Tuesday, October 23, 2018

First and Last Wear, Lavender, and Lacy Legs

So, this outfit is based around this jacket, which I bought ages ago and have been struggling to style.
 I felt good about today's outfit, but that whole "what do I wear with this?" dilemma often means a piece will not last with me. I like my pieces to spark creativity, not lead to mental roadblocks.

  • Jacket - BCBG Max Azria, thrifted; purchased here in July for $5.00
  • Sweater - Sonia Rykiel, consignment; last seen here (2nd outfit) a couple of weeks ago
  • Skirt - Talbots, thrifted; last worn here in March when I met reader Erin (hi, Erin!)
  • Boots - Maleika Conquer, Fluevog; last seen here in March with leopard and red ruffles

The jacket is very structured and "bossy" - it takes over an outfit. I needed to have a simple look for it to shine.
 Yes, for me this is simple! Black sweater (I have a purple cami under it, as it's a bit sheer) and lavender mohair skirt.

I wore the jacket open most of the time, but because it's cotton and lined in cotton, it caused the sweater to ride up around my waist.
 This fuzzy lavender skirt is a firm favourite. It is what inspired me to go lighter with my hair. That colour is sort of the goal. I'm getting there! I still have a lot of pink in my hair from the previous permanent colour.

The jacket is all embroidered, and it's really a lovely piece, but I didn't love it. *sigh*
 I have other pieces I love more. But instead of whining about it, let's admire the funky tights and the groovy boots, shall we? I'm continuing on my goal of wearing all my tights - these were awesome to wear, and gave a bit of much-needed visual interest when I took the jacket off.

The jacket looks great if I never move, and just pose like I'm the boss (not the jacket!).
 The white on black of it also reads as grey in pictures. That will not do.

It looks great done up though.
 But it's not practical to wear like that all the time.

Outerwear - I like it with the scarf and gloves.
 But I won't keep it just for that. It doesn't even have pockets! *shakes head* Into the giveaway pile you go! Good thing I only paid $5.00 for it.

  • Fur boa - thrifted
  • Gloves - Danier Leather

The stuff:
 I don't do boring black booties. These were so fun to wear again! I know they are not everyone's taste, but they ring my bells just fine.

Spooky bling:
 Don't be scared! They're not real, hee hee.

  • Spider ring - c. 1986, gift from Mom & Dad, Mexico
  • Snake ring - c. 1985, BC Museum Gift Shop
  • Skull earrings - Vancouver shop

Vizzini was being quite sulky this morning. I did a double-take when I saw him sitting on my tote bag that I carry my shoes in.
"Ha! The Woman will not be able to leave now that I have her bag."

Aw, what a cutie! My old kitty Inigo used to sleep on my knapsack in that exact spot (last picture of him doing it here).


  1. Sheila, where do you get all the great tights? I love beautifully patterned tights and am stuck in a patch of boring black. I like the jacket, but agree it would pose styling challenges. Skirt is divine.

    1. Dar, I've had some of them for 10+ years! Discount bins at the Bay, new in package at thrift stores, various boutiques...all over the place.


  2. I do like the jacket with this outfit but I agree fi you're not loving it best to let it go. I have a couple of statement jackets like this and they are actually really tricky to wear sometimes - I definitely wear my plain jackets a lot more.

    1. It didn't annoy me, but I really have been trying to make it work for months, and haven't really found anything I liked with it.

  3. Ha! Look at Vizzini holding your bag hostage!
    That's a fab jacket, the outfit looks fabulous together. Funnily enough I struggled with wearing the quilted Indian block printed jacket I wore on my blog last week - I tried plain things underneath but wasn't feeling it but when I whacked it on over that insane orange zig-zag housecoat, which shouldn't have worked, I loved it! xxx

    1. He's such a scamp.

      Thank you! I have tried it with so many things, Vix - but I should try it over something patterned, perhaps. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. sorry for the jacket, as it has a lovely embroidery and interesting shape, but if you don't feel it, it's better to let it go. No pockets and fussy lining, buh!
    And you look fab in those groovy tights and boots! lots of grooviness!!

    1. Thank you, Monica! Yeah, it's just not right. Move it along.

  5. A pity the jacket is a pain when worn closed. It is so nice. Love the tights and boots. I am a big funky tights lover and those boots ring my bell too.

    1. It is, but not right for me. Funky tights are the best! I thought you might like the boots! Thanks, Greetje!

  6. Great skirt and black sweater! (But then, you know me--Ms. Basic when it comes to my own wardrobe.😀 .Doesn't keep me from loving your great combinations though!!!!!!

  7. The jacket is gorgeous, especially when you're wearing it closed, but I'm hearing you on the styling problems. It looks absolutely fine in this outfit, though. Love the fuzzy lavender skirt, and can already envision your hair in that colour. It will be fabulous, I'm sure. xxx

    1. Thank you - yup, sometimes you don't notice these things until you wear them. Fuzzy lavender is the best!

  8. Ha, thank you, Danae, I know my "simple" really isn't! Lol, I love "corporate badass". I actually did try it in my closet with some leather, and with red, but it wasn't right.

  9. You had me at lavender mohair. I adore that jacket but agree that it looks a bit awkward in some of these photos. It’s a stunning piece and looks especially wonderful with the fur , but the fit is not there, so I believe it has s to be sent to someone else who will love it without constraints.
    Vizzini on the tote.. hilarious!

    1. Isn't it fun, Elle? Yes, the jacket was just not right for me. Someone will love it!

  10. "I like my pieces to spark creativity, not lead to mental roadblocks." This was a lightbulb moment for me -- you are so right! I have some items I've been trying to force myself to make work -- I think it's time I let them go.

    1. Aw, so happy to hear that, Cynthia! It's okay to give ourselves permission to give up on a piece - it's very liberating.

  11. I know exactly what you mean. If it limits your possibilities you have to let it go. As much as i like it, i totally understand why its out of the closet.
    These days i have been tempted to edit ruthlessly but something just keeps holding me back...

    1. It's a shame, because it's such a nice piece, but it really did stump me for styling. I tried a LOT of things. I often feel that ruthlessness, but I don't want to regret anything I edit.

  12. I love that you were just winning me over to believing in the jacket and then, Boom! it was gone! Hahaha! I have similar jackets and seem to be attracted to the bossiness factor although I read it more as Little Miss Prim. Whatever, mine are still loitering around in the back of my closets as I'm not as brave as you when it comes to chucking out. The tights and boots were a great ploy against the plain sweater and skirt though.
    It's good to see that you're aiming for that particular hair colour - I had no idea.

    Wishing you a fab weekend!
    Anna x

    1. Ha, sorry, didn't mean to lead you down the garden path, Anna! I love interesting piece, especially jackets, but arg, this one drove me nuts. I need the hanger anyway - more room to shop!

      Yup, I like change with my hair - lavender is the goal!


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