Sunday, April 26, 2009

10K Race

The race today was good - the weather was perfect: sunny with no wind and just a bit of coolness in the air. Here I am at 7 am:
My standard race gear for races.

And here I am at the end, exhausted.

Whew! My time wasn't as good as last year's (which was 1 hour and 7 minutes), but at 1 hour 14 minutes, I'm still pretty happy with it. I'm sure I'll be sore tomorrow.

Just so you know, I WALKED the race - I race walk (yes, that silly thing with the hip wiggle). I think I won a silver medal. I'll find out in the next couple of days (results weren't ready, as they had to review the course monitors' notes and disqualify people who ran in the Competitive Walk category - the monitors record the numbers of anyone wearing a pink number who is running, and bump them into the Running category.

Fingers crossed!


  1. Wow this is awesome! I hope you get the medal! Keep us posted.

  2. congratulations. i was thinking of you while I was watching the London Marathon footage last night.

  3. Congrats! Keep us posted so we know if you got your silver medal!

  4. Great job!!!!!
    I like the idea of race/ ya got to love the wiggles!!

  5. Congratulations! Your story is so inspirational.

    I should tell you that reading your blog inspired me to try to find another motivating factor besides just "weight loss" to lose weight and get into shape. I need a goal, and you seem to have so many.

    So, for the last 4 weeks, I have been training to hike the Grand Canyon on 9/24. We're booked/reserved and ready mentally to go. Physically, let's just say that I am in training. My husband and I have done two 3+ hour hikes (one with 15 lbs in my pack Saturday. I can't hike every day, so I am training on a treadmill at a 15 degree incline 5 days/week. I did a 2200 vertical climb in 61 minutes Sunday. I add the backpack w/ 10lbs tonight for the first time on the treadmill.

    All this to say, thanks for being an inspiration.

  6. I think its really awesome that you do this've even inspired me to look into taking taking some kind of self defense do aikido right? i think i may try that or karate...
    The point is you're awesome, hope you get the medal :-)

  7. You did a great job! I hope you get the medal.

  8. AW, great job! I'm glad it went well and that you may have gotten a medal is a real bonus. I hope you're not too sore.

  9. Way to go She!! So proud! I'm in for next year.

  10. Congratulations on walking a great race! Way to go. Fingers crossed for the medal!

  11. I'm still waiting to hear about the medal (but I'm having email/computer issues, so I may have missed something).

    Thanks, Hillary!

    Thanks, Jane - I don't think I'll do another marathon (not for a while, anyway).

    Thanks, Tina, will do.

    Erin, thanks! The wiggle's so good for your hips and back - it's really a full core workout.

    Thanks, Lain! I'm so pleased to have inspired you to set a goal and work on your health. I love that you're doing the Grand Canyon! My mom and dad did that about 20 years ago - it's tough! That's a rigourous training schedule - be really careful of your knees (listen to your body) with all the incline work.

    Thanks so much, Diane. Yes, I do aikido (it's very hard, but I like it) - try something new!

    Thanks, Sher!

    Alison, I'm still sore, but it's a good sore, you know? Thanks so much.

    Cat, thanks, hon! Would love to have you with me next year!

    Thanks, Christy - fingers crossed.

  12. Hi Sheila, sorry I haven't been around much at all lately. So proud to see you doing a 10K! Amazing!

    I hope all is well in general.

  13. Hey, Tristan! Good to see you! I'm doing well, thanks. :)


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