Thursday, January 10, 2019

All the Colours in the Blouse

I had a stressful day. Nothing critical - no one's going to die - but I'm feeling very tense. Yesterday's headache is gone, though. 
 You will forgive me (again) for my brevity. I'm off tomorrow, and right now, I just need to relax and not think about my day. Deep breaths, Sheila, let it go...

  • Blouse - Sylvia Lee for Barcelino per Donna, consignment; purchased here for $35.00
  • Skirt - J. Crew, thrifted; last seen here in October 2018 with colourful everything
  • Shoes - Sencha Teapot, Fluevog; last worn here in October 2018 with pink and black
  • Coat (below) - Danier Leather; last seen here in late December 2018

Another business-y look to end my week. I had a lot of positive comments about this outfit, and while I like it, it's just the ol' "patterned top + plain bottom" formula. I've been doing variations of this all week, and I'm bored with it.
 I love the blouse, but the outfit overall doesn't hugely inspire me. I need to do some playing in my closet to reinvigorate myself style-wise.

Isn't the blouse lovely, though? It reminds me of Pucci or Etro. Such a cool pattern.
 The skirt is a favourite, although being cream, it's starting to get little marks on it. The moths also seem to have had a snack or two on the lovely thick wool.

Don't worry, neither piece is going anywhere.
 I just don't feel like "me" right now. It's in my head, not in my clothes.

Outerwear - see? That's more like it.
 The blue hat works wonders.

  • Hat - vintage, thrifted
  • Scarf - fake Louis (Lewis!) Vuitton, thrifted
  • Leather gloves - vintage, thrifted

The stuff:
 I used the colours in the blouse to drive my accessories. The cherry red shoes are old faves from about 8 years ago. I'd planned on higher heels, but I'm glad I went with these instead. It was a long day.

Green and blue bling:
Instead of going for more red or a solid metal, I went with all of the colours in the blouse: green, royal blue, light blue. The accessories elevated the outfit.

I need some "purr therapy" right now. Look who is ready to help.
"I might share my chair with you, Woman."

I definitely need a cuddle, Vizzini.

Have a great weekend, my friends! I'll be back on Sunday with the Bigass Weekend Wrap-up!


  1. Well, you look great. Having your head hurt a couple days can get you down. I think everyone is ready for the weekend.

  2. Enjoy your time of Sheila! Rest is so important after a busy day and it's great you'll have some time to recover. I'm really liking this outfit, but printed top and plain skirt is the backbone of my work outfits haha!

    1. Thanks so much, Mica. I feel like I have the flu, only mentally instead of physically. I know that this formula works for many people, including me, but I feel like it's missing something.

  3. My week has been Hell, too. Hope you feel better.

    I love this skirt. I find it interesting that you often take the most basic, over-looked piece of a clothing ensemble and, by choosing a special version, make it extraordinary. That's a talent, one I'm trying to learn. Plus, your choices usually have a big amount of inherent femininity to them (even when they cross over into masculine, badass territory) that appeals to me like catnip. It's why I find myself admiring your outfits to an insane degree. Their attraction is almost chemical.

    1. Right back atcha, hon. Oh, you nailed it - every single piece I own needs to be special, to have some extra detail, to make it worth keeping for me. Aw, that's so nice of you - thank you.

  4. I love this office look, very corporate and yes, the blouse does remind me of Pucci.
    I think that you are not loving it because it is missing that Sheila twist, that dash of you that adds in an item that makes it memorable and fun.

    1. Yes, that's exactly it. And it's too much of the same formula all week.

  5. My week was stressful too, and I expect the next two weeks or so to be hell. The only way to survive is by dressing in my favourite clothes! But I too am not "me" in my head right now, so I really feel your pain. I actually love your outfit, the blouse in particular, even if it is not "crazy Sheila". The skirt is a very flattering shape. Ugh to moths though! You lucky girl, having a day off. I need one too! Have a great, long weekend! xxx

    1. I feel your pain, Ann! Yes, dressing in one's favourites is a good way to combat mental fatigue. I must do this more, pay attention to this. Happy weekend to you!

  6. I feel you. Your outfit is stellar though.. I wish it could boost your mood. The PUCCI ish print is fab a doodle and the skirt is so chic with those details.
    Take your time to process what you are going through.
    Sadness, pain and fear and often there for a reason. Shortcuts don’t work there,
    Lovely colors worked in.

    1. Thank you, Elle! I would normally love this outfit, but I am just out of it mentally right now. I need to take care of me.

  7. But I love the skirt! I love the zipper not being in the middle. I hope you can recharge yourself in the weekend and have lost of energy again on Mondays! Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks, Nancy! It is a lovely piece, isn't it? Happy weekend to you - recharge!

  8. Thanks, danae! Aw, thank you - good to know that my "clothing as armour" is working! I am honoured to inspire you to dress up more! Thank you!

  9. Purr therapy is a very good idea! I second that one. I get bored of wearing the same sillhouette too. On Friday I finally wore a skirt after wearing trousers all week and it felt good to differ! Love your red shoes!

    1. It works for me! I'm going to shake it up this week! Thanks, Kezzie!

  10. I very much understand the "I don't really feel like me" days, and while it is usually in our heads, it doesn't make it any less disturbing. It is a perfectly nice outfit.

  11. I think that this outfit totally deserves any compliment it received!, the light colors (which are welcome in usual winter 'sea of black'), the fab print on your blouse, your skirt (cool shape and zips!) and all the fab accessorizing really make a great combo!. And fab shoes too!
    Wish you more relaxed days to come!

    1. I really liked this outfit - I like it more now, as my head's in a better space. Thank you, my dear!


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