Tuesday, January 15, 2019

SOUSes Meets POUSes

The last time I wore these pants, I referred to them as Pants Of Unusual Size, which is a riff off a scene in the movie"The Princess Bride", one of my favourite movies of all time. Here's the best YouTube clip of the ROUS (Rodents Of Unusual Size) scene (link) - you will note that they are pronounced "Are Oh You Esses", not rowses. 
And today we have my Ess Oh You Esses (my Shoulders Of Unusual Size) meeting my Pea Oh You Esses (my Pants of Unusual Size). Not souses and powses!

  • "Espionage" jacket - Nanette Lepore, consignment; purchased here for $75.00
  • Baby blue blouse - no label, vintage 80s, thrifted; last worn here in September 2018 with pearls and metal
  • POUSes - Linda Lundstrom, Hazel's via Caro; last seen here in December 2018 with red and stripes
  • Shoes - Amante, vintage, thrifted; last worn here in October 2018 with snakeskin and green
  • Sleeveless coat (below) - Only, thrifted; last seen here in December 2018

I am large and in charge! Although the jacket has strong proportions, I went with my large pants. I liked how they looked together. It's different.
 Clothing as armour: there is a body under there, but I kind of just wanted to be covered, head-to-toe today.

First wearing of this new-to-me blazer - the detail on it is incredible. The shoulders are very structured - that is no ordinary 80s shoulder-pad, my friends. Check out the synchronous post at The Elle Diaries here, as Elle shows how her own vintage large-shouldered dress has come around again, trendwise. Big shoulders are here to stay!
 The back has two pleats at the shoulder, plus a full vent down the middle. Below the waist, it has two more pleats on each side, to really give it an hourglass shape. I love how the plaid is turned 45 degrees against itself too.

On the front, we have the waist banding, and double lapels, and everything has a deliberately ragged edging. The waistband does up with a claw-shaped button and one hook and eye.
 Hands in trouser pockets, but there are pleated and draped front pockets on the jacket too.

Outerwear - can you believe I didn't even wear a sleeved coat?
 This was just right for today, although rain is on the way later this week.

  • Fur scarf - thrifted
  • Wool/fur gloves - vintage, thrifted

The stuff:
 One of my best thrifted pairs of shoes - these are so comfy and elegant.

Silver bling:
 I wanted a brooch or necklace at the top of the blouse, but I ended up settling on this bold zipper rose on the lapel instead. Bold jewelry was needed with this oversized look.

  • Brooch - Victoria & Albert Museum gift shop, London
  • Silver earrings - Brenda Schoenfeld, 1992, vintage mall
  • Silver/crystal ring - Soul Flower
  • Fulvia Ring - Wendy Brandes

Feeling goofy this morning - here are some outtakes for you.

I must show the jacket pockets, while doing a deep knee-bend!
 I must show you how wide the legs are!

I must do a strange lunging pose!
 Clothing that inspires one to be goofy is awesome in my book. Jazz hand!

Tonight when I got home, I captured Vizzini and I in the hall mirror.
"My fans are here?? Where?"

Caught in the act of snuggling!


  1. Love the outfit, love the Princess Bride riffs, love the outtakes, and I LOVE your blog :)

  2. You do look "the business" in this outfit, Sheila! The jacket's got such a flattering fit, and I love the baby blue frilly blouse! Clothing as armour, I couldn't agree more! xxx

    1. Oh, yeah! I really needed it. Amazing how clothing can help us deal with the world, isn't it, Ann?

  3. That is a fantastic jacket and it goes so well with the pants! The zipper rose is super cool too. Now I want to go watch Princess Bride this weekend. Wishing you and Vizzini many snuggles.

    1. Thank you, Cheryene! I can always go for another viewing of "The Princess Bride."

  4. Love the outfit! Shoulder pads are back? Be still my beating heart, I definitely am an 80's 90's girl, loved shoulder pads. I have to say I am getting my fill to with shopping in the consignment and vintage stores.

    I totally love this look particularly the ruffled blouse, so feminine.

    1. Totes, they are back, Dar! I loved them too, just not triple/quadruple layers of them. Thank you so much!

  5. We come for the fashion, stay for the laughs. :-)

  6. The structure and details on the jacket are amazing! I love a beautifully tailored 80's jacket and in fact I have a couple in my wardrobe. You would be freezing without coat sleeves over here - the wind chill was -15 today, and it is expected to feel like -25 on the weekend.

    1. It's a gorgeous piece - I was so excited that it fit and looked good on. Ooh, I know - this is why the rest of the country hates Victoria, ha ha!

  7. I agree, clothing that inspires -whether it be to be goofy or more confident - is always a good thing! X

  8. Obviously any outfit which brings in a reference to The Princess Bride is even more fabulous!. It has put a smile on my face!.
    I love these pants with the structured jacket, I think they work together nicely!, and the cool accessorizing is just fabulous: bling and fabulous shoes!. And your sleeveless coat looks perfect! elegant and chic!

    1. Aw, so happy to hear that, Monica! Glad you a Princess Bride fan too.

      Thank you!

  9. This is such a different silhouette for you Sheila but I love it !
    First of all the espionage jacket seems to have so many details and the fact that you can appreciate them can be seen on how happy you are sporting it. Clothing should make us happy.

    1. I am having fun playing with silhouettes. Thank you! I love details in clothes. Yes!

  10. This is a different look on you as you tend to go for fitted,more structured clothing. I like it! The shoes are fabulous and I have a similar brooch to you but mine was 50p in a charity shop.

    That cat is so darn cute...

    1. It is! I like shaking things up a bit and trying new things, even things that aren't the traditionally "flattering" looks. Ha! Well, I only paid 4 pounds for mine - I don't feel too bad. Hee, Vizzini is a cutie.

  11. Yes Vizzini's fans are here. LOVE YOU VIZZINI.
    How many pairs of glasses do you have? Smart girl, when you wear glasses use them as accessory.
    This is indeed a power "suit" . I bet you got everything done the way YOU wanted it to be done.

    1. He appreciates that, Greetje!

      I only have the one pair, that I wear every day.

      Oh, yes, I do it my way, always!

    2. You are right, you have only one pair of glasses. Silly me. Still.. not a bad idea to have more right? Might be a bit expensive. Wouldn't it be great the have multiple frames and being able to pop the glasses out of one and put them into another? I think I found d a hole in the market.

    3. I've seen glasses like that! One of our local places carries them. I still have my old purple glasses, but they are in rough shape - I spilled nail polish remover on them. :(


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