Since I started this blog in March 2008, I've been presented with a few of those blogging awards that tend to circulate around (rather incestuously, it seems at times). I'm always honoured that these amazing people want to recognize my little corner of the blogoverse, but I never pass the awards on. But hey, I also never pass on those "send this to 7 amazing women" emails. Call it lazy, if you wish, I don't mind. I think of it as Economy of Time.
So to everyone who's ever given me one, thank you, from the bottom of my silly ol' heart. You're all wonderful and I'd nominate you right back, but then there's that whole laziness thing.
Instead, here are my Major Awards to all of my favourite bloggers, in no particular order. These are big and small blogs; some get a kazillion comments, some get none. I've embedded links if you care to visit - I recommend it!
This year (just like last year), there have been a lot of changes in the blog-verse. Some bloggers that I loved last year have stopped posting, some I just stopped viewing (one only has so much time!). And some new bloggers came along. Things change.
How do I choose blogs? People leave me comments (if you have a blog and you've left me a comment, I've probably visited your blog), I hear about them from friends, or find a link through one of my regular websites.
Anyway, let's get started!

My Favourite Canadians: Dress to shoes, Cara's Closet and My Edit
Dress to shoes: She's Sassy Jen! She takes gorgeous photos of the Canadian landscape and she's got a great eye for classics in everything (don't forget the killer cupcake recipe). Jen, more outfit photos, please! I know you're gorgeous!
Cara's Closet: I love watching Cara's style evolution - she's already a beauty, so seeing her experiment with colour and layering is awesome. Her funky poses reveal her sense of humour, and I appreciate her openness and kind comments. She also reminds me why I don't live on the prairies. Right...snow.
My Edit: Jentine is such an amazing thrifter - I drool over the amazing stuff she uncovers in her forays through the thrift stores. Plus, she's gorgeous, is a great writer and has an awesome photographer. Loving her "Thrift Thursdays".
I Think I Was Born In the Wrong Era: Couture Allure Vintage Fashion
Jody's an artist: she has combed through various publications and actual collections (check out what she has for sale!) to present the best from every fashion era. The photos will have you drooling, and possibly craving one of these treasures for yourself.
The Half My Age Twin: Megan Mae Daily
The blogger formerly known as Daily Waifu Snapshot is the lovely and funky Megan! She's a master (mistress?) thrifter and I love her shoe collection. Megan, if you ever make it up to my neck of the woods (or vice versa), we are going shopping!
The Silliest Question Ever: Does This Baby Make My Ass Look Fat
Duh! No, she's as tiny as ever! Kim is actually a friend in real life (her family met up with L and I for the Dolphins game in Florida this past December), and she is truly a stylish and smart lady. Her daughter, El, is showing signs of being like Mom - this can only be good.
If My Profs Looked This Good I'd Still Be In School: Fashionable Academics, In Professorial Fashion, The Cohabiting Closet
Fashionable Academics: Although a blog shared by close to a dozen contributors, Ann Underfunded Humanity and La Historiadora de Moda are the main posters. Their professional yet fabulous work attire reminds us that we can always add a bit of pizzazz to our lives through out clothes.
In Professorial Fashion: A-Dubs, Dorky Medievalist and E-Jo are the purveyors of professorial perfection on this hilarious blog (I believe they coined the phrase "Style Nation"). Due to the highly secretive nature of educators, they're all headless, so be warned. Not headless like zombies, don't be afraid.
The Cohabiting Closet: Rad in Broolyn (I always thought that said "Brooklyn") and Anne don't really share a closet, but they do share a sensibility when it comes to clothes: making fabulous outfits! Rad's laid-back and Anne's a little bit girlier, but they're ALL rock n' roll!
If We Met, I'd Expect Her to Talk Like This: By Hillary
So breezy and casual, I feel like I know Hillary from reading her blog. She's got killer hair, and is a pro when it comes to pretty make-up and nails (can you please come and do my manicure?). And she always has a question for her readers, and really engages with them. I like that.
