Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Thurs, Apr 30/09 - A Long Cream Sweater Fenced In

This is actually the identical sweater to the black long one I found on consignment last year! It's a wool blend and I found it in a thrift store for $11.
Did the "fence" belt again, but then added my favourite brown pencil skirt (the Heather skirt), blue shirt and shoes. I have issues with this shirt since a) it requires ironing and I hate ironing and b) it shows pit stains. Sorry to be crude, but that's the reality, and man, I hate having a dark wet stain in the armpit when I'm wearing a nice shirt. And I do really like the colour.

The stuff:
These are the most comfortable shoes.

I started feeling sick on this no Casual Friday for this cowgirl. I stayed home - nasty cold. Not swine flu or H1N1, fortunately.

Cardigan (Express, thrifted), blouse (Plum), skirt (Suzy Shier, gift from Heather), belt (gift from Mom), shoes (Seychelles), necklace (Plum).


  1. Im in love with this belt. I'm pretty sure I need something like it

  2. Your belt and shoes are making me lightheaded with their fabulousness. Must go elevate feet...

  3. I like it too, Kaylyn, I just wish it was a better quality. I think it will end up breaking where I buckle it. Cheap material.

    Thanks, Tina!

  4. Those are really cool shoes, love the details!


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