I was tagged by
nurmisur the other day with one of those thingies where you reveal "seven things you never knew you wanted to know about me". I like talking about myself so I'll do it - if any of you feel the urge to participate, please do!
1. I worked in retail for 17 years before I switched to office work (what I do now), and 11 of those years were spent in a year-round Christmas store. My title was Number 1 Elf. I loved it - I got to decorate all the trees (we had over 20 in the store), do the window displays (3 huge windows), go on buying trips, train the staff and of course, help the customers.
2. Due to my early career, I loathe Christmas carols. We played them from May until December every year. I cannot listen to a Christmas album and I always try to shop for Christmas gifts before the stores start playing the music. Ack! Turn it off!
3. Also due to my early career, I learned to be very outgoing (I was terribly shy as a child) and I am charming as hell in person. My entire family (brother, mom and my dad, before he died) possess this quality. People really like us, and we're pretty funny.
4. However, I have very few close friends. My best friend and I rarely see each other - Janet's been my friend since I was 13 and we have been through it all together, but we have our own lives. When we do see each other, it's like putting on a soft sweater: warm and familiar. I have some tight women friends (a core group of about 3) and some great guy friends (L's friends, who have become my friends), who all know me well, but I'm not super close with people. I don't call, I don't write and unless it's an organized event, I don't see them. The internet/blogging suits me well...I like the distance.
5. I prefer to be alone. I am perfectly happy to be on my own for long stretches. I do not need the company of other people. I love being home alone, reading, playing on the computer, watching movies, and I don't require someone with me. Luckily, I am married to someone who appreciates this - we each keep our own interests, but we still do stuff together.
6. I like going to movies by myself. The first movie I ever saw by myself was "The Princess Bride" on my 19th birthday. It was opening weekend, and the theatre was packed. I sat on the aisle (my favourite spot) and there was a seat empty beside me. A lady asked me if it and the two seats beside it were taken - when I said no, she said (very loudly), "Oh my god, you're here by YOURSELF? Maybe this nice young man here would like to sit with you?", pointing to a guy sitting behind me. Oh, the humiliation.
7. I am a total geek, nerd, dork, what-have-you. I own a standing cardboard cut-out of a stormtrooper. I was a member of the Star Trek Fan Club. I love fantasy and science fiction, even the crappy stuff. I play Dungeons and Dragons. I have a full book shelf dedicated to J.R.R. Tolkien. I play Magic: The Gathering card game (we have binders full of cards). Okay, now I have to kill you - this paragraph will self-destruct in
Made you look.