Monday, December 10, 2018

Black Sparkles, Rust and Photobooth Pics

Well, it's Monday and it's nearly over. I feel like the countdown to Time Off is on, don't you?
Working through my sparkles! In hindsight, I wish I'd added a burgundy skinny velvet scarf with this outfit, but otherwise, I'm pleased with it. I built the outfit around the tights.

  • Cardigan - Sparkle & Fade, swap from Sarah; last seen here with dragonscale in November
  • Dress - no label, consignment; last worn here (2nd outfit) in December 2017 for some shopping
  • Shoes - Mini QTees, consignment, Fluevog; last seen here in October with the teddy top
  • Coat (below) - Hilary Radley, thrifted; last worn here a week ago

First the tights, then the dress (yup, haven't worn this one yet this season), then the shoes, then the cardigan.
 I'm done with the dress. It's nice, it's good quality, it fits, but it's just a black dress. I do like the big block of sequins on the bottom, but.... And in my closet, that "but" is enough for me to say, time to go!

I've worn it five times including today, and first purchased it here in April 2015 for $12.00. I'm good with that - that's a great cost-per wear!
 I do love these lacy burgundy tights, but they have ruined many pieces of clothing. Wash them by hand, Sheila! That dye bleeds! (You can see that the insides of the shoes are now slightly pink, below)

Outerwear - again, in hindsight, I should have worn a hat as it rained on the way to work. I also had to run out and get some keys cut (the things I do!) and by the end of the day, my hair was a mess.
 Rain and I are not friends when I want to look nice. I'm good with rain when I'm hatted or brollied, though.

  • Fur scarf - Danier Leather, thrifted
  • Gloves - Cejon, thrifted

The stuff:
 Love these shoes - see the burgundy piping on them? Yeah, should've worn the burgundy scarf.

Brass bling:
Bits of rust and reds there to go with the rest.

  • Cuffs - Jezebel Charms, gifts from L
  • Feather ring - Fossil, thrifted
  • Wood/acrylic ring - consignment
  • Earrings - c. 1994, LA Express

And here we go - the photobooth pictures are up!
 A nice classic picture of us.

Fabulous, darling!
 L is all, "Rock on!" This is my favourite one.

We're looking at YOU!
 Yes, you!

I'm all chill...lah-di-dah...
And L is a goofball. Yeah, that's about right (except that I'm usually a goofball too).


  1. Fun photobooth pics. Hope you enjoy the holiday season and get the chance to relax.

    1. I love a photobooth at a party - they feel like good value-added. Thank you, hon - all the best to you too!

  2. Loving the photobooth pics!
    Today's outfit has such a great '20s vibe going on. What a nightmare those tights must be but such a shame as they're gorgeous.
    I don't do rain well either - I'm fine if it's raining when I leave the house but a drowned rat if it sneaks on me unexpectedly which, after living in the UK for 52 years, I should be used to it! xxx

    1. Thanks, Vix, me too.

      Aw, thank you - the tights are not that bad, but they have ruined a couple of items when I thoughtlessly washed them.

      Yes! After living on the We(s)t coast for 51 years, I should know better...

  3. mwhaha, loving your photobooth pics!. You totally Rock!
    And love your shoes and the burgundy tights (sorry that they're such a problematic ítem) and the fab color combo with the cardigan and coat!. Totally agree with Vix, great 20's vibe going on!
    Your shoes are magnificent!

  4. The photobooth photos are so fun and I really like your outfit, even if you aren't keeping the dress! You did get a good cost per wear on it! :)

    1. I liked the outfit too, but the dress just doesn't get worn enough to take up a hanger.

  5. You shoe collection rocks my world. And I love those pictures of you two, tell L I love those glasses!

  6. I love the tights even though they're bleedy. Great photo-booth pics!!

  7. Your hub's full beard makes him look a bit like Jeff Daniels!
    Love the tights.

    1. Ha, he will love that! He's been getting a lot of "Rick Grimes" (character from Walking Dead). Thanks, Ann!

  8. Those tights! Those shoes! Absolutely divine they are. But I'm hearing you on the tights giving off colour. In my experience, this often happens with red or burgundy tights. I'm washing mine separately by hand, just in case! Your photobooth photos are superb! You're such a handsome couple! xxx

    1. They weren't cheap either - I hate when fabrics bleed. Thanks so much, my dear!

  9. LOL -- I looked at that photo and thought, "Fabulous, darlings" BEFORE I saw your caption. You and L do look fabulous :)

  10. Thank you, danae! Eh, I can't be bothered to rinse my tights - I have heard that vinegar tip works, though.

  11. Haha, lovely! And how fabulous the two of you look! BTW, I love black and rust together, very good combination! Pitty about the dress, it s a beauty!

    1. Thank you so much, Nancy! Eh, it's just a black dress - it's not like there's a paucity of them out there.

  12. Love the fluffy leopard coat and photo booth pics! X

  13. The booth photos are darling and aren't both adorable in matching shades of silver and grey. I wish my hubbie would dress up for events. We have our annual staff party coming up this weekend and he doesn't want to go, never mind be smart. Working too hard without a break has turned him very Bah Humbug. I'll have to choose his outfit myself I think ...

    1. We never plan to match, but somehow we always do, Anna. Aw, Steve doesn't get the dress-up? Bummer.I like putting together outfits for L, but he's gotten the bug too - he's good at styling!

  14. Love the "chill" pics, actually they are all fun, what a great couple.
    And yes as much as I love the black dress i can relate to just being done with it even though there is nothing wrong with it.

    1. Thanks, Lorena! Yup, it's good, but not great - it's not an inspiring piece. I know one of my friends will love it.


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