Today's ensemble is made up of two items that I found in the same thrift store. The skirt, like yesterday's leopard cardigan, was on a put-away rack, and the jacket was on a display. Yes, I barge in like I own the place and take apart displays. Hey, that's what displays are for!
The jacket was $18.50 (which is not exactly thrift pricing, in my opinion, but it was a thrift "boutique" and the profits go to help women in need, so I'll give them a pass). I fell in love with the gorgeous portrait collar:

Inigo is watching me - it's very early in the morning before work.
I am seriously a sucker for a cool lapel. The material is actually a very thick cotton, almost denim, but it's fully lined, even down the sleeves. Pretty unusual. I love the fit and the fact that the bottom of it has belt loops (that's my old trust black belt in there). It's French Connection, and I see by their website that their jackets are around $178. I guess 10% of that is not so bad after all!
The skirt was only $12.50, it's by Mia Hansen, who appears to be a Vancouver illustrator. I can't find anything about clothing that she's done, so maybe this was a one-off.

I loved the fit and feel of this skirt all day - the slit at the back is not very high, so I had to take less than my usual big strides. It felt very old-school.
Here's a better look:

The fabric is a poly cotton - I was afraid it was going to wrinkle if I even looked at (doesn't it look like it would, with that raw silk sort of look to it?), but it was amazingly resilient. It has two flat pockets on the front of it, with a chair silkscreened on each. When I first saw the skirt, I thought for sure it was Smoking Lily, because of
this skirt. How awesome: I have two skirts with chairs on them!
The stuff:

My second wear of these shoes (last seen
here). Love that zipper rose - I wish I'd bought 10 of them to give to all my friends.
Jacket (French Connection, thrifted), cami (Esprit), belt (Plum), skirt (Mia Hansen, thrifted), shoes (kate & mel), zipper rose (Victoria & Albert Museum gift shop).