Oh, lovelies, I need another weekend! Such a fun, but exhausting weekend it was.
This is how I do Casual Friday:
Which is to say: I don't! Fancy Friday, more like it. I had two social engagements on Friday after work, and ended up at four different venues over the course of the weekend. No time to change, so I rocked my Weekend Hair for the first time at work. Everyone was very positive and enjoyed my "swoosh."
This is my entry for Patti's "
Visible Monday" over at
Not Dead Yet Style - I felt hugely visible during this very long day! And that's a great thing. Thanks for helping us all celebrate that, Patti!
Another thank you and shout out to Sal over at
Already Pretty, who listed my "
Shoes My Husband Hates" series in her "
Lovely Links". I've been reading Sally for as long as I've been blogging (since 2008).
I've been very slack in doing my
Pink Boxing Gloves assignment, so I accented Friday's dress with all pink and purple accessories, including some very special additions.
My classic "laser beam" stare. |
Fierce and feminine! Ally over at
Shybiker has been sending the gloves around the world - they are next going to Shawna!
After work, some coworkers gathered at a waterfront pub for a couple of pints to send of one the guys (bye, Richard!). From there, I met up with L and our friends Cat and Ross for a pre-dinner cocktail for Ross' birthday.
Little did Ross know that 8 more of our friends were awaiting us at the restaurant to surprise him!
This dress was perfect for a day of work, and looked classy all night. I last wore it
here in June with stripes and yellow.
The stuff:
I walked to a pub from work, to a cocktail lounge across town, to a restaurant several blocks away, then to Cat and Ross' place afterwards. And then L and I staggered home from there and crashed into bed at 2am. Good times! And these mauve shoes were so wonderful on my feet! I last wore them
here in June with cracked glass.
SPARKLE bling:
Oh, I loved wearing this amazing Sherman pink crystal necklace and earrings set. They had good weight, you know? I am still goggled that it was only $22.00.
Dress (Banana Republic, thrifted), shoes (Camper), belt (Plum), necklace/earrings (vintage 60s, Sherman), bracelet (vintage 60s, Coro).
We didn't have enough people for Ultimate on Saturday morning, so L and our friend Casey and I went for brunch at the diner. Not unexpectedly, I was a titch hungover.
Totally worth it! It's back to being super-hot out, so the loose flowy clothes are my to-go. And of course, Weekend Hair!
The silk kimono top was last seen
here with chartreuse earlier this month. I hate wearing sunblock, but have to stay out of the sun, so this was perfect for a little thrift shop after brunch.
Just a little orange t-shirty tank under it - I don't track wears for it. It's got a wide neck, so good for pulling over my hair while trying things on.
The return of the mushroom skirt! Another awesome physical sunblock - I last wore it
here (way down at the bottom) on another fun weekend in June.
It was pretty windy on Saturday - my outfit billowed majestically, but my hair stayed put (the magic of hairspray!).
The stuff:
These Born flats are amazing. I shopped for around four hours, and although my feet were tired, they weren't in any pain. I last wore them
here a weekend ago.
Non-snagging bling:
The hypno-earrings are looking at you.
Overblouse (CAbi, thrifted), skirt (Club Monaco), shoes (Born, consignment), cuff (About Tine), ring (Twang & Pearl), earrings (Oscar & Libby's).
I had a good shopping trip - I've been thinking about my personal style, and the changes I'm seeing in it lately. I don't wear cardigans much any more, my colour palette of preference is changing to brighter, clearer colours, and I'm incorporating more vintage into my daily outfits. I still have classic shapes that I like - hourglass, full skirt/slim top, but I'm also wearing looser tops, and less t-shirt fabrics. Some of the items that I don't really love are going, and I'm questioning a lot of things I haven't worn in long time.
So. I still always look for good construction, good lines, and above all, a good fit!
This is a denim bustier! I have a fondness for bustiers over blouses, and how cool to find one in denim.
This one was found at the St. Vincent de Paul. And for only $4.00! Smart Set is a Canadian mall brand.