Up-and-Comers: Lawyerdoll and freedastyle
Lawyerdoll: "Because no one wants their lawyer rocking combat boots and concert t-shirts" is her blog's motto - well, I don't know, I think I might like a lawyer like that! She's working on her professional style, and is improving all the time - but it's this gal's comments that I love. I would party down with 'Doll.
freedastyle: Appropriately, Freeda and 'Doll know each other. Freeda puts herself out there and isn't afraid to make a silly pose (love 'em). She also sews, which makes me want to kidnap her and install her as my personal seasmstress. Of course, I'm joking...please ignore the sounds from my closet.
Uncommon Bravery and Delight: Shybiker
He's Ralph and she's Shy - and they're one and the same. Shy has demonstrated that you are what you choose to be (*sniff* that reminds me of "The Iron Giant"), and I love that she's getting in touch with her feminity and experimenting with dressing up. Rock on!
Underdog? I Don't Think So!: Style Underdog
She's been featured on Forbes' website (wow!) and one look explains why: she has got it going on. She's such a natural on camera (I've copied her poses, they're so perfectly "her"), and really knows her style. I would love to be at that Vegas meet-up!
Kindred Spirit in Thought if Not Clothes: The Dashing Eccentric
Seriously, Steph's awesome. I love her Victorian-inspired look (kind of mixed with steampunk only more casual) and practicality in her tiny but workable wardrobe, but her writing really gets me (I have this thing for great writers). Going camping? She'll tell you how to stay true to your style. Not to mention the whole "cake" and "icing" thing - what a light bulb moment!
Great Style Has No Age Limit: Thrifty Style at Sixty(two)
Rebecca is one of the all-time great thrifters, not only of clothes but of household treasures (her house is like an antique shop - I could spend hours browsing). She's also a very kind and thoughtful lady with an elegant sense of style.
Proving That Excellent Taste Has No Age Limit: fashion over fifty
Paula's over fifty and a very talented artist. She's also kooky and fun and knows how to shake up her style and play with her image - what a great role model!
Pregnant, Fashionable and Fabulous: Kelly in Beantown
Kelly's another one of the headless horde (she must be a spy or something super-secret, because I know she's got to be gorgeous). I love that she's pushing the boundaries of maternity fashion!
Goth in the Workplace Can Be Awesome: This is CorpGoth
As a former wannabe goth, I deeply love all the black and goth elements in Trystan's personal style, and how she shows how you don't have to be stuck in a rut to still strut your stuff AND look professional.
And that's it! As always, special shout-outs to the bloggers who are still getting it done fashion-wise and life-wise from 2009 and 2008 - I'm pleased to see that nearly every blogger I gave a Major Award to last year is still blogging! It's some kind of Style Nation miracle!
All the best to my fellow bloggers - stay real, have fun and be cool in 2011.
Aw, thanks for the award! I feel so honoured! And while I'm not familiar with the other two in my category, I can't wait to check them out!
ReplyDeleteOh this is so cool! I'm so honored to be included in such a great category, not to mention an outstanding list of blogs! Wow, and all this time I thought Rad was in "Brooklyn" too - wonder if that was just a typo :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the mention, Sheila! I always enjoy checking out your blog, and this was a nice surprise.
Oh, my dear Sheila. I am absolutely overwhelmed. I canNOT believe the compliment you paid me here. AND what a great resource this list is! I trust your judgment and look forward to exploring some of these blogs that I'm not familiar with - YET :)
ReplyDeleteI've been feeling a little depressed and discouraged about posting my thrifty fashion finds 'cause of my weight gain. (But who wants to hear about that?) You have inspired me to get past it and make 2011 a great year for health, style, and thrifty finds.
Thank You Thank You Thank You!
ReplyDeleteI was going to thank you for this interesting list of blogs, many of which I've never seen before and plan to check out, and then I saw my name! Wow! And such kind words! Sheila, you're the greatest!
