Hello, my friends! As I dig through my as-yet-unworn clothes from this season, so many of these pieces are worth a Flashback, so I have for you...
Not ONE...
Not TWO...
Not THREE...
We'll start on Saturday morning, when L and I strolled to Pluto's for brunch, followed by a quick shop for some snackage supplies.
I was immediately drawn to the pattern mix of the pale pink polyester fabric (with teeny black stars), the black and white ribbed stripe around the neckline and this fabulous tropical print on the front. I am a sucker for a good print.
There's an island in the background framed by palm trees, with lotuses/waterlilies in the foreground, and it's populated with a flamingo and a couple of carp - one of them is orange, on the left, and the other pinkier one is near the hem on the right middle.
Since we were already pattern mixing within the top itself, adding another pattern on the bottom was a gimme.
I wore it right away in April 2017, along with the pale pink shoes I bought on the same trip.
I paired it with my green lame (lah-MAY!) skirt in July 2017.
Those shoes are atrocious! Throw them to the wolves!
I love this mix of patterns, from June 2018.
Those lovely trousers are in my fall/winter wardrobe, I think (I hope!). I spy today's earrings.
With my oddly-shaped See By Chloe trousers for a casual weekend hangout at the pub in April 2019.
Basic black is always an option with a busy pattern, but even my black pants are far from basic.
And here's the last time I wore it, in August 2019, with grey windowpane plaid.
I like those shiny pink sandals. I need to get another wearing of those in before summer ends.
Mathy stuff: I've only worn these six times, including today's outfit, which leaves room for improvement. That works out to $5.49 per wear. Not bad, could be better.
Flashback #2: Hispanitas Spotted Loafers
These lovely shoes, on the other hand, surprised me as I started digging up all the outfits.
I bought them
here in March 2016, at Heart & Sole Shoes for $120.00, and they were a "last pair" - I bit on them, even though they are a size 39 (I'm usually a 40, or North American size 9.5-ish). They are leather and I knew they would stretch over time.
I wore them right away, the weekend that I got them.
I felt great in this slightly wacky outfit (dig that swoopy hair!), with my Yeti jacket and old black culottes.
I liked them so much, I wore them multiple times in March 2016.
With my black 90s leather slip dress (aka the Buffy dress), and a watchful kitty.
For a casual work outfit, also in March 2016.
I no longer have either that top or the pants.
I miss this leopard sweater, from April 2016.
We'll see that again shortly.
This outfit is also from April 2016 - these shoes were the start of me acquiring more flats in my wardrobe.
I love those trousers - I still have them, but they are snug right now.
This is a full-on wacky outfit, from June 2016.
Chokers and me...not so much. That is, however, a genuine Valentino suit jacket (it's part of a suit - I mostly wear just the skirt).
I just passed this Armani denim dress on to Caro last week!
This look is from September 2016.
There's that leopard sweater again, with a big flappy black leather maxi skirt (which I still have).
This was to go to the "Sing-along Sound of Music" with Mom in December 2016.
I liked how the shoes went with my plaid trousers, so I paired them again in February 2017.
You might recognize that black Club Monaco coat as my frequently-worn summer sunblock topper (it's probably a recent purchase there).
A very casual outfit with purple velvet jeans in April 2017.
I still have those jeans - they've been worn a kajillion times as part of my "around the house" wardrobe.
I'm a sucker for plaid pants - I no longer have these ones, or that this green blouse.
This outfit is from August 2017.
My once-beloved silk teal blouse and my still-beloved gold leather Space Pants, in October 2017, just after our trip to Portland, Oregon (where I bought the pants).
The shoes are a nice grounding element in many of these outfits - not too black, not too dull.
This is an Outfit Fail, from November 2017.
The velvet vest-y thing is in Yvonne's closet now, and the white blouse is gone. I still have that Dolce & Gabbana skirt, though.
Must have been a weekend in December 2017 - I have my coffee!
That wool sweater sprung several moth-holes, and that skirt has a stain on the front (that drives me insane).
The 90s were calling - slip dresses are back! I was way ahead of the trend here in April 2018.
