Hey! What a nice relaxing weekend I've had. L and I had no plans, so we've mostly hung out together and chilled. "Chilled" being an accurate way to describe the weather - it's been trying to snow for the last two days! Of course, this is Victoria - there's no one on the streets, even though the snow's not sticking. Must be all inside watching the Olympics closing ceremony (way to go, Canada!).
So you get the casual side of me, outfit-wise.
My casual involved flowered shoes and leather. This is what I wore out to brunch at Floyd's with L. Minor rant here: Good golly, people, don't wear your yoga pants in public as trousers! I was horrified at the extent of the "I give up" fashion on the streets of Victoria yesterday. We can do better!
I adore this lumpy green sweater, even though it doesn't do much for me. It's a "wear around the house" piece now. Make room in the closet for something else! I last wore it
here (2nd outfit) to see Blue Rodeo in January.
The skirt is a crackle-texture leather one that I found in the St. Vincent de Paul a couple of years ago. It makes me think of Indiana Jones. I last wore it
here in October 2013 with a sleeveless jacket.
I have a long-sleeved olive tee layered under the sweater for warmth, along with brown tights and knee-high striped socks slouched down.
Mouth-breathing due to allergies |
The Doc Martens are a treasure! Patti, you need to get these! I last wore them with this green sweater (
same link as above) in January.
Speaking of Patti, linking up to "
Visible Monday" over at
Not Dead Yet Style, with my ecclectic outfit.
Outerwear shot:
"I stalk in like a boss." |
Vizzini has been very happy that we're home. Much cuddling and playtime for kitty!
The stuff:
I wore the same stuff all weekend. I'm so lazy...
Jacket (Le Chateau), sweater (Wilfred, thrifted), skirt (no label, thrifted), boots (Doc Martens, consignment), scarf/gloves (Parkhurst), toque (Danier), cuff (SkinZnHydez), earrings (local).
L wanted to go look at music after brunch, so I popped downstairs to a vintage store I don't usually visit (the last time I was there they didn't have much and were only taking cash), Lovely Things Vintage.
I had better luck this time, finding this classic early 80s polyester disco dress:
It doesn't look like much on the hanger, but it's hugely flattering on. The skirt is very twirly. It has ties that start at the shoulders and tie in the back. There are little thread loops for a belt, but no belt - it was probably a "self-belt" (i.e. in the same fabric as the dress).
I liked this detail, which is something you never see in dresses anymore:
That little tab actually has a penny sewn inside it - it's attached to the inside bottom of the cowl at the back of the dress, so that the cowl stays draped perfectly. Kind of like how Coco Chanel always sewed a chain into her hems so they would hang just right.
I love vintage labels!
From what I can find on the interwebs, the Xanadu Dress Company started in 1980 and dissolved in 2000 (for "non-compliance" - sounds ominous), so my guess is accurate. I also note that the sizing of 11-12 is before the Great Size Shift of the 80s, which was in the latter part of that decade, so even more evidence that this is early 80s. I like that it's made in Canada. I paid $28.00 for this.
Today, despite the snow (all day...still snowing...still not sticking), I ventured down to Fairfield to check out My Sister's Closet. I haven't been there since early December 2013, when I had such good luck with the Hostess,
here. It's such a good consignment store, I have to limit myself to going once every 2-3 months, or I'd be broke. Seriously good stuff and very reasonable prices.
I dressed for both the weather and shopping.
I've decided I don't like this dress anymore - it's in the giveaway pile now. I just don't love it, and I should love the items in my closet! (Oh, and I need room for new clothes, heh heh).
I last wore it
here in January, with suede layered over it.
Same layered tee under it, some boring tights, a floral scarf for warmth. The over-the-knee boots were last seen here a couple of weeks ago with leather and leopard.
Ready to shop!
Jacket (Danier, thrifted), dress (Eric Alexandre), boots (Pegabo), toque (Wooden Ships), gloves (Parkhurst), fur scarf (Danier, thrifted), silk scarf (Ralph Lauren).
I had some excellent shopping karma! I'm also armed with the big fat spring editions of the fashion magazines, and I'm thinking about what I like and don't like in Spring Fashin.
A trend I like: metallic fabrics. And here we go with this awesome skirt that was on the clearance rack:
It was marked down to $19.98, then had an extra 25% off, so it was $14.98.
It's a stiff taffeta in gun-metal grey. Shiny without being overly glare-y, if you get my drift.
A more accurate colour depiction |
It's by Pink Tartan - even the buttons say "Pink Tartan".
I try not to be a brand snob - I believe that you should always go for the best quality and fit you can find, period - but I have been guilty of passing along on an item when I'm iffy on it, if it's a "fast fashion" brand like H&M.
