Sunday, May 9, 2010

Never Seen - Tops!

Now we venture into the world of vintage tops.

I found this top in a vintage store in the late 80s/early 90s. The store (which no longer exists) used to re-cut and restyle actual vintage tops into "modern" looks:
I kind of wish this was in its original state, because the pattern is pretty awesome. It's been cropped and made into a double-breasted style. However, it does still have its original label:
I think it's from the 60s.

Heh, this is how I used to wear it, over a black dress:
It's time for some 80s dancing!

L bought me this vest for Christmas one year, shortly after we got married, I think:
It's from Past Times, which used to be a catalogue-only shopping experience only in the pre-internet days.

I'm holding it tight at my back in the above picture, because it's a bit big on me now:
I used to wear that with a shiny gold satin circle skirt.

This jacket is one of my treasured possessions:
Okay, now that we've done some more 80s dancing...this belonged to my Dad. He wore it when he was in a dance band and played gigs when he and Mom were first married (1965). I acquired it out of his closet around 1984 and wore it as above. This is the original boyfriend jacket!

I love the purple interior (only the sleeves and the upper body are lined):Isn't C.I.L. a paint brand?

I found this top in a vintage shop around 1998-99:
Wow, it actually looks pretty good. Maybe I should wear it? The bow is removeable, but I like it - it reminds me of Barbra Streisand. The bow is attached with snap fasteners under the shoulder part of the collar.

I love the sailor back on it:
Heh, I see a kitty's ear.

Here's the label:
According to this, that makes this top early 60s. I was working retail (i.e. I was poor) when I bought it, and vaguely recall it might have been on a $5 rack.

That's it! I don't have very many vintage or old tops. Hope you enjoyed them.


  1. Love that vest, beautiful floral pattern. What a great jacket from your Dad too!

  2. I think I've seen the Mr. Mort label before. Love the kitty ear lurking in your photo.

  3. You have got to put that sailor top back into circulation Sheila !
    I love, love, love it!
    What a great bow.... WOW
    Now, seriously, when are you wearing it ?

  4. I enjoyed seeing them!

    I was just talking to my husband about the days of catalogs, because for the most part, the concept now seems so old fashioned. I remember waiting with anticipation for the new JCPenney and Sears catalogs to show up so I could drool over the school clothes I'd never get. ;)

  5. You dad's band jacket and that awesome Barbra Streisand tie top are hands-down my favorites. I think you could find a way to wear that top.

  6. Thanks, Northmoon! I adore my dad's jacket.

    Thanks, Alison.

    Wendy, yeah, it's a pretty common one. Hee, kitty ear.

    Lorena, I just may do that. I do worry about the fragile quality of vintage clothing, though. I don't want to seat in them or get pen on it.

    pear, I'm so glad. :) I loved Sears' catalogue as a kid!

    Kristen, I think you and Lorena are right!


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