That's the fun of wearing whatever the f**k you want - trends catch up with YOU.
I loved all the textures in this October 2018 outfit.
The eagle-eyed will spot my zipper rose, and that's my bark skirt, which we'll see in a few weeks when the Fall Closet Swapover happens.
I didn't like this golden pleated skirt, but I am just remembering that I found a velvet version of this for fall.
This outfit is from November 2018.
My $1,000 sweater (really, but of course, I didn't pay that much!) is worn with JEANS (yes!) in December 2018.
The shoes add just enough funk.
They are a good alternative to a heel.
This outfit is from January 2019.
This was a snow day in February 2019, and I went with full comfort.
I still have all of these items.
However, this skirt didn't make the cut - it's now in Vero's closet as it looked amazing on her.
This outfit is from April 2019.
I just love this outfit from May 2019.
I have yet to wear that skirt this season, and the bustier has also not been worn. Should I do a repeat of those two items? They look so good together!
You might remember this outfit from the purple leather skirt Flashback.
This is from September 2019.
I let go of these culottes this past spring, but I think I still have the vintage top.
This was in November 2019.
And here we are with the last outfit I wore them with, in January 2020.
I let go of the teddy sweater - it's hot, bulky and not flattering. I do love that leopard skirt, though, and look forward to seeing it again soon.
Mathy stuff: I'm thrilled and somewhat surprised that I have now worn these shoes a total of 26 times, including today's outfit! I'm at $4.62 per wear, and $120.00 doesn't seem so bad, four years later. These still have tons of wear in them too.
After a quiet Saturday afternoon, we cabbed over to Chris and Alison's place to join them and Nick for a barbecue on their newly cleared/paved rear patio area.
I decided to wear a couple of not-yet-worn items, so that we can all enjoy a double Flashback on the skirt and the boots.
- Sweater - Tatyana, thrifted; last seen here on Christmas Eve, December 2019, with silver ruffles
- Skirt - no label, vintage 50s, thrifted; last worn here (3rd outfit) in late February
- Boots - 1883 Lucchese, consignment; last seen here (2nd outfit) for Book Club in the park in May
- Coat (below) - Pioneer Wear, vintage 80s, thrifted; last worn here in October 2019 with a crocheted cowgirl look
We waited till the last minute to feed Vizzini, so he was piteously yowling while I took these pictures.
"Feed me NOW."
Hence my "SHUT UP" eyes.
This skirt is so amazing - we will be looking back at its history with me shortly, as well as the cowboy boots.
I usually go the easy route for matching tops with the skirt: green, blue, red, yellow or black.
"Why are you not paying attention to meeeee?"
And I let it shine, as...it's rather amazing. It is also very Of Its Time.
The pattern is a picador, the gent who stabs the bull to enrage it in preparation for the matador in the bullfight. And yes, my skirt does have "blood" on it.
"Did you say blood?"
It's two pieces of heavy cotton fabric, and the coloured parts are painted by hand (I've done a comparison, and they are slightly different from front to back). It's open on each hip, with the wide tab rear waistband doing up with hooks and eyes in the front - it's always been very tight, but there are older bits of thread showing that this would have been even smaller: a 24-inch waist! Zoiks! I haven't had a 24-inch waist since I was 16! The front of the skirt has longer wide tabs/ties that knot in the back. I'm sure that the 24-inch waisted woman neatly tied them in front.
I'm also sure she wore a full foundation undergarment!
There is a wide white cotton label in the back, but it's completely blank now - this piece has been washed/worn a lot (not just by me). It has also been shortened about 3 inches by hand - the same old cotton thread used to move the hooks/eyes, so likely done by the woman who originally owned it.
With the bullfighting motif, I think this was a tourist souvenir, possibly from Spain, in the 1950s. It reminds me of Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises.
Outerwear - I knew that once we were in the shade it would be very chilly outside after dinner. I was right - I was freezing most of the time (I have socks on with my boots too!), and we all ended up under blankets.
"I don't see any food in my bowl, Woman."
My wonderful 80s suede coat - no Flashback on this (for now) but I will do one eventually.
"I have no interest in your finger. FOOD!"
