As you may or may not know, I'm not dressed for work when I leave the house in the morning. I pack my clothes, shoes and accessories into my backpack, along with my lunch, and
I walk 40 minutes in my workout clothes (the parka has been packed away for winter, as has the toque and scarf). I change at work.
In the three plus years that I have been packing my clothes and hoofing it to work, I have never forgotten anything.
Until today:

I forgot the top half of my outfit. That is my smelly, sweaty Mountain Equipment Co-op navy top. I wore it all day with my lovely new wool vintage 80s plaid skirt that I thrifted on the weekend.
So yeah, it was kind of a crappy day. I felt really stupid. Surprisingly, not too many people noticed, since the dark colour in the skirt is actually navy.
And it could have been worse. I was *this* close to wearing this workout top:

Oh, yeah, rocking my Alice Cooper shirt! But I like to wear that one around the house so I saved it, and next pulled out this one:

Now THAT would have been a fashion disaster! Not a very flattering top to begin with.
And my brand-new nylons did a massive run right up the back of my leg...after only 1 wear! Arg!
At least we have stuff. Sweet, sweet stuff:
My awesome thrifted shoes ($13.95), my $14.95 thrifted new skirt, and the silver feather charm from the $10 grab bag.
I fell in love with the mix of colours in the plaid: red, navy and brown, as well as the classic pencil skirt cut with a high waist. It's 100% wool and in amazing condition. I'd guess it's early 80s, so vintage (god, that makes me feel old).
A close-up of the charm:
It was on a really ugly bigass necklace along with a noisy locket and a filigree square (which I also salvaged) - got out the needlenose pliers and voila! Two new charms.
In case you were wondering, this is what I meant to wear today:

Jacket (Pelican Cove, consignment), cami (Esprit), skirt (Casual Corner & Co., thrifted, early 80s vintage), shoes (Towne Shoes, thrifted).