Friday, February 2, 2024

Casual Friday: Distracting From the Stupid

Surprise! It's a quick Casual Friday post so as not to distract from the festivities I'll be sharing with you later on this weekend. 
That's not the "distraction" in the post title, though, nor is it the "stupid." 

  • Shirt - Pant-Man, vintage 70s, thrifted; last worn here in March 2023 with culottes
  • Dress - Magic Yous, consignment; last seen here in October 2023 with some blues
  • Shoes - Summertime Moonbeams, Fluevog, consignment; last worn here in December 2023 with shoulder pads and corduroy
  • Eclipse coat (below) - Welsh, consignment; last seen here in December 2023

Poor L is sick with a nasty sinus thing - he complimented me on my outfit when I got home. "You look nice!"
But I thought you hated this dress? Personally, I love it - it's fuzzy, like long velvet, almost plush. Very tactile. 

"It's the top - it's distracting from the stupid of the dress." 
Oh, very clear now, I see. Well, sickie, take some more cold medication and go back to sleep.

I wear what I want...even if I'm a little blurry.
I was slammed at work again - WTF, Fridays? This seems wrong! Fridays should be quiet! 

I left work early and have a bit of extra time, so you, Gentle Reader, get an extra post while I make myself a late lunch/early dinner at home.
And L sleeps/watches Netflix. Unfortunately, no fun for him snoozing with Vizzini.

It was a lovely day - I didn't really need such a heavy coat, or the scarf, or even the gloves. 

  • Scarf - Daniel La Foret, vintage mall, gift from L
  • Gloves - Principles, thrifted

The stuff: 
Good clomping shoes - I'm noisy in the wooden heels/platform. 

  • Cuff - vintage mall, gift from L
  • Brass cuff - Midzo, vintage expo
  • Brass horoscope necklace - Mexican, vintage 70s, Mom's
  • Earrings - thrifted
  • Brass rings - vintage 70s, vintage mall

Okay, off to have a very fun adventure! 


  1. Hi Sheila- I'm loving that coat! And that vintage scarf is so good. How wonderful that you have a vintage mall out there- we don't have that here!

  2. Hugs to you babe. I like the top with the dress!

  3. Hoping by the time you see this (if you read comments on Saturday morning) that L is greatly improved!
    Your dress reminds me of a dress I have that was a similar length. When Fred was in the hospital I kept a running blog for family and there are numerous photos. We were rereading the blog last week and upon seeing the photo of me in the dress I grimaced…it’s way too long for my proportions plus I no longer wear heels. End result, I hemmed it just a few days ago and am tickled with the result; it’s like having a new jammy dress!
    Well, that was a digression but all due to the dress in this post. :)
    Here’s to a wonderful weekend, L feeling better, and sunshine!
    Cheers, Laurie

    1. Thank you, Laurie! He had to miss our big event, unfortunately, but is feeling better today/Saturday. Hmmm...maybe I should hem my dress? Although I like this length with a bit of a heel, so there's that. A good option to think about for when I have to give up heels entirely! Happy weekend, my dear!

  4. I really love that coat too-looks very Welsh, woollen, and warm🙂✨

  5. Oh, don't get sick too! There is a flu going on here, so many people are sick. We are going for a walk in nature today, that will increase our immune system. Enjoy your Sunday.

  6. I'm sorry to hear L. has a nasty sinus bug, and I'm hoping he's not giving it to you!
    The first thing I thought when you mentioned L. complimented you on your outfit was, I thought he hated the dress! He has a point that it looks fantastic with that blouse!
    I had a kind of WTF Friday too, by the way. I'll be glad to be rid of them soon!
    Can't wait to read about your weekend adventures! xxx

  7. Fuzzy is good - it sounds soft and cosy, and at this time of year soft and cosy is good.

    I hope L's sinus bug clears up soon. (I thought I had one, but it turned out to be covid - I hope it's not the same for him.)

  8. Awww, I'm sorry L wasn't well. I hope he's feeling loads better now.
    I thought the same, I remember you mentioning that he hated that dress when you got it. Fuzzy and plush-like sounds like a warm hug, you can't go wrong with that! xxx


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