Isn't the fringe amazing? The arm fringe has coloured pony beads on it. The garment itself weighs a ton.
Masked up for the cab rides there and back.
Staying safe!
The stuff:
We will be having a very large Flashback on these boots shortly. I have worn them a massive number of times - pick a number and then see if you guessed right.
Blue bling:
I loved how these new earrings looked with the ensemble, but one of the backs is too loose and it kept falling off. I removed them after a few hours because of that; my coat was also too bulky with them.
- Earrings - Lamani, purchased here for $16.99
- Lapis lazuli ring - Wendy Brandes
Flashback #3 - Red 1883 Lucchese Cowboy Boots
Okay, I knew I'd worn these frequently, but it still shocked me - there are a LOT of outfits with these red cowboy boots! I attempted cowboy boots once back in the late 1980s when we had a boot store here in town, when I bought a pair of black heeled ones; however, they destroyed my feet, and were so hard and unforgiving - I got rid of them after only a few wearings.
I could not resist these once I tried them on. I bought them at Rich Rags consignment for $50.00 (along with my Born gold thong-style sandals for $25.00)
here in June 2014. They are by 1883 Lucchese, and were handmade in Texas. They are closest to their Savannah boot (
this one, link 'cause I love), although the shaft stitching on mine is slightly different. They retailed for $495.00 US, and mine are probably 20+ years old based on the amount of wear they have already sustained. It takes a substantial amount of wear to break in a pair of cowboy boots!
They had been sitting in the store for over a month, and I was the first person who was able to get their feet into them (I have really narrow feet). When I slid them on...ahhhh...they fit like they were made for me! Whoever owned them before me had my exact feet, and I thank her very much for breaking them in so perfectly. They are so comfortable that I can wear them barefoot!
Wow, so many outfits...I honestly had no idea I had worn these so many times.
This was in June 2014, for a vintage fair. I still have the white fluffy underskirt, but nothing else from this outfit.
I love how these boots hit my leg at that perfect spot - my legs still look long, no stumpifying.
I still have this wonderful deep red/burgundy leather obi - it was a gift from L (probably in 2014).
This was also in June 2014.
As was this outfit.
I still have to wear this Desigual dress this season - that will be one heckuva Flashback!
I wore my boots to the Ulti field a lot, for grocery shopping frequently, and for thrift shopping quite often, so many of my outfits here are on the casual or slightly wacky side (moi? heh).
This is an old Smoking Lily dress that I gave to favourite coworker Fiona many years ago - this outfit is from July 2014.
Again in July 2014, with my blood splatter skirt.
I have the leather and steel cuff still.
Cowgirl has been one of my favourite vibes for well over a decade, so you'll see a bunch of those outfits too!
Pretty sure I still have that belt, but the rest of this August 2014 outfit is long since gone.
An Ulti field look in September 2014.
Mental note: don't buy dolman sleeves. They aren't flattering on me.
I still have my vintage Etro blazer here, from November 2014.
I wore that red "bubble" necklace to death.
Get used to this plaid flannel dress - we're going to see it several times, and yes, I still have it! This look is from November 2014 when we went to see The Smalls.
I wear these boots frequently to concerts - they protect my feet from other concert-goers, and they look badass.
With some large pieces, none of which remain in my wardrobe, in December 2014.
I wore that shiny jacket a lot, but Vizzini wrecked it by licking the hem.
I"m boggled that I wore them 10 times in 6 months in 2014 alone! How did I survive without red cowboy boots before these?
We're in January 2015 here.
This was a weekend shopping outfit.
Red is always a strong colour in my wardrobe, so we'll be seeing a lot of the red-adjacent things I've paired with these boots over the years.
A couple times for this red sweater, with this outfit also being from January 2015. I still have those leopard footless tights!
And of course, anything cowgirl - we'll see this dress again. This was in February 2015.
Yvonne has that leopard leather belt now.
There's my red leather obi again, in March 2015.
I wore that grey dress a bunch for the few years I had it.
That red sweater again in April 2015.
One of my many leather skirts I've had over the years. This one was brown and pleated (no label).
This cowboy-style shirt was a favourite for a long time in my closet.
