Thursday, February 29, 2024

Mom-Day Adventure: Lochside Trail in a Puffa, and a Wee Shop

Welcome back - it's another Mom-Day, this time revisiting a stretch along the Lochside Trail near Mattick's Farm (we last went there back here in September 2023).
It was sunny with a few clouds, after a full day and night of rain, but quite cold, especially in the wind - we're still in single digits. Good to see you, Mom! 

Layers were the key - I always know I'm going to be cold. 
Nothing new in my outfit - all remixed from favourite things in my closet. 

  • Acid wash denim vest - Chiqle, thrifted; last worn here with chrysanthemums in August 2023
  • Sweater - Nygard, thrifted; first worn here in January under a plaid coat-dress
  • Skirt - Soaked in Luxury; last seen here with orange and gold for a Mom-Day in December 2023
  • Boots - Original Sabado, Fluevog; last worn here for our Mom-Day at Ross Bay Cemetery earlier this month
  • Coat (below) - Donna Karan, consignment; last seen here in January

This is an easy formula - and swap out a band/graphic tee for the black mock-neck sweater and it's ready for spring. 
I only looked like this while we had lunch at Floyd's Diner afterwards. 

Both Bree and Hannah (servers we've met many times) were so happy to see us! 
It's nice to be regulars, and sweet to be missed! 

This skirt has been a good purchase, as has the acid-wash vest.
I felt very funky in it, and very me.

Outerwear. Gotta stay warm - bust out the puffa! 
Puffa = Puffer. I know, I can barely keep track of the hep, groovy and cool changes in slang. 

I really wanted a more colourful scarf, but opted for warmth. 

  • Purse - no label, consignment
  • Scarf - Pierre Cardin, vintage, Mom's
  • Gloves - Parkhurst

The stuff: 
Easy boots for an easy stroll. 

Amber stuff: 
Hannah was fascinated by all my jewelry, so I gave her a "tour". This is one of my favourite collections of amber (and amber-coloured glass). 

  • Snakeskin belt - Yves Saint Laurent, vintage 80s, thrifted
  • Chunky amber/silver bracelet - consignment
  • Thin amber/silver bracelet - thrifted
  • Silver/amber earrings - vintage 1920s, vintage mall, gift from L
  • Glass/metal necklace - vintage 1920s, vintage mall, gift from L
  • Silver/smoky topaz ring - Anneli Neuman, Sweden, vintage mall
  • Steel/brass ring - Powell River; purchased here for $18.99
  • Silver/amber thumb ring - consignment
  • Silver/amber ring (not shown, forgot to take it off) - Past Times, gift from L
  • Metal/glass bangle - R&G, vintage 1920s, vintage mall

Oh, there we go, I did wear something new after all - the ring I bought in Powell River a few weeks back.

And now, a lovely stroll along the Lochside Trail, a commute route for bikes, a riding path, walking trail and general busy byway. 
If you like long tunnels of trees, have I got some pics for you! 

It smelled damp and green. 
The rains help - we need them. 

I spied this fat robin sitting on a branch. 
The tree with the thin branches and tiny blooms is a native plant - Mom was thrilled to see it out. 

"It's spring when that flowers!" 
Never mind that, Mom - that robin is looking right at me! 

Towering wispy trees. 
The last time we were here, it was a verdant canopy over our heads. 

This moss really is that bright. 
Gorgeous texture. 

I spied a duck paddling along in a flooded ditch. 
I see you!

I noticed a bunch of leaves flying around, seemingly of their own volition. 
Then we noticed this bird flipping leaves about. 

Digging for worms? It didn't look like it - maybe trying to find the perfect sticks for her spring nest? 
She's got a red eye and she's spotted me! Uh-oh. 

Wow, this is a cool-looking dandelion. Radial symmetry! 
"I have seven kinds of dandelion in my lawn," said Mom. 

Sorry for the slightly blurry pic - it was hard getting down to the ground in the cold. 
Wild violets! Mom was tickled to see them. 

I caught my breath. 
It's a HORSE!! 

