Monday, October 26, 2009

Reds and Patterns

As part of my day with my 10-year-old niece, Zoe, on Saturday, we went and got manicures. I'm feeling the old compulsion to match everything to my nails, which are a bright red. I couldn't resist red - since my nails are always short it doesn't look too "dragon lady".

My favourite Odd Molly skirt was the red focus thing today:
And I have never worn this belt, despite having it in my wardrobe for over 2 years! It was $4 in an odds & ends bin in a little boutique downtown.

The stuff:
Kitten heels for a change. My lovely Fossil jewelry from L.

Cardigan (Express, thrifted), top (I.N. San Francisco, consignment), skirt (Odd Molly, consignment), belt (no brand), shoes (Predictions, consignment), jewelry (Fossil).


  1. Hi, I recently started following your blog, so I thought I should say "hello". I have those same exact shoes, and really love them. I recently got a new nail color called "plum noir" that is a dark plum, and I have been wearing oh so much purple ever since! :)

  2. Oh, I like the different patterns of reds together -- unexpected, but it works for you!

    I also have to resist matching my clothes to my nails when I get a great color.

  3. I'm guilty of the "matching my nail polish" thing too. At least for the first day.

    Those red kitten heels are adorable.

  4. i like how you matched several pattern... so daring.. gives me IDeAS :)

  5. Hi, Dr. Da and welcome! Thank you so much for commenting. I love those shoes - they are so comfy! That's so cool that you're using your new polish colour as a jumping off point for your fashion - you go, girl!

    Thanks, Kristen! It was like a lightbulb went on when I put the belt and the skirt together. I resisted matching today! I almost never wear polish so it feels weird.

    Tina, how does one resist? It's like showing off new shoes! Thanks, I love these shoes.

    Thanks, Jane!

    Lorena, that's great! You have such a great style.

  6. Red black and white is my all-time favourite colour combo, in fact I wearing it today! Love the skirt, it's beeyooteeful.

  7. Thanks, Sherylyn! The black in the skirt kind of looks navy, so I can also do that with it - and the underskirt pattern that peeps out has grey, coral and tan, so it's a great skirt for mixing colours with.


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