I fell hard for this amazing print on this H&M (yes!) dress. Pastels and florals are trending heavily for spring, so I'm looking for ways to incorporate this into my style. I love a good floral print, and couldn't resist this dress.
A great mix of colours that I'll be able to match with purples, aquas and yellows. This dress is fully-lined, has pockets (yay!) and will be a fun piece to wear. This dress was on the clearance rack, marked down to $29.98 with an extra 25% off, so $22.50.
Look what else I found on the clearance rack!
Again, with the metallic look, but also with some of this Spring's de-constructed shapes. The evolution of shape in fashion is coming around to a tricky one, with very little in the way of a defined waist (my classic look). I'm all about doing my own thing, but I also don't want to look stale or stuck in an era, so I have been keeping an eye out for looser pieces that I can incorporate into my style.
This top is by Michael Kors, and as you can see it hasn't ever been worn. Tags on and everything!
And there's another reason why you should ignore size. I'm not an XS in much, but an oversized t-shirt shape? Why not? It fit! This top was marked down to $28.98 and with the extra 25% off, came to $21.75. Not bad for a top that started at $195!
I love the little fat pouffy skirts that some designers are rolling out. These are meant to be worn with a cropped top (erm, not really my thing, but never say never!), or a longer layer over them. I loved the heavy satin of this skirt - it has pockets too!
Excellent details on this, from the aforementioned pockets, to the sewn line details along the hem, to the double closure at the back of the waist: a hook/eye, plus these wonderful sparkly rhinestone buttons:
So sweet. Little hidden details like this ring my bell.
I didn't know the brand name at all, but Quillaree seems to be owned by Urban Outfitters and sold in Anthropolgie stores (which we don't have here).
I'm sure it originally sold for more than the $11.50 I paid for it!
Remember that whole "never say never" thing about cropped tops? Heh, well, I found an awesome cropped top that I think I'll be able to wear to update my Spring looks. I was careful to look for a top that hit at my waistline, and that wouldn't drown me (or make me look too booby! It's all very complicated).
Colour blown out to show the construction |
It's a black top made from looping "laces" - it's a huge amount of work to sew this together. It's sort of like Battenburg lace, which is a "tape" lace. I was shocked to see that this was a Forever 21 piece - it was also very reasonably priced at $16.98.
Spring continues with the heavily embellished and richly printed textures, so this black top will work great in my wardrobe.
I couldn't put this gorgeous polyester chiffon...flowered...paisley...sheer!...ruffled!...pleated! shirt back on the rack. It's also by CAbi, which I've found is a good quality brand (washable too).
This is a black/grey and white print - and ooh, look at the pleated loose cuffs! So fun! This was $19.98, and will be a good layering piece for me.
Midi skirts are all the rage (again! how these things come around), and are being paired with cropped tops. They are also a key piece in the "long over long" looks that are appearing. When I saw this flowy caramel skirt, my breath caught.
It's a silk/cotton blend, has pockets, and is beautifully sewn. It also came with a gorgeous leather belt (which will not live with it - that needs to go in my regular belt collection).
I started digging in the seams for tags and labels:
"Boss Orange" is what the tag on the left says; the tag on the right says it's a US size 2 (oh, no, you are so not!).
A little shell button at the hem also said "Boss Orange."
Who is this Boss Orange? I never heard of him!
Oh, wait a sec:
Hugo Boss! I
have heard of that brand. This skirt was $23.50, which I think is pretty good.
Here's a shocker for me: pants!
Specifically, red and white polka dot pants! I usually don't even look at pants in second-hand stores. They're a pain to try on (I usually have tights on), and I just don't wear them that often. But polka dots!
I am not familiar with this brand either, nor do I know what size 40 is.
Apparently, she's a Canadian designer based in Paris, and her clothes have been worn a lot by the Duchess of York (there are a lot of pictures of her when I'm looking for my red polka dot pants).
My pants were made in France and were $18.98. Although the look for trousers for Spring is cropped (these are cropped), pants are structured flowy and loose on the body. Me and flowy? Bad news. But these pants are a slim cut, and remind me of pin-up girls. Now, there's a look I can get into!
Oops, nearly forgot: I found a necklace!
This was $14.98 - it's very heavy, but has no marks on it anywhere. It's quite well-made and features all kinds of animals (seriously: elephant, cows, horses, a snake, rabbits, some guy milking a cow...it's totally random).
I like the tiger heads holding the chain.
I don't really do flat oxfords, but I really liked these blue and brown Fly Girl shoes:
These were $32.95 and they are perfectly broken in.
What have you spotted for spring? What trends are you liking/loathing? You'll never catch me in a jumpsuit (again!), InStyle!