Thursday, May 28, 2009

Not Feelin' the Love - Coral and Pattern

Edit: I just realized a day later that I forgot to title this post. D'oh!

I've been trying to wear stuff I haven't worn for a while, rather than always wanting to wear new (to me) things. This skirt and thin sweater are two things that I used to wear a lot.

I think I am tired of them.

Inigo was standing right beside me a second before the camera went off, which is why my pose is odd. But I'm too lazy to take another picture.

The stuff:
Love the shoes, "meh" on the jewelry.

Is it Friday yet?

Sweater (Esprit), skirt (Vero Moda), belt (Bianca Nygaard), shoes (Qutie), necklace & earrings (Caracol).


  1. That is one reason I started a blog, to force myself to use everything in my closet. I was wearing favorites all the time. And I decided it was time to give all items equal treatment :)

  2. To me the outfit looks fresh, including the jewellery especially with the skirt.

  3. You might be tired of them..but yum...I am loving that skirt..

    And shoes...girl, I love your wedge shoes, I am in envy!!

  4. I love the whole outfit! And I think it's cute that the kitty got in the pic!

  5. Hmmm, I LOVE that skirt. And I take donations. ;)

  6. Sorry to hear that you are tired of these. You look great. And even if the jewelry isn't your fave, I think the shapeof the necklace really pulls together the design on the skirt.

    And oh yeah, those shoes are fab!

  7. It is finally Friday! I for one, love this skirt. :)

  8. i love this skirt! um...its going on my list!

  9. I love that skirt - you should wear it more.

  10. Oh, you guys are so nice. I may give the skirt another wear, but more likely I'll just consign it and find something I like more.

    Sher, I really want to have a wardrobe full of things that I love...and I'm just not feeling it for some things. So why keep 'em?

    Thanks, Mervat!

    Erin, thank you. I love the shoes! They are going nowhere!

    Thanks, Christy - yeah, I can't resist my kitty.

    Sal, you tempt me - it's just very limiting for what to wear with it.

    Tina, it's okay. I've worn it about 5-6 times and it's just "Oh, this again." I do love the necklace. The shoes are favourites.

    Yay! Thanks, Kaylyn!

    Diane, what list is this? The "trade shoes for skirt" list? ;)

    Jane, thanks...we'll see.

    Wendy, thank you!

  11. Kitty sharks! Kitty sharks! I love it when the sharks circle.
    Oh, and I think you look great, the colors go with your hair very nicely.

  12. Ha, I like that expression, lorrwill! Thanks!

  13. I love the coral's that out now. You look great! But, I totally understand being tired of something.

  14. I love coral (I wore more oranges today), but just not this skirt. I actually consigned it over the weekend with a bunch of other stuff for $60.


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