Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Teal and Taupe..and Tasty Vogs!

I'm feeling tired (working late) and frustrated (Blogger wasn't uploading my pictures, arg), so you'll forgive me for just getting right to the outfit. 
Bam-a-lam, there it is. Outfit.

  • Velvet jacket - Jacob, thrifted; last worn here with the sleeping bag skirt in November 2017
  • Lacy top - Express, thrifted; last seen here in December 2017 layered under a tube dress
  • Skirt - Valentino (part of a suit), vintage 80s, thrifted; last worn here in October 2016 with silk paisley
  • Shoes - Tasty Vogs Hermine, Fluevog; purchased here on the weekend for $66.00 (after my gift card)
  • Coat (below) - Apparence, vintage, thrifted; last seen here a few weeks ago

Of course, I built the outfit around the shoes, but I also wanted to get a wear in of this rather basic taupe skirt. Yes, it's kind of dull, but it's VALENTINO, and the quality is to die for. It's fine wool, fully lined, impeccably made in Italy. 

And it's got pockets!
I'll forgive a lot for a skirt with pockets.

I liked how the teal velvet blazer went with the lighter aqua in the shoes. 
And then it was just a matter of pulling in a cream top to finish it all off (I layered an aqua cami under the cream lace to make it pop).

Outerwear - the return of the Unsafe Polar Bear! 
Brrr, cold and rainy today. Bring on the furry stuff! 

  • Fur scarf - Danier, thrifted
  • Leather gloves - Danier

I had to dash back inside and grab my umbrella. How annoying. 

The stuff: 
These shoes were wonderful to wear, but once again, John Fluevog, please put rubber caps on the heels - the sharp edges of these heels scraped off the bronze metallic finish! So disappointing. 

Gold bling: 
You can see the little scrapes on the inside of the toes. But I'm fine with it - I can always touch it up with a bit of bronze paint if they start looking crappy.

  • Necklace - Givenchy, vintage 80s, vintage fair
  • Crystal ring - Uffizi Gallery gift shop, Florence, Italy
  • Pearl ring - Pearl Factory, Waikiki, 1985
  • Earrings - don't remember

Since I wore my Valentino, I had to wear my Givenchy! Wearing these "old school" names gives me a thrill every time. 


  1. Wow! Your outfit is perfect for showcasing your new fab shoes, Sheila! Gorgeous! XXX

  2. I love love love how all the teals work together: glasses, blazer, and shoes! You look like an ad for something I can't afford ;)

  3. You look like a million bucks! Awesome outfit Sheila!

  4. fabulous outfit, I love so much your shoes, and you're so cool, matching everything around them!!. Real Coolness!
    Totally agree on pockets!

  5. I'm loving this outfit so much, it all perfectly matches those divine shoes! It should be compulsary to put pockets in skirts ;-) Shame about the scrapes on the shoes, it's so annoying when that happens! xxx

    1. Thanks, Ann! I loved how all the colours worked together. I am annoyed at the shoes, but ah well.

  6. Thank you, Danae! I know, gripe, gripe - why don't they test these things out!?

  7. Excellent outfit Sheila, well done. Even your glasses coordinate!

    1. Thanks, Gerrilyn! It's like I planned it or something. ;0P

  8. The first thing I noticed was how well the shoes go with the jacket. Good choice.

  9. Yes to pockets in skirts and dresses - there should be more pockets in things! :) I lvoe the colours in this outfit too, great way to build something around the shoes. That's a very pretty blazer too.

    I was walking to the grocery store on my lunch break and ended up behind a woman wearing a velvet peplum top with sandals and this cute white lace skirt. I wanted to stop her and tell her I admired her wearing velvet in the heat and that she's made me think maybe I could indulge in something velvet, but I didn't want to be weird, especially if we ended up walking too far in the same direction.

    1. I so agree - pockets for all!

      Oh, that sounds like a lovely outfit! I hope you'll find something velvet that will work for you!

  10. Superb combo Sheila ! I see nothing dull in that skirt, I think it just needs colour (like you have done) to lighten it up-

    1. Agreed, Lorena! I'm learning to love neutrals for their versatility with colour.


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