Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Soft Pink and Florals, and a Sassy Cat

It's funny how certain garments can really become workhorses in your wardrobe. I never thought, when I bought this soft pink belted blazer, that I would wear it so much. 
 It just seems to go with everything in my wardrobe! I reached for this gorgeous new-to-me skirt today, and thought, "Duh, of course the pink blazer!"

  • Blazer - Brooks Brothers, thrifted; last seen here in March with spring neon
  • Camisole - not tracked
  • Skirt - J. Crew, thrifted; purchased here for $12.50
  • Boots - Effortless Sophia, Fluevog; last worn here in September 2018 with kitten-soft velvet
  • Cape (below) - Coracle Clothes, vintage 60s, pass-along from Sheila A; last seen here in March

I really do have a camisole on! It's very pale pink, and it's blended into my skin here.
 I went all classy and wore the blazer done up and belted.

The skirt is a wool/silk blend - can you believe this was over $300 new? And I only paid $12.50??
The pattern is called "night garden." It was wonderful to wear - I love the full shape of it. I delighted in showing it off to my colleagues.

I showed a few of them this, too!
 You're looking at the back zip not done up all the way, due to this being a size ZERO. Who is not a size zero? Me! That's why the blazer is done up.

Hands-in-pockets face.
Got my hands in my pockets and an S on my chest!

Is it the weekend yet? Two more days? What?!

Caped up!
 This was just the right weight for the weather (it did not rain, but it's colder).

The stuff:
 I know you are all agog at the boots - amazing, aren't they? The front of the foot is patent leather, and the front of the shaft is regular purple leather. The heel and back of the shaft - well, there's that soft pink we know and love. And yes, they are comfy! I have two other pairs of shoes with this same heel/last: these blue and white ones, and these shiny hot pink ones.

Vintage bling:
 I had many comments on this gorgeous blue Sherman earrings/necklace set, including one of our clients who really loved that I did blue to go with the skirt instead of pink. It's like I'm doing this on purpose!

  • Earrings/necklace - Sherman, vintage 60s, thrifted
  • Bracelet - Coro, vintage 60s, Mom's
  • Fulvia Ring - Wendy Brandes

"But Sheila," I hear you saying, "it says Sassy Cat in your post title." Oh yes, it does, my friends. Look at this sass.
"That green bag is my sworn enemy!"

Uh-oh, I know what's going to happen.
"I bite it and rake it. Kill the bag!"

He was trying to get my attention while I was talking to my mom last night.
"How dare you not focus on me at all times, Woman!"

Oh, Vizzini, I know you just want a warm lap to sit on!


  1. What a beautiful silhouette that blazer always creates and its soft color along with your vintage bling really showcase that gorgeous skirt.

  2. Love the ensemble! The boots - OMG!!!! The Sherman OMG! Love the skirt. I've got to get my spring wardrobe happening, wore a sweater dress and tights today, still feelimg a little under the weather and needed a jammie dress and comfy boots.

    1. I love the boots, and I always leap at chance to wear my Sherman, Dar! I get the dress/jammie thing, totally. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. you're right, we're fascinated by your boots! they're fabulous (and even more fabulous because they're comfortable!)
    Lovely color combo, lovely jacket and skirt (both have fab shapes and look so well made!) and lovely accessories (the jewelry is amazing!!)
    Obviously, Vizzini is protecting you from the evil green bag, he deserves lots of attention! ;DD

    1. Ha, I know my audience! Thank you so much, Monica! Vizzini is a very fierce cat and a good protector!

  4. I AM fascinated by those boots, they're perfect with the skirt and jacket!
    Vizzini is one sassy cat, he's upset that the green bag is empty, ours love a full shopping bag! x

    1. Aren't they awesome? I just love them.

      Vizzini is totally not into full bags - he just likes attacking this one particular bag.

  5. Oh sassy cat lol!! The skirt is gorgeous and so are the earrings. I actually love workhorse pieces.

    1. He's such a monster! Thanks, Becky, me too! You know they will always work.

  6. That's one gorgeous outfit, Sheila. I love how the jacket and the back of the boots match almost exactly. Those boots are fabulous (and so do the shoes, I'm not sure I've seen the blue and white ones before) and indeed this looks like the right height of heel. I too got one or two skirt I can't do up all the way, but were too good to resist ... And who has a size zero anyway? Look at Vizzini! Phoebe would definitely have fought that shopping bag too, but her current favourite is my dressing gown, the one which resembles your housecoat. Have to be careful there ... xxx

    1. Ann, you are such a doll, thank you. You're going to love the blue and white ones. I've also bought skirts which are miles too big, and taken them in with pins! I will defend the size 0 people - people are whatever size they are!

      Oh, Phoebe, what a scamp!

  7. Lovely outfit. And nobody sees the skirt is a bit too tight. What is it for size anyway, why does that size even exist. Can't be healthy🤣🤣🤣

    1. Exactly, Nancy - no one cares! That size exists because there are people that size! I work with some very slender women who would rock this skirt. Let's not be size-ist!

  8. Vizzini is always so funny, such a littler personality!

    I really like the pink and blue together in your outfit Sheila, it's a clever idea getting the skirt anyway and just not zipping it up all the way! Have you pinned the zip in place? I had a beautiful vintage skirt that I got pre-babies and with my abdominal muscle damage post-pregnancy I was never able to zip it up and had to let it go, the zip wouldn't stay half-zipped :(

    1. He's such a little monkey, Mica! So fun.

      Thank you - it's handy having things that cover the waist for that very reason! Aw, that sucks about your skirt. :( I guess the kids are worth it, though!

    2. Oh, and no, I didn't have to pin the skirt - it's a hidden zipper and stayed put really well.

  9. Kill the bag! That's a cat for you. Great outfit Sheila, I propose that the more clothes you have, the better likelihood there is that your stuff will go with other stuff. It's a numbers thing.

    1. Very much so, Gerrilyn! Thank you - and yes, you are so right. I'm drawn to certain colours and styles, so it's not happenstance that things in my closet go together!

  10. The skirt caught my eye instantly. I can see the high-quality sheen of it even in this relatively small picture. And even with my poor eyesight! Wool and silk is a yummy combination and it takes dye so beautifully. It is really incredibly beautiful. Yes I was also surprised, as I did not think you were wearing a camisole. I also love those boots. Please protect that green bag! LOL.

    1. It's really a lovely piece, isn't it, Elle? Ha, I know, I was shocked the first time I saw the cami in a photo! It's a perfect match for me.

      Hee, I will protect the green bag, although it is Vizzini's sworn enemy!

  11. Very well combined. Love the skirt and the special boots.
    Give your cat a cuddle from me.

    1. Thanks so much, Greetje. I love the boots.

      Will do - Vizzini will appreciate the attention.

  12. What lovely colour combinations, I love how the back of the boots match the blazer.

    And the skirt! Oh, it's gorgeous. X

  13. Oh Lord, that cat kills me! Fighting with a shopping bag. What is he like?

    Your outfit is beautiful and the boots are fabulous. Loving all the accessories and bling, too.

    1. He's a little monkey, Vronni - a real character, very much as I portray him here. We love him to bits!

      Thank you so much!

  14. Those boots are DAMN FINE! I think the pink jacket is just perfect with that fab skirt. Great styling Sheila!

  15. Gorgeous cape! and I love it when it's those piece we least expect that we keep going back for .

    1. It's so funny - I never thought this jacket would be so versatile! Thanks, Lorena! Good to see you. :)


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