Saturday, February 26, 2011

Weekend Outfits - Winterizing Summer Dresses

I occasionally view my Stats tab on Blogger, just to see what people are looking for when they end up here. By far one of the most searched-for topics is "how to wear a summer dress in winter" (closely followed by "dress like a song" which gets them this post). So they find this post, which I did a couple of years ago in response to a question from Faithful Reader Alison.

Well, here's another post for you folks to find! It's been so freakin' cold the last few days, I swear, my hair is going to crack like shards of ice and fall from my head. Anyway, I've been winterizing some dresses for a couple of special occasions.

Last night, I went as my mom's date to an awards night put on by the athletics club she (and my dad, when he was alive) belongs to. I'm so proud that she won Racewalker of the Year - AGAIN, for the fourth time! I cried with pride as they reviewed all of her accomplishments. You kick butt, Mom!

I spent a lot of money on this dress in London and I aim to get a lot of wear out of it:
As Sal over at Already Pretty will attest, Desigual makes the most divine, interesting and unique clothing I've ever seen. I fell in love with this dress as soon as I saw it, in the Desigual store near Carnaby Street in London. It was 169.00 pounds (over $300 Canadian), making it the most expensive piece of clothing (including shoes) that I've ever owned.

You should see the amazing jackets they make using the same technique of patchwork (if you do an image search on "Desigual coat" you'll see a bunch). I didn't get a jacket, though, because they button up on one side (like this dress does) and they only looked right when they were done up. That's not very practical, in my opinion.

I've worn this dress four times previously (here, scroll through the other stuff - there are some good close-ups in the last post from the first time I wore it), always bare-armed, sometimes with a jacket. This time I added my long-sleeved turquoise tee underneath and I had a cami underneath that! I'm pointing at the rooster, in case you are wondering.

Even with the layer underneath, I was still freezing, so I wrapped this orange scarf around my neck a few times and pinned it in place.
I've got my eye on you!

I wore thick purple tights, wooly socks and boots. This worked quite well to keep myself warm.

Close-up of the top:
Mom gave me this pin for my birthday and I've been remiss in wearing it. I liked how it went with all the different buttons thematically and kept up the round theme with the bird ring.

The stuff:
Dress (Desigual), tee (Plum), scarf (vintage, thrifted), ring (Lavichy), boots (Aldo, consignment).

Today, I went to my regular WW meeting (down a pound! Woo!), and had a bunch of errands to run. I needed to be warm, as it is still trying to snow, and also needed to be light on the scale. Did you know that a pair of jeans weighs nearly 2 pounds?
I'm trying not to cough. But there you have it - same formula: one light dress, one long-sleeved tee, one pair of tights, one pair of boots. Voila!

Dress (Gap, consignment), tee (Press), Boots (Aldo, consignment).


  1. Ooh I've been drooling over Sal's Desigual stuff lately. I didn't realize your awesome dress was by the same maker. I love it layered with a shirt underneath. It looks like it belongs perfectly.

    I don't see how you got away with that second outfit in chilly weather. Thin tights make me feel colder than if I was bare legged. Something about the feeling of air seeping through the fabric.

    I love your green statement ring in the first outfit. Too cute.

  2. I so love the London dress. That is the way I wish I could dress every day...unique, colorful, stylish...and the pin? so cool!

  3. Yeah, they make the most amazing stuff, Megan. I wish I could afford more! Thanks.

    I wore my full-length red wooly coat over top of it, with scarf, hat and gloves, of course! I didn't go out in just these. :)

    Pam, thank you, so do I!

  4. You look divine as usual! LOVE that dress.
    BTW - a new store (Mango's) on Johnson is selling Desigual stuff now. They have a most fab coat in the window. Pricey, but delicious.


  5. I like the Desigual dress, but I LOVE the Aldo boots! Because yeah, I like black boots. Just a bit ;)

  6. You're so welcome, Alison, thank you for keeping in touch all these years. :) You rock!

    R, I KNOW - Mango's is a fave store. I just can't spend that much on clothes with my financial situation right now...

    Scary, thanks! A bargain at $79 on consignment considering how much I wear them.

  7. That dress looks like it was made with you in mind... a but nutty, but a cohesive look overall. I adore that on you. And I love the tee under it. Perfect!

  8. Hello Sheila! I love your style especially your fancy London dress. OMG. I think I'd sleep in it, and wear nothing else- it's pretty amazing.
    I wanted to stop by and say hi and let you know you're now on the +40 blog roll. Looking forward in reading your future posts. Take care! -Bella Q
    the Citizen Rosebud

  9. I shall remember that jeans weigh two pounds next time I'm on the scale and adjust accordingly.

    I love this patchwork dress and the eye in the middle of your back is a visual metaphor. Too good.

  10. That is the perfect Sheila dress, and I mean that in the very best way. Love it!

  11. Bella, thank you for visiting and commenting - I especially appreciate you adding me to the 40+ blogroll! Thanks for your kind words about my dress - I would sleep in it if I had to!

    Terri, shocking, isn't it? My OTK boots weigh nearly 4 lbs. Thank you!

    Kristen, I know, I love it so much. Thanks!

    Wendy, you'd be amazed at what clothes can add to your weight. Jewelry too!

  12. I Really Love both looks. That dress from London is Fabulous !

  13. Hey wow, I like the eye on the back. This is really something that I am always on the lookout for... personal, eye-catching clothing.
    Boring cashmere sweaters clear out!

  14. Love-love the dress mixing for winter. I could look at you in these dresses and boots forEVER.

  15. Thanks, Emma!

    Susu, isn't it amazing? Although cashmere has its place, I tend to agree with you.

    Aw, thanks, A-Dubs!

  16. Oh, wow - that Desigual dress is gorgeous! I hadn't even heard of them until Sal mentioned them, but I'm already stalking them on eBay...

  17. I LOVE that desigual dress and you have styled it to perfection - the scarf! the brooch! the ring! the boots!

    You look amazing, Sheila!

    Sarah xxx

  18. Karen, I love all their stuff - I wish they had stores here!

    Thanks so much, Sarah!


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