Thursday, August 9, 2018

All the Buttons, a Major Flashback

I felt pretty good in today's outfit, but when I looked at the pictures I thought, "Holy smokes, I look damn great for 50-going-on-51."
 Full of myself? Probably. Is that a bad thing?

  • Dress - Desigual, 2010, London; last worn here for New Year's Eve 2017 (one of my favourite posts - full of anniversary links!)
  • Shoes - Lucky Brand, consignment, Powell River; first worn here in July with pink and leopard
  • Jacket (below) - Club Monaco, thrifted; last seen yesterday here

This is about as simple as outfits get for me: just a dress and a pair of shoes. This particular dress is me actively searching for the not-yet-worn items in my closet - there are fewer and fewer backwards hangers every week!
 I had a ton of compliments on this dress - it's really an incredible piece in person, with gorgeous, varied fabrics (it has purple lining!) and fabulous attention to details. It was purchased and first worn here in May 2010. I have gradually been transforming it into my own work of art. I've had it for 8 years and I've worn it a bunch.

Enjoy a major retrospective!

  • December 31, 2007, for New Year's Eve, as above, here
  • June 2017, here with an added underskirt
  • March 2017, here with boots, tights and a blouse under it
  • September 2016, here with that same blouse and red shoes
  • December 2015, here with an orange blouse underneath
  • July 2015, here for the International Vancouver 40+ Blogger Meet-Up
  • May 2015, here with the same underskirt
  • September 2015, here making my "I've got my eye on you" joke, har har (and my orange shoes before they were worn out!)
  • June 2014, here with a white shirt and cowboy boots
  • July 2013, here with yellow shoes 
  • January 2013, here for Megan Mae's birthday being silly with a lampshade
  • 3 x March 2012, here for our anniversary trip to Vancouver, worn twice in one weekend, and here (I can't read that post without tearing up - it's when we found out Inigo, our dear kitty, was sick)
  • September 2011, here with a long black cardi
  • June 2011, here with some spectacular red shoes
  • February 2011, here with layers, including a scarf
  • And I noted there that I'd worn it four times previously, but my linking wasn't that consistent, and I can't be bothered to search.
  • Plus the first time here in May 2010.

Wow, I've worn it 22 times! I'm at $11.78 per wear, and totally worth it.

I've got my eye on you.
 Yes, I say that to someone every time I wear it.

Spoiler alert! It's hot out.
 I need a bigass linen poncho to just cover me. This coat will do.

The stuff:
 Surprisingly comfy shoes - that's real cork, and the rest is leather.

Mostly silver bling:
 I got the silver cuff on the same day in London as I bought the dress. It was time they were reunited.

  • Cuff - St. Paul's Cathedral gift shop
  • Snakeskin bracelet - thrifted, vintage 1986 (probably mine, refound) - first wearing
  • Earrings - thrifted
  • Turquoise/silver ring - local
  • Shield ring - Nine West

I took some close-up pictures of the dress. I am all about details, and this dress goes to 11. Also, I wore all the buttons today. All of them!
 This is the front panel of the dress, with some of my own pin collection on the left side, and the dress' actual buttons on the right. Look at that gorgeous fabric.

From the top! My top button says "Stay Strange" and that orange thing is a silhouette of Vancouver Island - my city, Victoria, is on the bottom tip of it.
 The bottom button is one of many Fluevog buttons I have. They give them to you free! There is an alternate one that says, "Know You're Weird." The linguist in me loves that.

10 points if you know what the symbol in the "O" is. One of our friends made these for his birthday.
 My Pride button, and Fluevog's "Holiday Button." The Desigual buttons are amazing, aren't they?

"Embrace Peculiarity" and "I'm the Bossy One." None of the Desigual buttons are duplicates.
 I can stare at all the fabrics all day.

"I [heart] Vintage" and more Fluevog, with "LOVE" spelled out vertically.
All the fabric pieces are so beautiful.

The bottom side panel. I like all the embroidery.
 I knew when I first laid eyes on this that I would have to have it - it cost $259 Canadian in 2010. That was very expensive to me (and still is), but now I would not hesitate, whereas then, L had to talk me into it (it didn't take long!).

Everyone sees the eye, but I always have to point out the zebras.
 That band has black beads in the centre of each silver embroidered oval. Amazing.

Shiny squares.
 And orange and pink flowers!

And a parrot? Rooster?
 And another random aqua fabric with swirls. Yes, yes, yes!

My friends, enjoy your weekend - I will be back on Sunday with tales of adventure.
"And cat pictures. My fans need them."
Yes, possibly cat pictures.