<3 Thankyousomuch, Sheila! Someday I'll make it up to Canada.
ReplyDeleteSome of the bloggers you mentioned are long time favorites but I found a few new blogs to check out. Thanks!
I love these blog roll posts as they invariably lead me to new blogs. I recognize several of the bloggers here and applaud your choices!
ReplyDeleteWoohoo! Major thanks for this lovely major award. I'll be sure to check out the other winners that you've mentioned.
ReplyDelete"You like me! You really like me!"
ReplyDeleteThank you for my very first blogging award!
*blowing kisses*
Thanks for the shout out Sheila. A Major Award!!! I'm thrilled!
ReplyDeleteWow! Thank you so much for including Couture Allure in your list and thank you even more for being a fan!
ReplyDeleteThanks for this list--I'm going to check them all out. I'm always looking for new style blogs to love!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for including IPF! And for pointing me toward so many interesting blogs!
ReplyDeleteOh, wow! Thanks so much for including us in your awards! I feel so honored!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, Cara! I hope you like them.
ReplyDeleteAnne, you're awesome, of course you're included (although it's hard to narrow it down - many of my regular commenters have blogs, but don't update much)!
Rebecca, you're an absolute dear - of course I included you! I hope that you won't stop posting your fabulous thrift finds because of your weight. Please dress to suit your body as it is - because it's still YOU. :)
You're welcome, Shy! You're easily one of my faves.
Megan, I hope so! It's a big country!
Terri, I hope you enjoy some of the new-to-you ones.
Rad, you're welcome - hey, you changed your handle! are you actually in Brooklyn?
'Doll, you're a peach. Glad you like it.
Kim, it's very special, so treat it nicely. ;)
Jody, your blog is awesome - I never miss an entry.
knitwit, I hope you enjoy them!
E-Jo, you're so welcome!
LaHdeM, you're welcome! You rock!
What a lovely surprise! Thank you so much. We're so glad you are reading.
ReplyDeleteYipeeeeee!!!!! Thanks so much Sheila!!!!! Wow, and just when I was having my own doubts! Thanks for giving me some reassurance!
Squeeeee!!!!!!! You are too sweet! thank you so much. Also, now I have some new blogs to explore!!
ReplyDeleteCool, I will be checking some of the new-to-me blogs out!
ReplyDeleteaw, Sheila, i spent all afternoon trying to think of how to thank you - not just for this Major Award (yee-haw!, not just for all the great new-to-me blogs on this list....
ReplyDeletebut for those first few months of my blog where comments were pretty scant. however, every post had at least one thoughtful, encouraging, honest post from !!! Sheila !!! i think that had a lot more to do with you than with me (i've seen what you get up to on other blogs around the 'nets).
you're generous and thoughtful and kind and know how to dress like nobody's business! thank you and take care, you're a gem, steph
You're so welcome, D-Meds!
ReplyDeleteAw, Paula, you're so cool - how can you have doubts? Keep up the great work!
Enjoy, Freeda! You're welcome.
Kristen, I hope you like some of them!
Steph, that's really sweet of you - I know what it's like to be just starting out and to want lots of comments and readers. You get what you give - and you give great comments! I know you will always have faithful readers! I appreciate your kind words, thank you, m'dear. :)
Thank you so much!!! I'm truly honored :-D
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome, Trystan!
ReplyDeleteGeez Sheila, thanks a million. I'm laughing at the posing comment. I try and channel you when I pose because you make it look so easy. I'm serious.
ReplyDeleteI checked out all the other blogs. You picked some great ones.
You are so welcome, SU! You can't be serious - I have like, two poses! Thanks so much!
ReplyDeleteSheila now I have like a list of 20 new bloggers to visit!
ReplyDeleteYour description of the blogs make me want to read them all, specially those with headless bloggers, they remind me of me.
Awesome, I hope you enjoy some of them, Lorena!