Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Leaves and Leather

Nothing terribly exciting today. It's hot but hazy from the 600+ forest fires in the province. 
 Here's a new-to-me blouse - that's sort of exciting.

  • Blouse - Ralph Lauren, thrifted; purchased here for $12.95
  • Skirt - Mackage, thrifted; last seen here (3rd outfit) in April during Ally's visit
  • Shoes - Chi Mihara; last worn here in July with brights
  • Jacket (below) - Club Monaco, thrifted; last seen here in June

The pattern of the blouse is large flowers, but they look like leaves to me and the blouse overall has a very autumnal feel. I had many comments on the masses of ruffles down the front of it.
 Yes, I am wearing a leather skirt on a hot summer day. To be fair, I'm in air conditioning for 90% of my work day.

I haven't worn this skirt to work in a couple of years - it's been a weekend piece for a while. That needed to change!
 I love the cut of it, although I did have to wear a half-slip under it to avoid gaping. I'm also wearing a camisole under the blouse.

Outerwear - not really needed, but I like having my arms covered up.
 I like how the ruffled exploded out - I'm looking forward to layering this blouse in fall. For now, though, it's sweaty and in the wash.

The stuff:
 One of my best shoe purchases this year. I love how comfy these shoes are, and I love the extra height they give me without the pain of high heels.

Copper bling:
Some favourites - I wonder if copper will ever have a renaissance? I can't think of a modern era where it's been popular.

  • Necklace/bracelet - vintage 70s, vintage expo
  • Earrings - vintage expo


  1. Def cute shoes and blouse. Copper is always in the mix here in Asheville, but this town has a hippie vibe. RenaissanceFestivals always have loads of copper! I miss Tamps Ren Fest.

    1. Yeah, I've seen it in the hippie venues too, but it's usually not very nice quality - it looks very folksy.

  2. I love the combo of the skirt and blouse together, even if the blouse was a bit sweaty to wear in summer. I can see why it got a lot of compliments at work :) Hope you're safe from the fires. There was a warning here for bushfires (in my local area) which is strange considering that we are in the suburbs, and kida between a huge river and the bay. Not a lot of dense bushland here! I'm still convinced they sent the warning to the wrong area by mistake, there have been fires elsewhere (so far away we don't even see smoke).

    1. Thanks, Mica! It's still a good blouse - I get sweaty in everything these days, lol! Yes, we're safe here in the city, but the air quality and the haze are the big hazard. So scary, isn't it??

  3. Loving the shape of that skirt on you, I'm glad you're going to give it a few more outings, it thoroughly deserves them!
    I love those platforms! x

    1. Thanks, Vix! I know, I should wear it more - but so many items, so little time!

  4. Ha, I love your use of "foof". :) Thank you! Yes, you're right, they ARE exciting!

  5. I absolutely love this outfit, Sheila. OK, the blouse's print might be a smidgeon Autumnal, but I think it looks fabulous with that buttermilk shade leather skirt. Those shoes are fantastic - another of my favourite pairs of yours! - and I love the copper bling, especially the necklace and bracelet! xxx

    1. Thanks so much, Ann! I like the combo too - even if the blouse doesn't stay in my spring/summer wardrobe. These shoes are amazing. I'm so glad I got them. My copper is one of my favourite collections - and you know I have a lot!

  6. I totally love this hole outfit! Fantastic skirt, love the cardi, amazing shoes! Fabulous!

  7. lovely outfit and lovely color combo, so elegant and cool!, those shoes are amazing and I love the ruffles and the contrasting textures with the leather skirt!
    you look fabulous!

  8. The outerwear, even though not necessary, gave this outfit a cool feel - like "hey, what have you gor under there?" The way the skirt peeks out is edgy-

    1. Thanks! I liked this outfit a lot more than I thought I would.


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