Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Velvet, Leopard and Orange Boss Pants

I needed some "Boss power" today - time to wear a suit-equivalent, featuring Boss Lady Pants. I had many emails to get through, but it wasn't as bad as I'd anticipated.
Of course, I have incorporated some of my new-to-me recent finds into this outfit, as I like to wear things right away to make sure I really love them. 

  • Jacket - Jeans Gianfranco Ferre, vintage 90s, consignment; purchased here for $45.00
  • Blouse - Planet, consignment; last worn here in March 2021 in a power outfit
  • Trousers - Long Tall Sally, consignment; first seen here in February with grey and ruffles
  • Boots - Truths Luiza, Fluevog, consignment; purchased here for $169.99
  • Leather trenchcoat (below) - vintage 70s, thrifted; last worn here in February

While I'm a big fan of velvet, I'm always cautious of self-induced Velvet Rage with new garments.
This oversized 90s crushed velvet jacket was wonderful - no riding up under my trenchcoat. 

I forgot to take a picture of it all done up, as it looks very classy, but this is how I wore it all day.
I only buttoned it up when I had my outerwear on. 

I'll button it for the next outfit, and will likely belt it too.
I am feeling a bit of buyer's regret (never remorse) over this jacket, though. 

I'm not sure it really suits me, and I like the outfit better without it. The proportions look better to me.
I do love the orange trousers, though. 

Masked up - my office hasn't changed its mask policies, even with the recent opening up of restrictions in our province. 
I am fine with that. I'd rather be cautious. 

Outerwear - it's been raining, then sunny. Then raining. Then sunny! 
It must be spring. 

My lighter spring-weight scarf comes out for a visit. 

  • Hat - Edward Mann, vintage 60s, thrifted
  • Scarf - thrifted
  • Gloves - Ralph Lauren, consignment
  • Mask - by Mom

The stuff: 
I wasn't inclined to wear heels today, and these new-to-me fabulous booties were calling. They were awesome all day - very comfortable. 

Gold bling: 
My cats make an appearance. 

  • Belt - Pringle of Scotland, vintage fair; last worn here in February
  • Necklace - vintage 80s, vintage fair
  • Earrings - vintage, Charmaine's
  • Brooch - consignment
  • Brass Brutalist rings - both vintage mall


  1. I love the fit of those Lady Boss trousers and you can't beat wearing red with leopard print. The boots look fab, I love the heels and the cats, of course!
    If I'm honest, I'm not mad about the jacket either but shall reserve judgement until I see it buttoned up and looking a bit more structural. xxx

    1. It's all good...except the jacket. Sigh. Thanks, Vix!

  2. I 100% agree with and ditto what Vix wrote. You have other jackets that both do you justice and are interesting pieces. This brown velvet jacket does neither (With apologies to the jacket ;))

    Am intrigued by the necklace. Reminds me of Frodo’s mithril coat given him by the drawves. And those booties! If they had a rounded toe I’d be persuaded to visit a Fluevog store…

    1. I agree, Laurie, but I'm going to give it one more shot and try styling it better.

      Yes, this style was big in the 80s - I remember disco tops made of this chainmail. Fluevog does lots of rounded toes - you should try some on!

  3. I'm inclined to agree with you, Vix and Laurie on the jacket. At least where this outfit is concerned, as those fabulous orange Lady Boss trousers and leopard blouse look so much better without it. I do know buyer's regret all too well, but it's not the end of the world.
    Loving that delicious leather trench coat, and the cats, obviously, and I'm glad those new-to-you Fluevogs made the grade! xxx

    1. Yeah, it's not doing anything for me - it's too oversized and just hangs on me. I like the rest of the outfit too. That's true - it's not the end of the world!

      Thanks so much, Ann!

  4. Also a big fan of velvet myself, glad that this hasn't a Velvet Rage inducing piece. Sorry that the proportions were not your cup of tea, I think that these fab trousers look better with a shorter jacket (any peplum perhaps?) so I'd give this jacket another try over a dress?. I'm really picky about proportions so totally understand you.
    And Boss Pants Rock!

    1. I keep on trying different velvets, but I don't think this one is going to make the cut, Monica. I love the Boss Pants too!

  5. That jacket would be better with a short pencil skirt. But I love those pants!

  6. Those pants do look so good on you and I like the jacket with the outfit although I agree that the proportions look fantastic without it - maybe you will enjoy it more next time you wear it :)

    1. Thanks, Mica - I agree, the outfit is better without the jacket. I hope so - thank you, my friend!

  7. The trousers are swoonarama!!!! I'm not loving the brown velvet though you make it look Good!!

  8. As I thought, the black Fluevog boots are so easy to wear. I didn't know the Gianfranco Ferre is a jacket. I thought it was a coat. You do realize that Italian size 46 is more my size, right? Hahaha. Don't take me seriously on this.

    1. I adore the black Fluevog booties - so comfy!

      Yup, and I think it would fit you perfectly - let me know if you want it.

  9. Oh, such a shame you have buyer's remorse over the jacket, as it doesn't induce velvet rage. But you will find it a good home.

    Masking is still a good idea. Our government's abandoned all restrictions and I've never known so many people with covid - in the last few weeks even people who've been extremely careful are getting it, because so many others aren't taking care.

    1. Eh, it was not a good choice. I was sucked in by the chi-chi name and the good quality, but it really didn't work on me at all.

      I agree - I'm going to keep wearing my mask until I feel better about things.

  10. Mightily chic and ever-so-stylish, my dear friend! Three gigantic cheers for 1990s velvet. I greatly miss the days when the quality of velvet that was readily available and affordable back then was the norm (aka, pre-fast fashion velvet... if one can call it that sometimes ;)).

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

    1. I know, the quality is so much better in the older garments, isn't it? Boo to fast fashion!


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