The Patch was actually my first stop, and I spent close to two hours there, going through everything. It was quite fun. They have a sale on now: buy 1 dress and get the second at 40% off. They had about a dozen racks of dresses, plus 4 more racks of vintage dresses. I tried on about 10 but only one rang my bell: this gorgeous pale lilac 1960s dress.
Isn't it gorgeous? I love the pattern and the silver lame (lah-MAY!) thread woven through it.
D'Allaird's was a Canadian company that was acquired by Marks & Spencer's in the 70s - it was a store for rich older ladies. I remember my grandmother wearing clothing from D'Allaird's.
Bizarrely, in the exact same location that the Patch is now in Victoria...was a D'Allairds store when I was in my early teens.
I chatted with the cashier about clothes and she gave me the 40% off on the $22.95 price so it ended up at $13.97.
I can never resist a cool leather skirt, and they have a huge selection at the Patch.
A grass-green suede one with gold zipper pockets - $24.95. This is not 80s vintage - more like late 90s, with that waist shape.
And woo!
Hot pink! I am all over this killer high-waisted lambskin skirt. This was also $24.95.
With that waistline, it's got to be 80s - I don't know the brand Evan Davies, but it's really good quality leather.
I totally lucked out in the belt section!
Turquoise leather with those silver accents? Oh gosh, yes, please. This was $7.99!
And who doesn't need an orange belt?
$9.99 for this vibrant leather belt - dig that buckle!
I strolled up to the Hospice Society - their prices have gone up, but they still have a few good things. I liked the colours in this sheer navy blue blouse. The sleeves are nice and full.
It'll look great with a pencil skirt. It was $8.00.
I continue on my mission to weed out my casual tops and replace them with more flattering blouses.
This lovely turquoise top is by Cleo and was $7.50. I love the neckline.
I love the fabric on this one - it's 100% silk.
This has a fitted bottom with a long tie - whoever owned it before me made some modifications to it. It's supposed to be a wrap, but she put in two buttons/holes and a snap fastener at the top. It just fit so nicely, even though the draping is a bit weird because of the alternations. It was $10.00 and is by Sandra Angelozzi.
I had an hour's nap, then propped my drooping hair up with more hairspray! On to our next date: L's friend from high school, Susan, was in town. We had dinner and drinks out, then hung out at our place for several hours.
I love a bright summery plaid!
I couldn't resist wearing the new belt right away.
I used to have a few of these drop-waisted belts back in 1985-6.
The dress is a favourite - I last wore it
here in May with denim.
I did wear my jean jacket over this for walking to and from town - no sun on my ink or my arms!
The stuff:
The official "
Husband-Hated" aqua shoe returns! I last wore them a couple of weeks ago
Aqua bling:
How did I live without that awesome belt?
Dress (Coldwater Creek, thrifted), shoes (Prepare Guide, Fluevog), belt (vintage 80s, thrifted), earrings (Oscar & Libby's), Fulvia ring (Wendy Brandes).
Today, Mom came over in the morning (oooh, need coffee). We are planning some holidays, so needed to get things going.
It was a slow start to the morning. She and I went grocery shopping while L got ready. We all went out for lunch, then spent the afternoon planning, booking and spending horrendous amounts of money. I can't give too many details, but you'll hear all about it at some point.
Hot today! I wore my trusty denim jacket for walking to the pub and back, but this is what I wore all day.
The yellow sweater tank was last worn in the same outfit as the above mushroom skirt (down at the bottom
here in June).
Vintage slip peeking out. |
My blood splatter skirt, last seen
here in June with burgundy and lime. A strange man exclaimed over the pattern. "That would make a great tablecloth!" Ha!
The stuff:
Ah, my red boots! It was a little too hot for these, but they are so nice on my feet. I last wore them
here in June with emerald.
Red bling:
I love this leather cuff.
Top (Cable & Gauge, thrifted), skirt (handmade, thrifted), boots (1883 Lucchesse, consignment), cuff (Rimanchik), earrings (local).
And now...off to bed!