I wore this outfit in May 2015...
With one in between.
I wore this to a movie in May 2015.
And then nearly repeated the outfit before it exactly in July 2015.
No belt there. You can see the nice low heel on the boots - I have half-arsedly polished them a couple of times, and had them re-heeled.
That same red sweater again in September 2015 to see CR Avery perform.
That kimono was so dangerous with Vizzini around - look out, he's coming for the fringe!
I took them on our trip to Nashville, Tennessee, back in October 2015.
Travel outfit...
Worn walking around outfit.
Going to see Lera Lynn in concert outfit...
And travel home outfit.
You know I still have that camo dress! I'll be making an appearance in the autumn collection.
That brown pleated leather skirt again here, also in November 2015.
My vintage silk Pierre Balmain scarf makes a saucy appearance.
I miss this striped vintage dress, here from December 2015.
I had purple hair for a long time and rashly weeded out things that Did Not Go With Purple. Foolish of me.
I wore this for a concert - to see Corb Lunn in January 2016.
I think we walked to town for it - these boots are made for walking. They are amazingly comfortable.
February 2016 - I wore this to a vintage fair.
I finally gave up that wondrous suede skirt last year - Vizzini had done a number on the fringe. That cat! I hope they were tasty.
A casual outfit also from February 2016.
That cat better skedaddle! Stay out of my closet, you monster!
A casual weekend outfit in March 2016.
I wore that sweater around the house for a couple of years.
From March 2016 again. I loved this blue wrap skirt - it was wool and amazing quality.
Unfortunately, it had a tendency to gape open to the waistline.
My Desigual by Christian Lacroix dress makes an appearance in April 2016.
This must be a shopping outfit - easy stuff for trying on clothes.
I wore this outfit for Canada Day, July 1, 2016.
I'm read and white with purple accents and a black jacket for sun coverage. Yvonne has this dress now.
Aw, my beautiful red wool sweater - victim of another moth attack.
This was in September 2016. I just saw someone wearing this same linen skirt last weekend! I'm sure it must have been mine, since I gave it away a few years ago. I love spotting my old clothes "in the wild."
I told you we'd see this dress again, and here it is, in October 2016. This is my old red leather belt - I acquired a new, better one at some point, as this one was getting worn out.
Probably going shopping - this look is geared towards having a coat on.
There's my black leather mini that I wore for brunch!
This was in November 2016. I like the red boots as a pop of colour, although I probably wore my red leather Danier coat with this outfit - I know I wore it with MANY of these outfits!
This faux leather dress makes its first - but not last - appearance in this Flashback, in December 2016.
I spotted it on my coworker Janie in early 2020, and said, "Hey, I used to have that same dress!"
"Sheila. This IS your dress!"
Heh. True story.
My cowgirl shirt shows up again in January 2017.
I don't believe I had that brown suede skirt for very long. I have a better one now.
This silk plaid skirt didn't stay long with me, but it was very pretty.
This was in February 2017. I had that blue sweater for a few years - it went with a lot.
Deja dress! Told you. This is from March 2017.
The backside of the dress was the same as the sleeves - I didn't like it because of that. We're seen from 360 degrees, clothing designers!
I really like this outfit, also from March 2017.
I couldn't walk in that skirt, which was just a slight A-line tube. Designer note #2: We need walking slits. Thank you.
Oh, my old coffee travel mug! I'm obviously going to the Ulti field, as I'm wearing sunglasses.
This was in May 2017.
One month later, June 2017.
I like how the boots jazz up an otherwise ordinary outfit.
I only ever wore this dress for the Ulti field - it left my closet a couple of years ago.
This was in October 2017.
There's the plaid dress again, in December 2017.
I see I have acquired my current red leather/ponyhair belt. I likely wore a thick/warm coat over this for a shopping expedition.
February 2018, with my statement Desigual coat.
I've worn these boots in every kind of weather: rain, snow, wind, sun. They've taken a beating from me.
March 2018 - likely a weekend shopping outfit (noting the faux leather dress under my red leather Danier coat).
Perfectly accessorized with a black and white cat.
