Sunday, November 5, 2023

Bigass Weekend Wrap-Up: Burgundy Duster and New Boots; Double Woven and Betty Meet-Up; Naughty Kitty

Welcome back, my friends! I hope you had a grand weekend, full of good times. We had a quiet one, which is always fine by me - we're headed into a busy season, so I appreciate the times when I can recharge my batteries. 

This is Friday's outfit, worn to work all day, then slightly modified to walk to my hair appointment in the evening. 
It's the time-change this weekend ("fall back" an hour) and I'm hoping it will light enough in the morning to do my stair pics again. 

  • Cardigan/duster - California Moonrise, thrifted; first worn here in May with ruffles and plaid
  • T-shirt - O-Gen, thrifted; last seen here (2nd outfit) in June with a pajama jacket
  • Wool vest - Ann Demeulemeester, thrifted; first worn here in August with pink and purple
  • Skirt - Danier Leather, thrifted; last seen here in September with toughed-up teal
  • Booties - Ecco, thrifted; purchased here yesterday for $44.99
  • Leather coat (below) - Danier Leather, consignment; last seen here in July
  • Down puffer coat (below) - Donna Karan, consignment; last worn here in March

I wanted to wear the eggplant/aubergine new-to-me boots I'd bought the day before, so I built the outfit around them. 
I needed a short-ish skirt to show off the boots, and to wear both this burgundy sweater/cardi duster and the $1,000 wool vest again. 

The, it's okay. The knit is cheap and I don't like how the bottom curls. 
I don't think it's going to last. It also rolled into my office chair a couple of times. 

Outerwear. "But where is the long cardigan?" I hear you asking. 
I rolled it up and stuffed it in my backpack for walking to and from work, that's where! 

I was comfy and warm in my leather jacket, but my arms were a little on the cold side. Just walk faster, Sheila! 

I abandoned the cardigan for my walk to the hairdresser after work - I also removed most of my jewelry. 
I like the outfit better this way, but the sweater was useful for warmth in the office. 

Getting back to the $1,000 item, vests by Ann Demeulemeester are over ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS new (link here, 'cause I love - and my vest has a back!). I would never pay that for a vest (I could buy two pairs or more of Fluevogs instead!) - my $24.95 thrift investment is more like it. 
L commented in the morning, "That skirt makes your bum look good." Why, thank you! There is leather trim around the zipper and two sections on the sides. 

It was spitting rain after work, and I wanted to be warmer for my 15-minute walk to visit Kaitlyn for my hair cut, so I switched to this burgundy down-filled puffer coat. 
"This picture is 100% better for having a cat in it."

It's a wrap-around and is snuggly warm, although I wasn't very visible walking home in the dark (oops). I also switched up my new booties for these floral canvas Doc Martens, purchased well over a decade ago for around $60.00. I have worn them hundreds of times - they are one of three pairs of Walking To Work Shoes (which I do not track). 

I only wore the gloves in the evening. 

  • Wool-blend scarf - Missoni for Target, consignment
  • Wool gloves - Parkhurst
  • Cashmere beret - Club Monaco, thrifted

The stuff: 
I walked to and from work in these and they were lovely, although I had some light rubbing around the ankle. Otherwise, they were excellent. 

Silver and gold bling:
I like mixing pink, purple and amber together - it's a warm combination. 

  • Necklace - vintage 1920s, vintage mall, gift from L
  • Bracelet w/glass stones - vintage 1920s, vintage mall
  • Chain cuff - consignment
  • Silver/amber earrings - vintage 1920s, vintage mall, gift from L
  • Silver/amethyst ring - vintage mall
  • Silver/amber ring - consignment
  • Silver/smoky topaz ring - Anneli Neumann, Finland
  • Amber ring - Past Times, gift from L, c. 1995
  • Purple/gold stud earrings (not shown) - Kate Spade, consignment

Three of those pieces are 100 years old! 

L and I hung out playing boardgames and listening to music on Friday night, and were up early on Saturday for breakfast - not brunch! - at John's Place. Nick's away so it was just the two of us. 
Seeing the tree branches lashing to and fro, I assumed it would be another chilly and windy day. 

  • Turtleneck - Wanko, thrifted; last seen here in March for a Mom-Day in black and red
  • Dress - Bodybag By Jude, consignment; last worn here in March with the original Darth duster
  • Boots - 1883 Luchesse, thrifted; last seen here in April for a Mom-Day at Heritage Acres
  • The Loomed Lady (below) - vintage 1960s, thrifted; last worn here with the boots in April

I love this satin-lined woven wool-blend dress - it's a very basic up-and-down cut, but it fits just right. 
I layered a turtleneck under it, but after breakfast and a quick grocery shop, I was sweating. 

It got sunny and warm! Crazy weather.
We had an early start so that I could meet up with former colleague and friend Betty (last get-together here in August) at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria in the early afternoon. 

I stripped off the turtleneck and changed to a camisole. Too warm!
We enjoyed a browse of the latest exhibit, "Unexpected: The Life and Art of Sophie Pemberton, Canadian Artist" (link here), and caught up on each other's lives. 