I asked to take this gent's picture. The horse's name is Foxy and she has two blue eyes (very unusual, apparently). 
Hi, Foxy! Your legs are very dirty. 

Bye, Foxy! The gentleman doesn't own her - he pays to ride. 
We don't see too many horses on our adventures! 

Time to turn around - I'm hungry! 
Mom insists on doing the turn-around. It's the former World Masters race-walker in her! 

I love this view. 
It was starting to get cloudy. 

Are we there yet? 
Seems so far away. 

Some lingering snowdrops and some sort of yellow-tipped plant. 
Also ivy - I know ivy. 

These skinny beeches are so dramatic. 
Almost at the car, where we were greeted by a cutting wind. Yikes! 

Mom at Floyd's, showing off her Celtic ring (bought in England) and paua shell and silver necklace from New Zealand. 
The painting behind her of the orcas was done by a student in one of her classes in her teaching days - Chloe, the daughter of Petr (owner of Floyd's), did this more than 20 years ago. 

After a lovely lunch, I hopped the bus to town, stopping on my way at the WIN Boutique where stock was sparse. I guess they're clearing out winter for spring stock. 

I did fall for these cotton/Lycra stretchy tiger-print trousers. 
They're a bit big on me, and also a bit short in the legs. Neither are things I overly mind. 

They're by Jones New York Sport, and I'd guess they are from the early oughts. 
They were $19.95 - I was surprised that all of the prices have gone up. These would have been $14.95 a month ago. Still, they retailed for $69.00, so I can't be complaining! 

I put them in the wash bag right away, as their previous owner liked her perfume, and noticed that they'd been hemmed. 
Oh, awesome, I can make them longer!

The hem is raw, and the press marks will come out when I wash them. 
You know me, I like my raggedy edges! Looking forward to seeing how these do after a wash. 

"Always be upgrading" is one of my mottos for shopping, and this new dark red turtleneck is a good quality upgrade of my current one, which is both ball-y and pits-y. 
I like the wide waistband and long cuffs. 

It's by Betty Barclay and was $11.95. 
Someone cut the content tags out, but it feels like viscose. It's also in the wash - same perfume-y former owner. 

I browsed the book selection and found this original print 1984 book of comedic essays by Nora Ephron. 
"Crazy Salad, Plus Nine"  - I like the description. "Fresh, Delightful Essays on Minks and Men, Breasts and the Media. Okay! 

The reviews are raves.
For a $1.95, I'm interested to see how funny these are 40 years later! 

And now, my friends, I'm off for the weekend. Enjoy your time, and thank you so much for stopping by. I'll be back on Sunday with tales of adventure! See you then! 


  1. I'm craving sunshine, so I was happy to enjoy some vicariously through your post.
    Your skirt is such a delight, and looks absolutely perfect with the black mock-neck jumper and acid wash vest. Your amber stuff is amazing - I particularly love the necklace and the chunky bracelet - so no wonder Hannah was fascinated by it.
    Can't wait to see you rockin' those tiger print trousers! xxx

  2. You are a swoosh of vibrant color in that skirt! The entire outfit, including accessories, looks very comfortable for a day's outing outdoors. Oof, when the sun shines yet the wind blows it can like winter even though in less than three weeks it will be the Spring Equinox!

    Helen I love your plaid coat and the keltic ring! Sheila, nice upgrading with the red turtleneck.

    Here's to the weekend! Cheers, Laurie

    1. This is my default "uniform" these days, it seems! It is comfy and feels very "me".

  3. We haven't been for a walk for weeks as it always rained. But this morning the sun is shining so perhaps tomorrow we can enjoy nature again. Love that skirt, pleats never bore.

  4. I do like tunnels of tall trees, so thanks for that!
    You are clearly going through a tiger phase...I look forward to seeing them!

  5. I'm here! Mum's Day, what a lovely post to return to - I've read all your others, too!
    The skirt is fabulously vibrant, it looks great with the stompy boots and retro waistcoat and your hair is looking particularly good.
    Canadian robins are so different to our British ones, they look very exotic. xxx


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