Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Friday! Plaid Casual

My new company does jeans day, so I wanted to ease them into Casual Friday, Sheila Style:
Plaid dress (first seen here), skinny jeans and my good ol' black boots.

The fabric on this dress is so thin it layers easily over my pants.
I did my rocker cuff and my crazy black chainlink necklace for some pizzazz.

Today, I also debuted my new messenger bag:
I had to wrap up the ends of the strap with some hockey tape so it didn't flap around, but isn't that front panel amazing? The design is called "tattoo" - the bag itself is by Licence 71195 and was on for half price at $29.50.

Gotta dash! Have a great weekend!

Dress (Kensie), jeans (Jackpot, swap from Caro), boots (Aldo, consignment), earrings (Aldo Accessories), necklace (Club Monaco), cuff (vintage).


  1. Nice jeans day outfit. They probably thought you were still all dressed up. I love the design on the new bag. Very cool!

  2. Ah Sheila -- I love love love this outfit. Love the print on the dress. love it over the jeans. Loved the necklace. This is something I could really see myself in. :-)

  3. Cute casual look! Love the bag, it reminds me a bit of classic bxw "elegant gothic lolita" stuff.

  4. Ooh, I love this outfit! I think you look great - casual, but original and with an edge. How's the job going? :)

  5. Looks so comfy and cute. Definitely my kind of outfit!

  6. Yay! I really love your style! And since I'm working on my casual outfits, probably I'm gonna copy you big time!! (I bought my first pair of jeans 4 months ago and wore it once!! I know, pathetic...). You rock Sheila!

  7. I love the way you used the dress as a tunic! Very cute! I think you are starting off strong at the workplace!

  8. I'm with Dimi -- we copy your styles and probably ought to pay you royalties. :)

  9. Nice....
    I am wondering if there are any intrepid dressers at your new job...

  10. Thanks, Alison, yeah, I'm sure they did.

    Thanks so much, Kari! It was totally comfy.

    Megan, thanks - I love the bag too. It's great function plus design.

    C&B, thank you! It's going great - loving it!

    Keely, thanks!

    Dimi, aw, thank you! Please go right ahead.

    Pam, thanks - the dress is really thin, so it's not bulky.

    Ralph, ha, thank you!

    Lorena, no, there are not, sadly.


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