Monday, July 27, 2009

Red Hot - and Welcome, Sydney!

Oh, it is very, very hot out this week. I am a delicate West Coast flower - I wilt in this. Bleh.
Went shopping on the weekend and got this top - I love the colours. Pulled in all my reds and oranges to go with.

The stuff:
The orange shoes that make my toes look weird. "Do these make my toes look long?"

The "Welcome" is to my newest niece, Sydney, who was born this morning. Welcome to the world, sweetie! She's got long fingers like her auntie.

Blouse (Bianca Nygard, consignment), cami (Esprit), skirt (Kensie), shoes (Enzo Angiolini, consignment), wood jewelry (Oscar & Libby's), bead bracelet (Plum).


  1. Congrats on the new niece, I bet she is lovely.
    I guess you're having all the warm weather because here we're still under 27 ºC with rain.
    Love the top you bought.

  2. I've got a couple pair of toe-elongating shoes, too! Love the orange. You are the queen of color.

  3. Fun top and accessories! And congrats on the new niece!

  4. Congratulations - I have a nephew called Sidney! His sister is Georgia!
    Love the colours today.

  5. Great colours! And could htere be a more perfect name than Sydney? I think not ;)

    Congratulations Aunty Sheila!

  6. Thanks, Wendy!

    Nurmisur, she's...a baby. They all look alike to me. :) I would love cool weather and rain right now! Thanks!

    Sal, thanks so much!

    Alison, I love these colours too - they are my favourites, easily. I wish this heat wave would end!

    watergirl, thanks!

    Jane - it's such a cool name. Thank you!

    Mervat, thanks! We have a town called Sidney (different spelling) near here too.


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