Another shopping/weekend/groceries outfit from March 2018 (I can tell because I have my older pair of glasses on).
That dress did not last long - the back of it was plain black (grrr...Desigual! looking at you!).
I wore this outfit when Ally came to visit in April 2018! I wore that same red leather coat over this.
Vizzini is waiting to go for brunch too...he thinks.
My first time wearing the picador skirt and boots together, in July 2018.
I tend to collect red sweaters, just for my cowboy boots!
My cowboy boots are a go-to for travel - this was for a quick hop to Vancouver in September 2018 to see Frank Turner in concert.
I stood in the rain in this outfit for over an hour!
A casual shopping outfit in October 2018.
I still have that long denim duster coat, but it's on the fence for me. No buttons to do it up, most annoying.
My asymmetrical Mackage leather skirt got worn again with the boots in November 2018.
The soft red of the leather works equally well with more muted red/burgundy tones.
This is probably one of my favourite outfits with them, from December 2018. I called this Urban Cowgirl, and it delighted my colleague from Alberta who was visiting the office (of course I wore this to work!).
I love the cowgirl bolo tie and belt buckle, the velvet blazer, and most of all, that magnificent silver lame (lah-MAY, darlings!) vintage skirt. So ruffly!
And here's my favourite plaid dress again, in January 2019.
This is obviously a go-to look for me!
This is an entire repeat outfit of the one I wore this weekend.
This was in April 2019.
With the jelly-deer sweater and a painty maxi skirt in May 2019.
Sometimes I just want to wear cowboy boots.
This is what I wore the last time my cobalt blue fringed suede coat made an appearance, in October 2019.
I think I hung onto the black crocheted skirt, but the cheap blouse is gone.
A weekend shopping outfit from November 2019.
That lovely skirt is gone from my closet - the moths and age have finally rendered it unwearable.
That plaid dress again, this time with outerwear, in December 2019.
I like the plaid mix.
And here's the last time I wore my boots, for Book Club at the park back in May.
I have a new fringed suede jacket!
Mathy stuff: Did you guess 30 wears? 40? 50? Try 64 times worn! These boots have paid for themselves: I'm down to 78 cents per wear. Wow! They have to be one of the most frequently worn items in my closet, period.
Flashback #4: The Vintage Picador Skirt
I bought this skirt at Flavour Upstairs (a great shop for unusual vintage)
here in October 2014 for $22.95.
At the time, I couldn't figure out what was going on in the design. It's a man in a blue suit with fancy epaulets, sitting on a horse (the horse has the pineapple-ish padding around its chest/rear). He is using a "pic" (that's where "picador" comes from) to poke the bull - you can see the gush of blood on the bull's shoulder.
The blue paint between the flowers looks like it's been applied with an aerosol can - I checked, and the aerosol method of paint dispensing was invented in 1949 (link
here 'cause I love), supporting my estimate of it being 1950s vintage. Image searching shows a lot of bullfighter circle skirts identified as being souvenir skirts from the 50s. So very Hemingway! I don't think that trend will come around again any time soon!
I've always been a huge fan of it, and wore it right away in October 2014 with a blue sweater.
And red Fluevog boots - I have decided to let these ones go. They hurt my feet - they are very stiff.
Spiffed up with a leather jacket and my now-gone Miz Mooz boots in March 2015.
Every time I wear this skirt, my coworkers are awed.
With orange and black in July 2015.
I still have that leather obi and shoes, but the blouse is long-gone.
With my leather shirt and red accents in November 2015.
With cowboy boots.
A very retro look in August 2016.
That sweater was moth-eaten, and I don't have those red pumps anymore.
I think I wore this to the Ulti field in July 2017.
I love to really twirl in it.
With all black a few months later in October 2017.
Due to its age, I tend to wear it once per season.
Here's the backside of my July 2018 outfit.
Cowboy boots again.
And we've seen this outfit before too.
From April 2019.
This was the last time I wore it, with black and red, in late February 2020.
With the best accessory of all: a happy cat!
Phew! That was a lot of Flashbacks! My tea is cold, so I'm going to brew up some more and enjoy the rest of my weekend.