Thursday, September 3, 2009

Spongebob Boots!

I spotted these babies when I got yesterday's shoes...I thought about them...I consulted Ruth...I thought about what I would wear with...YELLOW boots.

Of course, I had to have them.
Inigo always has to be in the shot.

My coworkers teased me: Big Bird, chicken legs, but I don't care. I love these! I had a hilarious cartoon that my coworker drew of me, but I forgot to email it to home. Ah well. Edit: here it is.

I actually had this outfit planned out since Monday (with these shoes instead) but had to fix a broken button right at the boobular region, which I didn't do until last night. The shirt is new-to-me - I am not a fan of button-downs in general, because I loathe ironing, but this one has a good cotton to polyester ratio so I figure it will wash well and not need to be ironed. Well, that's the plan...we'll see how it pans out.

The stuff:
Ah, the glory that is the yellow boot. They are real leather, faux croc (there is a bit of orangey-yellow on them), Aldo, from last season - I remember seeing them in the store. I went with blue accessories to pop off the dark grey pinstripe and the black skirt.

A close-up of the brooch and the cufflinks:
I wore the brooch at the centre of the skirt's waistband. The cufflinks are L's - I think I may have bought them for him for Christmas a few years back. They are vintage.

Shirt (Club Monaco, consignment), skirt (Kenzie), boots (Aldo, consignment), necklace (Jacob), brooch (Plum), crystal stud earrings, cufflinks (L's, vintage 1970s).


  1. I LOVE those boots! Shoes in standout colors are awesome investments.

  2. Oh wow, yellow boots indeed! I actually really like them with the outfit that you picked out. I think if there were too many bright colors, the boots could look a little cartoony, but with a neutral ensemble they are very fun and colorful. And you are very good at pulling off quirky, unusual pieces! Hope you have fun wearing them. (And love to see Inigo jump into the frame!)

  3. Great Boots!
    Like the new look for the blog too!

  4. Those boots are freaking awesome! I was just wondering myself what color of boot I'd get if I were to buy some in a bright color. I didn't even think of yellow, but they are terrific.

  5. Cute outfit! The boots look good with the black/gray color combo. Oh, and FYI, I'm having a trench coat giveaway (but maybe it would be too big for you?? Not sure, but I thought I'd let you know.)

  6. I'm not going to lie - I'm a little scared of the boots. BUT I think they look really nice against the black and white of your shirt.

  7. Oh my gosh. I love the boots, and I love that you have the balls to wear them. They look amazing on you!~

  8. Your co worker was envious of your boots I can tell from the drawing...
    Personally the look awesome and are the best yellow statement I have seen in some time :)

  9. Wendy, these were a cheap investment at $50, but I just loved them anyway.

    Kari, thanks! Yeah, I won't be wearing these with other bright colours - I don't want to look cartoony.

    Thanks, Chris!

    Thanks, Kasmira! They just made me catch my breath, but I had to have them. I'm looking forward to trying them with different outfits.

    Eednic, ha! Thanks!

    Sal, yup, they sure are.

    FA, thanks! Ooh, cool, I will check it out.

    It's okay, Tina - I don't expect everyone to like everything I do! Thanks, hon!

    WWWYG - thanks! I got a LOT of comments from people on them.

    Lorena, no, he thought they were hilarious, actually. Thanks very much!

  10. O-M-G...I LOOOOOVE those freakin boots!!!!! They are AMAZING and you pull them off fabulously, but of course :)

    Seriously, I can't believe how cool they look...just awesome!

  11. Ha! i LOVE those boots! Have a ball in them, that's what they're for!

  12. Hey, Kayleigh is BACK! I'm so glad you like the boots! Thank you, hon!

    Kristen, thanks!

  13. Thanks, Alison! Yours sound amazing! I love the idea of grey with the boots - that is definitely something I'm going to try.


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