Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas in Non-Traditional Colours and Boxing Day in Pink and Lime

Happy Happy, Gentle Reader! 
"I hope you all got lots of catnip and tissue to play with."

After an evening of board games, and watching the ending of "It's a Wonderful Life", L and I were up early to do our stockings in bed on Christmas morning. Vizzini likes to assist.
"Is there more catnip?"

No, but there was loads of chocolate! I have often told L, "You can never buy me too much chocolate," and he's a good listener! I was spoiled with gift cards to Fluevog, Turnabout and Flavour Upstairs, plus books, a Vogue magazine, and the Best of Hall & Oats on CD. 

Hall & Oats has been a running joke with us - and I'm sure the folks at Ditch Records are laughing their heads off...because I ALSO bought L a Best of Hall & Oats CD (a different one). Our stockings also both had tubes of Rockets (a powdery tart candy). 
"Too bad you didn't get any catnip - it's just what I wanted."

I made us our traditional Big Breakfast - bacon, sausage/eggs/green onion/mushroom/salsa scramble with melted cheddar, with buttered English muffins, roasted potatoes, and grapes/raspberries for dessert. We were both stuffed, so rested up and watched football while we got ready to drop by my ex-sister-in-law's to hand off presents. 

These are my non-traditional Christmas colours this year - pink, blue and green. 
This is the last winter outfit I had planned for these minty-green suede boots. They're likely going to live in my spring/summer wardrobe going forward. 

  • Duster - Aratta Silent Journey, consignment; first worn here in two very different outfits for a Rifflandia weekend in September
  • Turtleneck - M&S, thrifted; last seen here in March for a Mom-Day at the HCP
  • Skirt - Sonia Rykiel, vintage, thrifted; last worn and Flashbacked here in June
  • Boots - Bond Girl Anna Sui X Fluevog; last seen here with green and black in November

I added a necklace over the duster's neckline and attached little gold clip-on points to the collar.
And I added both of my gold tree pins to the fancy buttons down the front velvet placket. 

This peacock pattern has the exact shade of green as these boots.
Can you see it, in the leaves near the bottom? 

Let me try that again...
Oh, so much better. *snort* Not...

I didn't leave this on all day - it was really just for the nieces (poor Hannah was hiding with the flu, so we couldn't stay long). I didn't want the duster to get ruined while I cooked dinner. 
We saw Mom briefly, and wished Cynthia (my ex-SIL) a Merry Ho Ho, and then came back home where we hung out with Nick all afternoon and evening, watching more football and having a big dinner with all the fixings. 

Full confession - I lounged around in the new-to-me thrifted fleece-lined leggings I'd picked up on Saturday once we were at home! 
And I got even more comfy later while we watched movies - I stripped all the jewelry off and changed into a thick wooly dress. 

The stuff: 
Love these boots! 

Gold bling: 
My snowflake bracelet and earrings get their annual wear. 

  • Necklace - Stella & Dot, thrifted
  • Collar points - vintage, consignment
  • Scarab ring - Heidi Daus, vintage mall, gift from L
  • Gold/amethyst ring - Frances Jewelers, c. 1965, Dad's
  • Cuff with pink stones - D'Orlan, vintage 70s, vintage mall, gift from L
  • Gold bangle - thrifted
  • Snowflake bracelet/earrings - Metropolitan Museum of Art gift shop. 2002, NYC
  • Tree brooch - Keyes, gift from Ev
  • Small tree pin - Avon

A closer look at my new-to-me ring by Heidi Daus, a designer I've never heard of - about the company here (link 'cause I love). 
This elaborate beetle ring is covered in Swarovski crystals - the "turquoise" is a plastic ball (it has a tiny scratch on it, so I might try to replace it). 

Nicely stamped. 
It's not super-high-end, but the design is gorgeous! I would love to find more of her designs, which are bigass glitzy things. I think this was around $75.00, which is about 3/4 of the retail. 

On Boxing Day, L and I headed over to Mom's to see my brother Dave, fiancée Shelley and his youngest daughter Syd, along with Zoe the eldest niece. 
Wacky Auntie Sheila Strikes Again! 

  • Mohair sweater - Ralph Lauren, consignment; last seen here (2nd outfit) in March with my tsarina vest
  • Skirt - Ronit Zilkha, consignment; last worn here with a Muppet sweater in February
  • Boots - Slacker Vagabond, Fluevog; last seen here (4th outfit) for the Saturday Rifflandia concerts in September
  • Coat (below) - Prosper & Devine, vintage mall; last worn here with the boots for Rifflandia in September

My view of the Castle. 
It's barely been cold out - not like all the snow of two years ago. 

I didn't take my coat off at all. 
But this is what I looked like. 

I decided to deliberately mismatch my pink wool skirt with the reddish lines in the plaid of the mohair sweater. 
Eh, close enough! 

I love this hot pink. 
Wait, should we add more pink? 

Yes, of course! 
I have a reputation to uphold. 

My nieces barely blinked an eye at my ensemble. 
I think they'd be more shocked if I were in jeans. We enjoyed a visit with Mom and the rest of the extended fam, then headed home to hide from the world. 

The stuff: 
Awesome boots! 

Simple bling: 
Some tonal glass colours. 

  • Necklace - Oscar & Libby
  • Smoky topaz/silver ring - Anneli Neuman, Sweden, vintage mall
  • Silver/amethyst ring - vintage mall
  • Earrings - c. 1995, vintage store

And now, back to doing Not Much Of Anything (okay, there might be some shopping and spending of gift cards...). 
In the meantime, enjoy a picture of a squirrel. 



  1. Your chartreuse and hot pink combinations in these ensembles were a refreshing variation on the usual Christmas red and green combination. So fun to see! And love to hear about your relatively low-key Christmas time.

    I am imagining those lace up boots with the threadpainted roses skirt in the spring--I know there is some light bright green in some of the leaves that would tie in nicely. . .

  2. Two fabulous outfits, Sheila, but my favourite is the Boxing Day one. I keep on swooning over the minty-green boots worn with your Christmas Day outfit, though! Also loving the new-to-you Heidi Daus ring!
    And oh my, weren't you spoiled for presents? You're right, you can never have enough chocolate, but how funny you bought each other Hall & Oats CDs :-)
    But wait: Vizzini DID get his catnip, right? xxx

  3. Beautiful outfits.
    I love the peacock pattern.
    So artistic!
    The green boots match the peacock perfectly.
    You look gorgeous in these colours.
    I love the second look too!
    Happy holidays!
    Enjoy your time off!

  4. Gosh what a breakfast was that? Ha ha, I think I wouldn't get up anymore. Love that mohair sweater!

  5. Am digesting ALL THAT CHOCOLATE! How do you dole it out or, to put it another way, how long will it last ie what is your will power like? Chuckling as we don’t keep much on hand because the shorter of us has the lesser amount of will power. ;)

    The peacock duster and your Boxing Day outfit in its entirety are cheerful and enlivening outfits, so perfect for this not-so-very-light time of year!

    Sounds like you had a fulfilling (despite your niece not feeling well) set of family outings, so special anytime and especially around the holidays.

    Here’s to your vacation, your family, and You!
    Cheers, Laurie

  6. Vizzini and squirrels! Be still my beating heart!
    Loving the very Bollywood pink and green combo and that dress ring is to die for. What a haul of chocolate, too - Jon's always happy with mountains of sweets for Xmas - I'm amazed he's still got any left.
    I've got a Hall and Oates earworm going on now...Private eyes are watching youuuuuu! xxx

  7. I think it is much better to be wacky auntie Sheila than putty auntie Sheila. You bring some colour and joy to the world.


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