This was an easy outfit. I love these pants - they fit perfectly and I feel very tall and empowered in them (especially with a funky shoe). And the style and colour of this blouse is so pretty. I rarely wear it since it always needs ironing, but I tell myself that no one notices the creases. Ha!

It was rainy today, so I did the straight hair for a switch.
Today's jewelry selection is brought to you by Grandma J and Mom. I liberated the bracelet from Mom's jewelry box some time in the 80s - I love the colour (it matches the blouse, which refuses to show its colour accurately in photos), and that it's curved to cup the wrist, kind of like an inner tube (although that sounds weird). It has no marks on it, but I'd guess it's the late 50s/early 60s. There's a row of the green moonstone-type of stones, then a row of green crystals, then the middle row of large moonstone stones. Sorry the photo's blurry - I was in a hurry to get to my art class.

The necklace was given to me by Grandma while I was in university the first time, so around 1986. Each link is a leaf and piece of branch - it lays beautifully on the neck. It is marked "Lisner" with a copyright or registered mark (which my research tells me means it's after 1955):

If you Google "Lisner necklace", you'll see that a lot of their styles were organic shapes, flowers and leaves. Mine has no colour accents (which a lot of the ones online seem to have), and the gold colour is wearing off a bit. I know it's not top quality, but it is another piece that I have worn a lot over the last 20+ years.
I know my Grandpa J liked to buy Grandma costume jewelry - I'd like to think that he bought this piece for her. I'd guess it's from the early 60s.
Green ruffled blouse (Esprit), brown plaid pants (Vero Moda), brown belt with jewelled flower (Plum), two-tone peep toe wedges (Unlisted), bracelet (vintage, Mom), necklace (vintage, Grandma J), crystal earrings.
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