Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Get Back on That Fashion Horse

After yesterday's deep-fried oatmeal and pistachio disaster, clearly, I needed to regroup. I needed the fashion equivalent of comfort food (mmmm....food...comfort...). Basics, familiar colours and patterns, put-me-in-a-happy-place shoes.

No, don't make me look at that awful dress again!
Gadzooks! It's like a happy soupy stew of Sheila's Favourite Things. We've got brown and turquoise, something bigass, a dash of leopard, and some killer shoes.
See? Anyway, I do have fashion bad days, but you've just gotta get back in the game. Feel better? I do.

The stuff:
This is only the second time I've worn these earrings (last time here). They make wind-chime noises.

Sweater (Kersh), skirt (Kensie), shoes (Fergalicious), belt (Plum), cuff and earrings (Aldo Accessories).


  1. Yes, yes you are right back on that horse!
    Brown and turquoise is one of my favorite color combos ....

  2. Those shoes are BA! I love the dash of leopard with this, too!

  3. Yesyesyes! Fabulous lady~ You look gorgeous. It's night and day between this outfit and the last. Love the studded bangle.

  4. You made me laugh! Thank you for that.

  5. I was so giddy when I saw your outfit today - definitely exactly what you needed, and exactly what I pictured for you!

  6. ha ha- that dark turq is a good color choice for you- like it lots.

    shoes are way too hot!!!! love them!!!

  7. Indeed, this is classic Sheila, and 100% fab!

  8. Thanks, Lorena, giddy-up!

    LaHdM: thanks!

    Megan, thanks for the rousing endorsement.

    Thanks, Wendy, I do like being silly.

    shybiker, pleased to oblige.

    Cara, giddy? Love it! Thanks!

    Thanks, Jodi!

    Thanks, Alecia! I know, I'm so glad I was talked into them.

    Thanks, Heather.

    Thanks, Sal!

  9. You completely clean-slated it!
    You look awesome. Well done. (oh, count me in the brown and turquoise club too...)

  10. Wowza, woman! This is fabulous and totaly you!

  11. I love the turquoise on you, and the double-double animal print is completely badass.

  12. Ha, thanks, Alison!

    Rita, thank you!

    Thanks, freeda!

    Thanks, Kelly!

  13. Sorry about your fashion disappointment, but you sure didn't take long to bounce back! This one has all the Sheila elements we know and love.

  14. Way to jump back on right away in an outfit that makes you feel confident. The turquoise top is such a great, bold color for you. Colors like that make me glad to be a (fake) redhead. :) Those shoes are incredible!

  15. Thanks, Kari - gotta go back to the basics! Yes, I love shades of green with my "real" red hair, hee hee.


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