  1. woww, I'm loving your Desigual dress with the extra-embellishment of your pins collection!, such a great idea!. And I totally agree: you look fabulous!
    And Love this recap of outfits!
    Sometimes buying an expensive cloth is money well spent!, quality pieces stay fab for years!

    1. Thanks, Monica! There aren't many ways I can wear my buttons, so this felt perfect. I was shocked at how many times I've actually worn this dress! It was so worth it.

  2. Yes, you do look good for your age! I just read an article that confirmed what we all know -- physical activity slows down aging and helps everyone look younger. When I visited you, I thought "isn't it great to have young, attractive friends?!"

    1. Why, thank you, my dear Ally! Some of my friends are older than you!

  3. This dress is such a lovely piece! I'm trying to guess what the 'O' in Love is. Is it related to Valve/Half-Life? Do tell? I'm curious!

    1. Nope, good guess, though, Lorri! It's the centre for a 45 rpm record (see the Anonymous comment below).

      Thank you so much!

  4. You look amazing for any age and the details on this dress are incredible. I love special pieces like this.

  5. No it isn t bad at all! Lovely to see you wear that dress so often! Great one!

  6. Hello Sheila from one of your silent readers! Love, love the dress and the seamstress in me is thinking of making one from all my high end scrap fabrics! Still enjoy reading your blog and by the way, that yellow symbol (as you call it)from that LOVE button is one of those plastic thingys we used to snap in the middle of the 45 rpm records then push the 45 onto the metal stand of the turn table to play records and dance! You could buy them in a package of 10 or something like that. Anyway, did I get the 10 points?! Take care and nice to see you, Victoria/Vancouver looking wonderful. Lamar Mendiola from San Antonio, Texas

    1. Lamar, thank you SO much for commenting! I really appreciate it!

      Ooh, I hope you do make a dress like mine! I admire that creativity from sewing artists. Good job on the 45 record insert - 10 points for you!

    2. Oh... that’s what it is... never would have guessed.

    3. No 45 rpm records in your past, Greetje? I'm surprised!

  7. Fantastic dress! You have inspired me to only shop 2nd hand this year and it has been so fun and successful that I may continue for another year! 10 points for me! My 29 year old son actually has that symbol tattooed on his arm and has a record player with several 45's. I remember going to the mall on Saturday's to buy the Monkee's latest 45's..... I'm a Believer.....likely still have it too. Your posts are so informative and enjoyable. Great job - thank you.

    1. Aw, Robyn, that's amazing - great work on your challenge! It's so much fun shopping second-hand, isn't it?

      Woo! 10 points for you! Aw, thank you for your kind words. :)

  8. That dress is such a fabulous piece! So much to look at. And you've made it even better adding those buttons of your own. If it's still going strong after all these years, and you keep wearing it at the same rate, the price per wear will soon be negligible! I have no idea what the sign inside the "O" is, but I can't wait until you tell us, because now I am intrigued! Have a lovely weekend, Sheila xxx

    1. Thank you so much, Ann - I knew you'd enjoy seeing the details on it. My cost-per-wear is great - well worth the initial investment!

      Ha, check the comments above you - a couple of people have gotten it right! Happy weekend, my dear!

  9. Thank you so much for digging through and looking at all the iterations of this dress, Danae! I know, my hair has changed so much over the years - I'm always doing different things with it (and my dress!).

  10. It is a beautiful dress and it's great you're not only continuing to get wear from it but continuing to feel great every time you wear it. You do look great too Sheila! :)

    1. Thank you so much, Mica! This is the kind of piece that is just a wardrobe classic!

  11. That dress is incredible and YES you look incredible, too!!!!!! Love the buttons. My friend just got a button maker and it is on!!!

    1. Game on, Becky, let's see what you can do! Thank you!!

  12. WOW! Special dress on a special person, creative flair in the air AND your glasses match the dress!

    1. Heh, it's like I planned it, hey, Laurie? Thank you, my dear!

  13. That dress looks awesome on you. In that first picture you look, slim, long and yound. How about that for a 50 year old one going on to 51. Love the shoes too. You are so good ith shoes.

    1. Forgot to say that your tattoos look so good with this dress.

    2. Thank you so much, Greetje! It feels good. I love shaking it up with different shoes.

  14. Pretty good Sheila? You look hot for any age! Sensational dress. Love love love it.

  15. What a clever idea of adding the buttons . Desigual items are so very into detail, very unique piece.
    And my dear you have all the right to be "full of yourself" -

    1. I thought so! It only enhances the dress, IMO. Thank you, Lorena!


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