gift from L
  • Silver S - gift from Mom & Dad, c. 1995?

I got home late from Book Club and crashed on the couch with L, watching the Olympics (go, Canada!). No Mom-Day this week, as other exciting adventures await! 
"Hello to my fans."

My sweet little cuddly boy - we always have a session when I get home from work (he paws to be lifted up, it's heart-melting). He drools all over my shoulder and bonks against my head.

I'll be back in a couple of days with exciting things to share! As always, thank you so much for stopping by! 


  1. Love those Adidas pants and of course the Blondie T. Very cool outfit. Lise

  2. Hello Sheila and Vizzini, I love the last photo of you both! Apologies for being so behind with comments, I promise to catch up with you over the weekend.
    I recognised those trakkie bottoms from your Ice Cube gig, the Converse look very cool! xxx

  3. Best part of this post is you and Vizzini. ❤️ Cuddles for you both. :)
    I appreciate the casual yet also professional work outfit - dressed to be productive AND comfortable. And of course, having slowly turned me into an adidas fan, your book club outfit says comfortable conversation will be had! What is the next book for book club?
    Here’s to your days off and the fun of your adventures!
    Cheers, Laurie

  4. The brightness splashes of the screen! Love that colour! Enjoy your days off, even when it are just a few days out can feel like a mini holiday right? Have a great time.

  5. I do like those pink trousers. The blouse is fantastic and I like the snake print sandals. The sporty outfit is fabulous as well.
    The photo of you and Vizzini is adorable. Enjoy your day off!
    I have a day off tomorrow as well.

  6. Not quite PANK and snake is a winning combo! I'm drooling over those trousers too - unlike naughty Vizzini not actually drooling obviously - and what a stunner that Essentiel Antwerp blouse is.
    Loving the photo of you and Vizzini at the end!
    Enjoy your time off, my friend xxx


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