Monday, April 29, 2013

Jumping for Joy and Coral Silk

Thank you all for your good wishes, sympathy and empathy - I am feeling a whole lot better. My nose and lip are now all scabby, and I don't have black eyes! Hurray for quick healing!

In other exciting news, I did really well in the big 10K race yesterday. Out of a field of over 400 men and women in the Competitive Walk category, I placed 2nd with a time of 1:10 (keep in mind, I WALKED), only 3 seconds behind the first place finisher (a woman who is 10 years younger than me, trains competitively in racewalking and has won medals in the World Masters...not that I'm making excuses!). She and I actually did the last 4K together, and she kicked on a burst of speed - left me in the dust. I was the top finisher in the Masters category (men and women), and I won the gold medal in my age category! 

Woo hoo! I am pretty proud of myself. I am pretty creaky today in the hips and legs. I thing all your good vibes helped - so thank you again!

Anyway, onto today's outfit. I worked late again tonight (but the newsletter is now done), and I'm hungry.
First wears for this swirly coral silk skirt (purchased here last weekend for $19.99) and the Jump for the People shoes (purchased just this past weekend for $25.00).

I loved the silky swooshiness of the skirt - I did wear a half-slip under it, and the bottom half started to get a little static-clingy on my legs. Otherwise it was good. I'm not shortening the skirt - I actually like this length.

The shoes were ultra-comfy! It felt like I'd had them for years. I actually really like this grey/bone shade - it's a good neutral.

Feel free to weigh in on the skirt and shoes - I want to hear what you think!
It's also the first outing for the polka dotted scarf, so I just pulled all the colours of that into the outfit, added the neutral shoe and voila! Easy-peasy.

The brown satin blouse was only worn once in the June 2012 all-neutral capsule (recap here), and I noted back then that it was due to my poor planning. It's been a wardrobe staple and classic for me since I first got it back in about 2009.
The jacket was worn 4 times in the August 2012 capsule (recap here). I like all the studs on it.

The stuff:
I like that the scarf is long and skinny, instead of a square. I'll have to wear it in my hair at some point.

Jacket (Bianca Nygard, thrifted), blouse (Esprit), skirt (no label, vintage 80s), shoes (Jump for the People, consignment), scarf (Esprit, thrifted), belt/chain bracelet (Club Monaco), leaf bracelet (About Tine), earrings (Plum).


  1. Woohoo! Go you! You were making AMAZING time for walking!

  2. Way to go Sheila!!! Congrats!!! Woooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I also totally love this outfit. I'm a big fan of the skirt - yay for length and swoosh! - and shoes, great neutral with cool details. Nicely done with all the scarf colours, you rock!

  3. Congratulations on finishing the race in such great style and time!

    And on you, the skirt is "right". The shoes work, too - comfort counts with me and when you can get a good look AND comfort....well, that's fabulous!

  4. Glad to hear you're healing quickly. And walking just as fast. :)

  5. YAY--Congrats to you on your awesome walk wins!!
    And yay that you are healing quickly!!
    Love the outfit--the skirt is such a stunning color and shape!!
    And those shoes are freakin' amazing!!

  6. Way to go on the 10K!! That is awesome!

    I love your scarf and skirt! They work well together!

    And I'm glad you're on the mend :)

  7. Congratulations on your 10K time!
    Happy yo hear that you are not going to have black eyes.

  8. I think the new shoes are a fabulous addition. they are basic in color, but the style is eyecatching and beautiful.

  9. Holy Cow -- you are amazing...oh, and I didn't even notice your boo-boo, had to go back and read about it (or not read about it, I'm squeamish) SO glad to see you are healing up quickly!

    I love, love, love that skirt...the color is just awesome, and I loved the length right off too. Also gotta say, one of the first things I noticed when I came back were the poses on the stairs...super creative, it really shows off the outfits AND your rockin bod ;)

  10. Congrats on your fabulous finish, Sheila! You must be feeling really proud, and justifiably. Go, you! I really love a long swishy skirt like this red one. I think you'll wear it a lot.

  11. Well done for doing so well in your race, Sheila, what an impressive achievement! And hurray for fast-healing injuries too.
    I really like the skirt, the colour, flair and length are all perfect on you, it looks great with your trademark fitted jacket/blouse and wonderful accessories. As a rule, I feel a bit so-what? about neutral shoes, but those have won me over! I love the shape of the heel, they look really cool, and the colour is a nice change from nude/tan. xxxx

  12. I LOVE the shoes. I'm glad they're comfy. My experience with that brand was they ran incredibly small and tight and they were *hard*. But if they're comfortable, keep them!! I wanted a pair of their shoes very much, but the comfort wasn't there. I love the heel shape on them

  13. Congrats on your fabulous 10K time!! I'm super impressed. Rather cheeky of your walking mate to beat you like that at the very end. I say you deserved to walk across together... Regardless, you rock and so do those shoes!!!

  14. Just de-lurking for a moment to say I love visiting your blog.
    I especially love your shoes!
    Already have started saving for a pair of JF shoes and looks like I might have to Jump for People now too.


  15. Well done on the 10k time! I am glad that the unexpected injury didn't put you off your stride.

    I like the neutral shoes, and love the scarf pattern but am less keen on the skirt (I am the voice of dissent here, I think). I'm not sure it is the best length (pencil skirts that hit the knee on you do look so very good). It is bright, but I'm not sure it s Sheila-special. Happy to be passed over though. I know with vintage, the length of skrts can be quite variable... and you said you like the length, too.


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