This is the second pair of shoes from the hair salon. These are the same shoes that I made Cindy buy (in pink, error!), and that Ruth tried to find for me on Ebay. And I found them in a little bitty town, in a hair salon, for $15. Can you dig?

The shoes! Aren't these absolutely fantastic? My m-i-l has been telling me about this hair salon in her town that sells shoes, so we went in there yesterday, and yes, the whole front of the salon is...shoes. A woman was getting her foils on and there I am browsing through the selection. They only had maybe a dozen styles total, but every one was fantastic, right from this casual design (which came in an aqua combo and a baby pink combo as well as this lime mix) to very dressy heels. These were only $45! I'd never heard of this brand before, but they have some awesome styles: http://www.gottaflurt.com/en/index.asp. Love the Habit, the Stoned, and the Tread.
The earrings: Found these (and another pair of earrings, and a necklace, AND a leather purse) in a little gift shop boutique. These also came in purple and yellow, as well as another style with a butterfly, but I liked the orange roses best. They were only $7.95 and are light as air.
So good to be home! I need a nap.
Seriously, that would have been awesome. A pink knight!
A good figure, but the eyes are not quite right. More liner on the top lid and push the flesh colour up on the bottom so that the pupil is not so suspended. Her hair is really good - good colours.
On the ferry:Sparkly water! It was so hot on Friday that even being outside on the ferry was lovely (it's usually freezing - that's Pacific Ocean there).
Sunset, looking back at home (well, sort of - home is very much south, and this is looking west).
My brother-in-law's rose bush - the roses were just gorgeous and smelled incredible. There is just something about roses on the plant versus from the florist that I love.The Wall of Death:
Those are all animals he's hunted - I've eaten some of them. On the left, a big set of moose antlers, 3 deer antlers on the top, and a mountain goat's horns in the middle. Various deer antlers off on the right side (under the crossbow). There's a rifle at the very top, and yes, that's a necklace with some sort of small animal skull and teeth. But see? A vase with red roses. Whatta guy!
A close-up of the big rack of moose antlers. We ate some of this moose (several years ago) and the b-i-l cooked us up some fantastic moose steaks on the BBQ last night for dinner from his most recent moose (from last year). You haven't done organic until you've done wild game!
This is a cougar skull. The b-i-l found it and cleaned it up - he wouldn't kill a cougar unless it was about to eat him, I'm sure.
L and I went for a hike yesterday:
Me in my new Keds ($39.99 on sale plus an extra 30% off), jungle print blouse (Jacob), cream cotton cami (Vero Moda, Plum), khaki shorts (Point Zero, Plum), wooden earrings, necklace and bracelet. Always have to be fully accessorized! My legs look very muscly.
View to the west from the top of the hill (it's called a mountain, but it only took 30 minutes to hike up it, so it's a hill):
View to the north: View to the east:
View to the south:We saw this little guy rustling around on the way back down and stopped to see if we could get a picture - he was fearless! He came right on over. Baby squirrel, for those of you who are city-folk. Funny little white patch over his eye.
He got within 3 feet of us (this tree was an arm's length away from me):
Hee, what a funny pose!
I look in pain in this picture - and I am! I had a collision with Karen on the Ultimate field which resulted in her coming down on the inside of my left ankle and grating along it with her cleats. My ankle is pretty puffy and sore and is bruising up nicely. It's not internally sore at the ankle, so I think there's no sprain, just surface damage.
However, my calf pulled in compensation, so it's been really stiff and sore. I'm taking it easy and not doing my walk today - don't want to hurt myself.
With the accessories on: I got this scarf years ago, to go with a green dress from Jacob that I used to have (it was a size 14 - I've since given it away). It's a very vivid shade of green and the embroidery is shades of peach, so it's tricky to match with things. I think it's pretty close with this.
A close-up of the goods:
Boy, green really doesn't come out well with this camera. It's much more vivid.
Anyway. Isn't this the cutest little purse? It's soft and lined with satin. It was about $12 at Plum, about a year ago, I think.
And that's Dad's ring. It was given to me straight off his hand, as he laid in a coma after his heart attack. I feel close to him when I wear it - and since the play Mom and I saw was about family (moms, teenagers, husbands, fathers), I knew we'd be thinking about our him. Only appropriate that he should be there.
L joined us for dinner at the pub across the street after. What a lovely evening.
This outfit was made by the accessories, particularly the yellow flower. I bought this to put on my black cloche hat (for Robert & Desiree's wedding all those years ago), and just forgot I owned it. I also forgot about this bracelet. It's really heavy. I have a necklace that matches these earrings, too, but it was a bit too much up at the neckline with the flower.
Ahem, note to Carollyne: I am allowed to wear my shoes more than once, m'dear. So, yes, I did wear the dragon shoes twice in two weeks. Tough beans!