Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Super Massive

I needed some colour after yesterday, so what did I do? Wore a bunch of black!

Well, I broke it up with a colourful pattern and some bigass shoes:
My sleeves are massive (Anne Shirley would approve and probably swoon), but the heels on these shoes are truly super massive! Five and half inches of red leather goodness, oh yes!

The stuff:
I got those babies in Heathrow airport (only worn once, here). They are actually quite walkable, partly due to the platform and partly due to them being strapped securely to my foot (I went down half a size to a 39 so that there'd be no slippin' and slidin').

I love the pattern in this dress (last worn here) - it doesn't show too well in the top picture because the den's so bright at this time of year.

A close-up of the gold thingies:
Pretty! I do love scrolly and leafy designs.

Dress (Alfred Sung, thrifted), cardigan (Noa Noa), shoes (Carvela), necklace (Foxy), earrings (don't remember).


  1. Oh My Crazy! That's right, those shoes are OMC worthy. Can I marry them?

  2. Where's the cat? - Just kidding!!

    Those shoes are amazing - serious heel height going on!!

  3. Those are some really awesome shoes. I really like the pattern of that dress, pretty, pretty.

  4. I know I say this all the time, but ... man, Sheila, you have the most AMAZING shoes!

  5. *sigh* such wonderful shoes.....but i doubt i could wear them safely even lying flat on my back in bed! ; ) we bow to your high-heel-shoe-wearing amazingness!

  6. Oh god, those really are badass red leather heels! I suspect only superheroes can actually walk around in those freaking beautiful things without toppling over. And here you are dancing in your photos. What does this tell us?

    Also, dang it! All the best dresses are always thrifted! (Not just here at your lovely blog, but everywhere.) I've gotta up my game.

  7. Those are some gorgeous shoes.
    Lately I have been purchasing really high heel shoes and am taking baby steps on wearing them as I fear I might fall. But if I dont do it now, WHEN ?!

  8. And who doesn't love an Anne Shirley reference, really? Nicely done, Carrots! :)

    Those shoes are stompin' cool.

  9. Oh, gosh, sorry, I totally missed the comments on this post!

    Thanks, Beverly. Yes, you may marry my shoes.

    Northmoon, ha! Thanks!

    Thanks, Alison!

    Shybiker, thanks!

    Sal, coming from you, I'm honoured. Thanks!

    Thanks, Jen.

    Steph, thanks, ha!

    A-Dubs, I was actually just balancing (dancing photos turn out blurry). You can find great dresses in the thrift/second hand shops.

    Lorena, thanks! No, you have to trust the heel, just walk normally, with confidence!

    Kristen, oh, you got the reference, nice. :) Thanks!


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