We'd planned on a coffee after, but there are no places nearby. That's all right, it's still so good to see each other.
I liked the Loomed Lady coat paired with this dress - don't the double woven textures look good together? 

I have learned my lesson - always carry sunglasses! 

No scarf necessary! 

  • Purse - Rebecca Minkoff, consignment
  • Wool gloves - Parkhurst

The stuff: 
I love the slate blue colour of these leather boots. They are good in weather (rain), but I needn't have worried - sunny, clouds, and wind only. 

Brutalist bling: 
Some of my favourite pieces. 

  • Bracelets/necklace - Robert Larin, vintage 70s, vintage mall, all gifts from L
  • Brass/glass ring - Raphael of Canada, vintage 70s, consignment, gift from L
  • Kyanite/silver ring - consignment
  • Volcano ring - vintage 70s, Mom's
  • Hematite ring - thrifted (I use it to keep the Volcano ring on)
  • Earrings - vintage mall

After a long, snoozy nap with Vizzini curled up with us, we enjoyed our favourite pastime - more boardgames! Mr. Underfoot was being extra needy (he's heard Vix's William is getting special treats, including bacon, and is jealous!). 
"You should feed me - maybe some bacon?"

While I was pre-blogging, I could feel Vizzini's eyes on me. I took this sneak pic of him under my arm (the blue is me). 

He "helped" L set up the game. 
"Elastics are delicious."

He skedaddled once all the elastic bands were put away safely. 

L's mom called during the game and while they were chatting, I spent the time in my closet putting together outfits for the coming week. 
"Heh heh, the Woman will never see me here!"

He's underneath my Tower of Power shoe shelving in my closet, little monkey. I see you! 

Those are my spare hangers, in a shmozzle.

I laid down on the floor to get these pics, sneaking the camera around the footstool (he gets distracted by the cord). 
"FLASH? That's not fair!" 

I think it dazzled him a bit. Sorry, bud.
"I am outraged at this egregious surprise attack!"

I'll have to block this spot so that he doesn't get shut in the closet - he's always finding new hidey-holes. Such a naughty kitty. 
"You are just figuring this out?"

Good point. 

Thank you so much for visiting, my friends! I so appreciate each and every reader, fellow blogger and even the lurkers (don't be creepy, and bots go away). 


  1. Dear Vizzini, you are absolutely adorable and quite skilled at finding cozy closet nooks! Must say, though, when your green eyes popped from the flash I thought you would have been perfect for greeting trick or treaters on Halloween.

    Sheila, your outfits are so comfortable looking, just right for this time of year. I agree with L regarding your skirt, and the burgundy patterned stockings coupled with the boots and the vest complete a ‘just right’ outfit. As always, am a fan of any dress that doesn’t need much, ie a jammy dress. And before I even read your words my initial response was ‘dress and coat make a perfect pairing!’

    Also appreciate your hair trim. I’m a fan of bangs (think you call them fringe) and have always felt that a trim always makes hair feel healthy.

    Cheers, Laurie

    1. He's very clever at finding spaces to hide, Laurie! We've had to block off many areas from him over the years.

      I was pleased with the double woven pieces together - I am drawn to woven textiles, so being able to pair them is a bonus for me.

      Thanks! I like showing off my eyebrows, which I keep in a nice (I think) shape. I also hate having hair touching my glasses.

  2. Aww Vizzini is too cute for words! And a little cheeky by the sounds of it. X

  3. You're one of the few people I know who deserves a THOUSAND DOLLAR vest. And it's always nice to collect a compliment on clothing from a partner. BTW I like the rhythm of your life. These reports make me want to move to Vancouver Island so I can have brunch with you two. More coffee, please!

  4. My mind boggles at the thought of you finding that Ann Demeulemeester vest at the snippet of its original thousand dollar price! You seem to have a knack for thrifting items by Belgian designers :-) Oh, and L. is right, that skirt does make your bum look good!
    Loving the double dose of woven textures going on in Saturday's outfit. The Loomed Lady coat is another favourite of mine.
    Aww, look at Vizzini! He's naughty yet adorable. Bess said to tell him she helps making sandwiches for my lunch, and often gets a sliver of ham as a reward :-) xxx

  5. Just look at Vizzini's eyes! Very Halloweenish....what is it with cats and tight spaces? I saw a post on IG; where a pet owner had taped a small plastic container next to her sink; the sort you might buy a yogurt or hummus in. Her kitten loved to curl up in it whilst she washed up!

    Lovely outfits and accessories, Sheila. I especially liked the second one with the slate blue long boots and the dress fitted you beautifully. I agree, the texture of the dress and coat looked fab together. I cannot get over the price of that vest - daft money indeed.

    I will check out that artist; it's good to find more women artists!

  6. Vizzini is so good at finding hidey places, William's still finding his way around our house but doesn't seem to have the curiosity of your boy, maybe all that bacon & chicken has dulled his sense!
    Those Ecco boots look fab on and the Loomed Lady coat with the woven dress is Klassy with a capital K. Talking of which L's shirt is fabulous! xxx

  7. Vix took the word from my mouth. The last outfit is very classy! Pairing navy blue with black (and white) is very Parisian apparently. Whatever, it's working!
    Vizzini certainly misses nothing! :-D


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